Town Board Meeting Minutes
October 9, 2017 7:00 P.M.
Palmyra Town Hall
W1125 Hwy 106 Palmyra, WI
Meeting called to order 7:00 P.M.
Certification of compliance with open meetings law.
Roll call: Chairperson Larry Kau, Supervisors Ed Miller and Weenonah Brattset, William May Clerk/Treasurer plus other 18 persons.
Approve minutes for September 11, 2017 meeting. Motion by Miller, second by Brattset to approve minutes. All ayes, motion carried.
Public comment: Roxanne Brown at W1149 Island Rd requested a speed limit sign be posted due to the high rated of speeders on Island Rd. Steve Beauchamp at W1149 Island Rd requested something be done due to a neighbor having bright lights shining into his home at night.
Reports:Treasurer: Account balances: General Fund $137,095.98, Tax Account $2,077,72, LGIP $103,426.55, LGIP Fire/EMS $2.62, Airport $43,152.59, LGIP Airport $0.55. Checks written Advance Disposal refuse pick up $7,497.26 auto pay, Centurylink telephone $129.93 auto pay, WE Energies Town Hall $47.59 auto pay, WE Energies street lights $54.49 auto pay, Grota Appraisals $2,375.00, Bender Levi $633.75 town legal, Transcendent Technologies $350.00 tax collection software, Northwest Services $2,860.00 brush cutting/repair washout on BSL, IRS $757.32 3rd quarter withholding, Village of Palmyra $35.00 computer maintenance, Village of Palmyra $22,674.00 4th quarter Fire/EMS, Larry Kau salary $369.40, William May salary $577.19, Peggy Miller salary $577.19. Motion by Miller, second by Brattset to approve Treasurer's report. All ayes, motion carried.
Emergency Management Plan: A copy of "Debris Management Planninf for State, Tribal, Territorial and Local Officials" will be kept in the office if anyone wishes to read it.
Fire Department: Brattset has current roster of Village of Palmyra's Police/Fire/EMT employees. Brattset will check with other departments for possible contracts for Fire/EMS services.
Airport: None.
Blue Spring Lake District: Northwest services filled shoulders on BSL and the County did repairs on the Lake Access Road by Dick Herbst property.
Building Inspector: None.
Highway: Started mowing today and should be done in a week. County did repairs on Hooper Rd, Betenz Ln and Marsh Rd.
Correspondence: The DNR will hold a public hearing on Air Pollution on Thursday October 26, 2017 at 11: A.M. at the Palmyra Village Hall at 100 W Taft St in Palmyra. Jefferson County Zoning will have a public hearing on October 12, 2017 in room 205 of the Jefferson County Courthouse at 1:00 P.M. for Laura Willson Variance request. A Zoning and Land Use Permit for Michael and Lisa Eddy to build a new house at W585 Hooper Rd. in Palmyra.
1. Discuss and possible action to approve conditional use permit for Richard Schauer for pin #024-0516-3311-004 atW1378 South Shore Dr. Palmyra, Wi 53156. The plan meets all the requirements except the height. Motion by Miller, second by Brattset to approve condition use. All ayes, motion carried.
2. Discuss and possible action to approve payment to Transcendent Technologies for annual software tax program. Motion by Brattset, second by Miller to approve payment. All ayes, motion carried.
3. Discuss and possible action concerning request for proposals for residential garbage removal services for the Town of Palmyra. Motion by Brattset to send out a request for cost proposals to Badger Land, Johns Disposal and Advance Disposal, second by Miller. All ayes, motion carried.
4. Discuss and possible action to set date for budget workshop. Motion by Miller to set date for Monday October 23rd at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall, second by Brattset. All ayes, motion carried.
5. Discuss and possible action for possible nuisance lighting ordinance in the Town of Palmyra. No action taken. Per comment in public comment, electorate was advised to call the property owner to rectify the lighting issue. The Town Chair would also call the owner and send a letter and request lighting be covered.
6. Discuss and possible action for repairs on the Palmyra Town Hall roof for the Town of Palmyra. Motion by Brattset to put out bids for a new steel roof, second by Miller. All ayes, motion carried.
7. Discuss and possible action for donation to Laurie Mueller for work on the joint Fire/EMS account for the Town of Palmyra and the Village of Palmyra. Motion by Brattset to pay Laurie Mueller $200.00 for her work on the joint Fire/EMS checking account, second by Miller. All ayes, motion carried.
Motion to adjourn by Miller, second Brattset. All ayes, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
William May Clerk/Treasurer