Grant Proposal Template: Ohio Common Grant Application

This is a grant proposal template, commonly used by various grant making organizations. However, this is not always true for every application. Even if the application you are seeking does now follow this template exactly, it is also a good outline to organize your thoughts when writing a proposal.

  1. Executive Summary or Abstract: 1 page or less
  2. Write this LAST.
  3. Provides an overview of proposal.
  4. Follow funder’s guidelines if provided
  5. Refer to the 10/60 rule.
  6. Refer to other sections of the proposal.
  7. Organization Background: 2 pages
  8. Brief summary of organization’s history and statement of organization’s mission.
  9. Brief description of current programs/project and activities.
  10. Evidence of organization’s overall effectiveness (please list achievement of specific organizational or program goals).
  11. Research—data, statistics
  12. Use testimonials.
  13. Description of population and geographic region (community/counties) served by this organization.
  14. Statement of Need or Community Benefit: No more than 4 pages, including this and next 3 sections)
  15. What is the problem, challenge or need that is unaddressed or unmet? Or what is the community benefit that this program or project will impact?
  16. What is the research, statistics, or evidence that shows this need or benefit exists?
  17. Program/Project Description & Methodology
  18. Description of project/program including:
  19. Summary description of overall program/project to be funder under this grant.
  20. Brief description of goals and objectives for program/project.
  21. Evidence of use of best practices. If the initiative is a pilot project and has not been done before, please list assumptions on why new approach will succeed.
  22. How and with whom will the organization collaborate on this particular program/project?
  23. Why is your organization positioned to address this need or benefit?
  24. How is your program/project different from similar existing programs/projects at other organizations?
  25. Evaluation and Results
  26. Provide specific short-term, intermediate and/or long-term outcomes of this program/project and the timeframe within which they will occur.
  27. How will outcomes be measured and who will measure them?
  28. How will the results be used and disseminated by your organization and/or others?
  29. Is this is an ongoing program/project or if its purpose is to provide direct support to an ongoing program/project, summarize past quantitative and qualitative outcomes of that program/project.
  30. Program/Project Funding Plans
  31. List of funders to whom this current proposal has been and will be submitted.
  32. For each funder, indicate amount requested and status of request (to be submitted, pending, funded or declined). If funder, specify amount of grant and date received.
  33. Other anticipated funding for this current proposal:
  34. Earned revenue
  35. In-kind support
  36. Special events
  37. Fundraisers, etc.
  38. Required Financial Attachments
  39. List of grants greater than $5,000.
  40. Total organizational budget for current fiscal year.
  41. Project request budget for your entire program/project.
  42. Two most recently completed Form 990s.
  43. If your organization has an endowment greater than $100,000, please project your endowment spending policy.
  44. Additional financial information as required.
  45. Other Required Attachments
  46. IRS 501c(3) Letter.
  47. List of board members and affiliations.
  48. List of key staff members and qualifications, or an organizational chat.
  49. One example of the following, if available, annual reports, organizational brochure, sample newsletter, and program brochure.
  50. Letters of commitment from collaborating organizations, if appropriate.

312 Rosa Parks Ave, 27th Floor, Tennessee Tower, Nashville, TN 37243 • (615) 253-3600 •