Review of action points

1)WVSL and ACF and to meet and further discuss their area of operation

ACF has had discussion with WFP and shared the names of chiefdoms they will be operating in Moyamba and hope WFP will share the information with WVSL

ACF also to meet with WVSL in Moyamba to further discuss activity plans and areas of operation

2)WVSL and WHH to meet and further discuss their area of operation in Bo

Not done, WHH to follow up

3)How to engage the appropriate national body to provide registered beneficiaries with national ID cards to better ease identification?

Work in progress, Government is trying to establish the authority to the NRM for the issuance of the national ID cards. NaCSA to provide details on the process

4)Interested members to participate in Cash Learning and Partnership (CaLP) to submit their names to CT working group

Still awaiting names of interested organizations, so far only three organizations have expressed interest ACDI/VOCA, COOPI and Save the Children

5)Proposed timeframe for CaLP training to be shared with facilitators

General training on cash programing, scheduled for late October or early November this year for five days

The training will also bring together participants from the region, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea,Ghana, Nigeria etc.

6)Possibility of putting together lessons learnt on CT to be published

A team to put together a matrix to capture what was done good and what needed some improvement

CaLP can help to facilitate the process and document Sierra Leone lessons, this will be further discussed when they are in country for the training…Further planning is needed

CaLP is also planning a regional lessons on Ebola response meeting to be held in Darka in November, CTWG and NaCSA should further discuss to have a representation and what needed to be shared

Organization Update


Just completed beneficiary registration in Bombali and Tonkolili, 10540 beneficiaries were registered and presently doing some data clean up to be handed over to transfer mobile vendor for payments

Now looking through cash for work activities and will engage with NaCSA on what they did in the past on Cash for work


Received a pre award letter from USAID to implement cash transfer project in Bombali and Tonkolili

Will meet with NaCSA and WVSL and discuss startup activities


Nothing new to share


10,000 SSN beneficiaries’ targets completed and data cleaning close to completion, preparations for targeting another 10,000 has also commenced

Cash transfer for 5600 cash for work beneficiaries totaling 11500 $ will commence soon


Finished the first cash transfer last month, Le 135,000 to beneficiaries for two months

Currently involved in post distribution monitoring


Still awaiting data update from organization on implementing districts/chiefdoms/sections and communities

So far only five organizations have submitted; ACF, ACDI/VOCA, SC, WHH and COOPI


Propose to meet with WVSL in Moyamba to further discuss activity plans and areas of operation to avoid duplication


Nothing new


Members encouraged to participate in the commemoration of World Humanitarian Day on 19th August 2015, fun run from Bliss restaurant to Congo cross and back. Organized by OCHA

Action Points

  1. CARE, ACDI/VOCA, NaCSA and WV to meet and discuss cash transfer activity implementation areas in Bombali and Tonkolili districts
  2. A team to put together a matrix to captures lessons learned on Cash activities
  3. Interested organizations for the CaLP training to submit their names to ACDI/VOCA
  4. Follow up with CaLP on the details of the training including cost.
  5. ACDI/VOCA, SC, ACF and OCHA to work on harmonizing activities for cast transfer mapping

Save the Children agreed to host the next cash transfer working group meeting at Save the Children office on Tuesday, 1st. September, 2015.