May 20, 2016
President’s Introduction/welcome: Jaime Thompson
Principal’s notes: Mr. Freundt
- Thank you
- Celebrated this morning: Reading Celebration this am… Chicago Boys, (tumbling group)… performed
- 2 assemblies k-2, 3-5
- Funded NEF and grant, and H&S so we could have 2 assembles
- Talked about teamwork, reading, education and perseverance
- Mission to Save kids: helping the kids
- Field Days: Monday May 23… (Tuesday rain date)
- Wednesday: 5th grade, assembly…
- Thursday: Teacher work day
- Performance series assessment- 2-5th grade, scores come home on Wednesday
- Reading: track student growth, Growth Target, average growth… 59% hitting their growth targets… working with literacy and reading goals
- Report cards: wednesday at noon: will have a link (Quick links on the website)
- Summer school: Beebe, at meadow glens… June 6- July 15th
- Updates: Gaga update… Mr. Kasten is funding as a gift back to Beebe…
- Materials purchased, and Eagle scout building this summer
-Mrs. Pins to 3rd, and Mrs. Rehberg to 5th and will have a new staff member at 4th grade
-New safety director (retiring Mr. Kasten)
Read, bloom, grow: (saying on tee shirts staff have been wearing)... summer reading program, reading over the program… 8 weeks (5x 30min=1200 minutes)... goal as a school… clues thru the summer… tees to remind about the goals
-end of the year book fair: Scholastic
-motivate the kids to play a part
President’s Report: Jaime Thompson
-Trish & Jackie approve the April minutes
-General H&S meeting…
-on back agenda…
-Loaves and Fishes: engaging speaker on getting people to volunteer
-balance seems high, we still have some expenditures to pay, etc.
-guestimate on the Fun Fair 10, 300 (before expenses $7500)...
-silent $2250 grub grub grab $768
-budget year end of june:
-contact margaret with any reimbursement
-Jackie and Trish motion to pass the budget
Committee reports:
-staff appreciation: Jackie, thank everyone for donations downtime for teacher luncheon
-Garden: Jackie for Lucy: 11 classes planted and 12 scheduled; moving to a website sign up for next year,
-Money from NEF- 5 more raised beds, installed for next year planting
-2 scout's; fixed and expanded
-pac 567: donations…
-thank you all for the support
-Toy resale: October 1st… save the date, save the toys…
- call jill/robin will hold on to for you :)
-5th Grade Party: meeting last night, all set, activities… volunteers all set
-Restaurant nights: last night… $2500
- Molly moving to chair that next year…
-Shoparoo… August 31st…
-receipts count differently (see site)
-Beebe Fun Fair:
- Flower power spring fundraiser: $
- Online and paper orders
- Garden Grocer: Market day person… replacement
- Andrea: Adult social… in the fall…
Cahill family: a very nice donation
Munchkins moms:
-big success!
-tweaks to adjust to accommodate the large crowd
Drama Club: question about if we have a need for a
-theater/drama club… dream big… (company name)
-Mr. Freundt will ask staff about time/interest….
-will look to see if there is room if this an after school type club
Motion to end the meeting/adjourn: Trish and Jackie
Thank you all for a wonderful year! See you in August! We still have OPEN chair roles, please contact us if you are interested!