20022003 Commissioner's List of Reading Instruments

For Texas Public Schools and Charter Schools

English Language Instrument Options for Kindergarten

Option 1: Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI), Revised 20022003

Option 2: Observation Survey: Part Two and Woodcock Mini Battery of Achievement

Option 3: Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Inventory (PAPI) and Woodcock Mini Battery of Achievement

Spanish Language Instrument Options for Kindergarten

Option 1: El Inventario de Lectura en Español de Tejas (Tejas LEE), Revised 20022003

Option 2: Instrumento de Observación: Segunda Parte

English Language Instrument Options for First Grade

Option 1: Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI), Revised 20022003

Option 2: Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Inventory (PAPI) and one of the following:

a. Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI)

b. Diagnostic Assessment of Reading (DAR)

c. Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA)

Option 3: Observational Survey: Part Two and one of the following:

a. Degrees of Reading Power (DRP)

b. Woodcock MiniBattery of Achievement

Option 4: Gates MacGinitie, 3rd Ed.

Spanish Language Instrument Options for First Grade

Option 1: El Inventario de Lectura en Español de Tejas (Tejas LEE), Revised 20022003

Option 2: Instrumento de Observación: Segunda Parte and Evaluación del Desarrollo de la Lectura (EDL)

English Language Instrument Options for Second Grade

Option 1: Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI), Revised 20022003

Option 2: Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Inventory (PAPI) and one of the following:

a. Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI)

b. Diagnostic Assessment of Reading (DAR)

c. Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA)

d. Gates MacGinitie, 3rd Ed.

Spanish Language Instrument Options for Second Grade

Option 1: El Inventario de Lectura en Español de Tejas (Tejas LEE), Revised 20022003

Option 2: Instrumento de Observación: Segunda Parte and Evaluación del Desarrollo de la Lectura (EDL)

20022003 Early Reading Instruments Online Ordering Information

Prior to completing the 20022003 Early Reading Instruments Online Order, you will need the following information:

District/Charter School Contact Name: Designate one person as the contact.

Shipping Address: Provide a summer address for shipment of order. (No P.O. Box Numbers)

Alternate Instruments: If the district is electing an instrument that is not on the Commissioner's List, please indicate the alternative instrument and at what grade level(s) it will be used. An alternative instrument may be used in addition to instruments ordered online.


Number of Kindergarten Teachers: Each reading instrument is designed to be used with a class. Since the

reading instruments are packaged as CLASSROOM SETS, orders must be based on the number of teachers

administering the instruments. The number of Kindergarten teachers must match the number of

instruments being ordered for the grade level. Therefore, Kindergarten teachers with 2 classes (half-day

sessions) should be included twice so that the order will reflect the accurate number of instruments needed.

v  Number of Kindergarten Students: Estimate the 20022003 projected Kindergarten enrollment.

v  Refer to the 20022003 Commissioner's List for options. Note that some options require a combination of

instruments for comprehensive assessment.

o  Students receiving EnglishLanguage reading instruction should be assessed with an English-Language

reading instrument.

o  Students receiving SpanishLanguage reading instruction should be assessed with a SpanishLanguage reading


Grade 1

v  Number of Grade 1 Teachers: Each reading instrument is designed to be used with a class. Since the reading

instruments are packaged as CLASSROOM SETS, orders must be based on the number of teachers administering

the instruments. The number of Grade 1 teachers must match the number of instruments being ordered for

the grade level. Teachers of multiage classrooms will need to order the appropriate grade level instrument.

Any teacher who will assess Grade 1 students must be included in the total number of Grade 1 Teachers to that

the order will reflect the accurate number of instruments needed.

v  Number of Grade 1 Students: Estimate the 20022003 projected Grade 1 enrollment.

v  Refer to the 20022003 Commissioner's List for options. Note that some options require a combination of

instruments for comprehensive assessment.

o  Students receiving EnglishLanguage reading instruction should be assessed with an English-Language

reading instrument.

o  Students receiving Spanishlanguage reading instruction should be assessed with a Spanishlanguage reading


Grade 2

v  Number of Grade 2 Teachers: Each reading instrument is designed to be used with a class. Since the reading instruments are packaged as CLASSROOM SETS, orders must be based on the number of teachers administering the instruments. The number of Grade 2 teachers must match the number of instruments being ordered for the grade level.

v  Number of Grade 2 students: Estimate the 20022003 projected Grade 2 enrollment.

v  Refer to the 20022003 Commissioner's List for options. Note that some options require a combination of instruments for comprehensive assessment.

o  Students receiving EnglishLanguage reading instruction should be assessed with an English-Language

reading instrument.

o  Students receiving Spanishlanguage reading instruction should be assessed with a Spanishlanguage reading


To complete the online order:

v  No special software is needed

v  Since Texas Education Agency technology applications typically use the Internet Explorer, it is highly recommended that Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher be used to complete the online order process.

o  Updated versions of the Internet Explorer may be downloaded (free) at http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/default.asp

v  Netscape Navigator 4.6 or higher may also be used to complete the online order process.

o  Updated versions of Netscape Navigator may be downloaded (free) at


As additional questions arise through using the system, TEA staff will update the Texas Reading Initiative Internet site with questions and answers. You can access the Internet information at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/reading/ordering/ordering.html

Accessing the online order form:

1. Open your Internet browser – either Netscape or Microsoft Explorer.

2. Enter the following internet address:


3. Press <Enter>

4. Select Early Reading Instruments Online Order Form (20022003) that will display the Texas Education Agency

Security Exchange (TEASE) Login Page.

5. Enter your Username. Each LEA has a generic Username consisting of the letter "r" and the 6 digit county district

number. For example, Austin ISD would have a username of r227901. Do not type spaces or dashes in your


6. Enter your password. This password is unique to the generic Username. For the new funding year 2002- 2003, TEA

has set the password to the "Password". You will be prompted and required to change your password upon initial

entry of the system. Please make note of your password for future reference.

7. Click the <Continue> button, and a successful login display the application list page.

8.  Click RIEarly Reading Instruments Order Form (20022003) from the dropdown menu or from the application list.

Contact Information:

If you have any problems or questions about ordering the reading instruments, please contact:

Office of Statewide Initiatives

Texas Education Agency

(512) 4639027 or (800) 8195713

Instructions for Completing Order Form

Listed below are the basic steps involved in ordering the reading instruments online.

1. The countydistrict number is prepopulated.

2. The school district/charter school name is prepopulated

3. Enter the name of the school district/charter school contact.

4. Enter the shipping address where the instruments will be sent. (No P.O. Box Numbers)

5. Enter the name of the city.

6. Enter the Z1P code.

7. Enter the telephone number of the contact.

8. Enter the email address of the contact.

9. If the district is electing an instrument that is not on the Commissioner's list, please indicate the alternate instrument

and at what grade level(s) it will be used.

10. Enter the number of Kindergarten teachers administering the reading instruments. (Do not use commas.)

11. Enter the 20022003 projected Kindergarten enrollment. (Do not use commas.)

12. Enter the name of the Kindergarten instrument administered during the 20012002 (previous) school year.

13. Enter the number of Kindergarten EnglishLanguage instruments needed for students receiving English-Language

reading instruction. Note that some options require a combination of instruments for comprehensive assessment.

14. Enter the number of Kindergarten SpanishLanguage instruments need for students receiving Spanish-Language

reading instruction.

15. Enter the number of Grade 1 teachers administering the reading instruments. (Do not use commas.]

16. Enter the 20022003 projected Grade 1 enrollment. (Do not use commas.)

17. Enter the name of the Grade 1 instrument administered during the 20012002 (previous) school year

18. Enter the number of Grade 1 EnglishLanguage Instruments needed for students receiving English-Language

reading instruction. Note that some options require a combination of instruments for comprehensive assessment.

19. Enter the number of Grade I SpanishLanguage instruments needed for students receiving Spanish-Language

reading instruction. Note that some options require a combination of instruments for comprehensive


20. Enter the number of Grade 2 teachers administering the reading instruments. (Do not use commas.)

21. Enter the 20022003 projected Grade 2 enrollment. (Do not use comma.)

22. Enter the name of the Grade 2 instrument administered during the 20012002 (previous) school year.

23. Enter the number of Grade 2 EnglishLanguage instruments needed for students receiving English-Language

reading instruction. Note that some options require a combination of instruments for comprehensive assessment.

24. Enter the number of Grade 2 SpanishLanguage needed for students receiving Spanish-Language

reading instruction. Note that some options require a combination of instruments for comprehensive assessment.

25. Submit the order by clicking the Submit Button.

26. A popup window will ask you if you have verified your order. Please verify that all information is accurate. You may not change any information using the Online Ordering System after you submit your order. If you need to correct data entry, click "Cancel"; then make changes before submitting the order. After verification, click "OK” to submit the order.

27. When your order has been successfully submitted you will receive a summary report. Please print and retain a copy of the Summary Report for your files.