Robert LARGE (d.1441)

of London. Mercer.

= Joanna. (

Daughter, Joan = Thomas Eyre(q.v.).

(C.C.R.1476-85 p.192 &

Sons:Robert, Thomas and Richard(q.v.).


6 Feb.1420He, Martin Aleyn(q.v.) and William Rendre(q.v.) were sureties when

Peter Chirche(q.v.) was granted £40 to be held in trust for Alice and

Matilda Shawe. (

1427Warden of the Mercers’ company.


6 May1428He was granted the guardianship of Elizabeth, Alice and Matilda,

daughters of the late Richard Hervy(q.v.).


21 Sep.He was one of those elected Auditors of the accounts of the Chamber and

of the Wardens of LondonBridge.


20 May1429He, John Welles(q.v.), Thomas Bataille(q.v.) and Thomas Osbarn(q.v.)

were sureties when £50 and various goods belonging to William

Bridlington(q.v.) were granted to Robert Osbarn(q.v.).


26 Aug.He was present when John Couper(q.v.) was convicted of adultery with Katherine, wife of Richard Frensshe(q.v.).


21 Sep.Present when William Russe(q.v.) and Ralph Holand(q.v.) were elected

Sheriffs. (

13 Oct.Present when William Estfield(q.v.) was elected Mayor.


31 Oct.He was present when Sir Ralph Wengrave was convicted of adultery with

Mariona Grene(q.v.). (ibid.)

20 Dec.He, Ralph Barton(q.v.), John Bitterden(q.v.) and Richard Osbarn(q.v.)

were appointed to levy the subsidy recently granted by Parliament.


1429-41Alderman of Castle Barnard Ward. (

21 Sep.1430He and Walter Chartsey(q.v.) were elected Sheriffs.


28 Sep.They were sworn at the Guildhall. (ibid.)

30 Sep.They were presented and admitted before the Barons of the Exchequer.


1431Master of the Mercers’ Company. (

21 Sep.Present when John Hatherley(q.v.) and Stephen Browne(q.v.) were

elected Sheriffs. (

13 Oct.Present when John Welles(q.v.) was elected Mayor.


1431-3Auditor of London. (

11 Oct.1432He as present at a meeting of the Common Council.


13 Oct.Present when John Perneys(q.v.) was elected Mayor. (ibid.)

7 Feb.1433Present at a meeting of the Common Council.


21 Sep.He was present when Thomas Chalton(q.v.) and John Lynge(q.v.) were

elected Sheriffs. (

13 Oct.He was present when John Brockley(q.v.) was elected Mayor.


21 Sep.1434He was present when Thomas Bernewell(q.v.) and Simon Eyre(q.v.)

were elected Sheriffs.


13 Oct.He was present when Robert Otley(q.v.) was elected Mayor.


29 Aug.1435He was elected an M.P. for London. (ibid.)

13 Oct.Present when Henry Frowyk(q.v.) was elected Mayor.


1436Master of the Mercers’ Company. (

1 Feb.He was one of those present when Geoffrey Boleyn(q.v.) was allowed

to translate from the Hatters to the Mercers.


21 Sep.He was present when Thomas Morstede(q.v.) and William Gregory(q.v.)

were elected Sheriffs.


26 Apr.1437He was one of those who made an ordinance regarding the places where

foreign bakers had to stand when selling their bread.


13 Oct.He was present when William Estfield(q.v.) was elected Mayor.


1437/8William Caxton(q.v.) became his apprentice.


21 Sep.1438Present when Hugh Dyke(q.v.) and Nicholas Yeo(q.v.) were elected

Sheriffs. (

13 Oct.Present when Stephen Browne(q.v.) was elected Mayor.


13 Oct.1439He was elected Mayor. (ibid.)

28 Oct.He was sworn at the Guildhall. (ibid.)

29 Oct.He was presented, admitted and accepted before the Barons of the

Exchequer. (ibid.)

6 Nov.He and John Chichele(q.v.) granted the guardianship and patrimony of

Thomas, son of Nicholas Bowland, shearman(q.v.), to Richard Birde,

fishmonger(q.v.). (

10 Dec.He and the Aldermen confirmed ordinances of the Bowyers.


13 Jan.1440He and John Chichele(q.v.) discharged John

Trillowe, tallowchandler(q.v.), from serving on juries etc..


13 Jan.He was one of those who approved certain articles submitted by the Writers of the Court Letter for the regulation of their mystery.


13 Jan.He and the Aldermen discharged John Grivet(q.v.) from serving on

juries etc. (ibid.)

28 Feb.Letters patent were issued to him and the Aldermen to summon the

Constables of each Ward and enquire as to the names of householders

who were not Enlish born with the view of levying the tax on such persons

recently granted by Parliament. (ibid.)

15 Mar.He, John Chichele(q.v.) and the Aldermen granted the guardianship and

patrimony of the children of the late Thomas Humberston(q.v.) to Richard

Cote(q.v.). (

4 Apr.He, John Chichele(q.v.) and the Aldermen granted the guardianship of

the children of the late John Wedyhale, goldsmith(q.v.), to their mother,

Elizabeth. (ibid.)

18 Apr.He and the Aldermen discharged David Brounyng(q.v.) from serving on

juries etc.. (ibid.)

6 MayHe and the Aldermen approved certain ordinances requested by the

Coopers. (ibid.)

13 MayHe and the Aldermen appointed Robert Watson(q.v.) as Collector of the

rents appertaining to LondonBridge, at the request of the King. (ibid.)

23 Jun.He had a writ to take precautions for preserving the peace in the city,

following the recent burning of a priest and a layman for heresy.


1 Jul.He and John Bederenden, Chamberlain(q.v.), granted the guardianship

and patrimony of Joanna, daughter of Stephen Sampton(q.v.), to William

Raulyn, grocer(q.v.). (ibid.)

5 Jul.He and the Aldermen discharged Peter Rowte(q.v.) from serving on

juries etc. (ibid.)

6 Jul.Thomas Featherstone(q.v.) appeared before him and the Aldermen and

reported the theft of his seal. (ibid.)

2 Aug.William Barnes(q.v.) appeared before him and the Aldermen and

acknowledged satisfaction for his property.


2 Sep.He was present at a meeting at which certain articles and ordinances were

read and confirmed.


3 Sep.William Hobold(q.v.) appeared before him and the Aldermen and

complained that John Halle, a foreign baker of Southwark, had been

marking bread with his mark. They forbade John Halle from using

William’s mark. (ibid.)

21 Sep.Present when William Wetenhode(q.v.) and John Sutton(q.v.) were

elected Sheriffs. (ibid.)

13 Oct.Present when John Paddesley(q.v.) was elected Mayor.


17 Feb.1441He was one of those who agreed, on petition by certain “estaungers” from

the linen and woollen weavers, to allow them to elect two persons yearly

to search for inferior work, and approved certain ordinances,

reserving the right to amend them. (ibid.)

11 Apr.1441He made his Will. (

24 Apr.Died. (ibid.)

6 MayHis Will was proved. (ibid.)

Executors:Joanna, Thomas Staundon(q.v.), Stephen Stichemersch(q.v.) and

Ralph Strete(q.v.).


2 February 2012

© I.S.Rogers 01 October 2018