Uploading Your Podcast to Our 8th Grade Science Wiki

Open your podcast in Garage Band.

Make sure it is saved with this kind of title: period.name.name.name – you may only need two names?! (Ex: 3.angela.toby). Ensure it is saved to the desktop and then drag the final version to your cloud. Keep it in both locations until you have verification that it has been turned in. 

Open up the finished podcast.

Click on “Share” and select “Export Podcast to Disk”

A new window will open. Please make sure you have…

Compress Using: AAC Encoder

Audio Setting: Spoken Podcast

Check the box that says, “Publish Podcast”

Then Export

Another window will open asking you where to put the new exported podcast.

Keep it the same name (again, should be period.name.name.name)... This will add a new extension (ending) to your podcast so it will not replace the GarageBand file.

Save it to your Desktop so it is easy to find later…

Click Save

Open our class wiki and sign in (sometimes you are automatically signed in, but if not, please do so). It does not matter which member of your group signs in.

At the top of the site, select Edit. This will allow you to add material to the wiki. Please do not change any of the wiki. 

Click on the icon of the orange sun & mountains along the top to add a file to the wiki. Depending on the size of the toolbar on your computer, this button may say, “File.”


/This will open a new window that will list some of the recent uploads.

/Click on the +Upload Files button at the top of the page.

A new window will open, asking you to find the file you wish to add.

Please find the .m4a version (it should be on your desktop). Make sure you upload the .m4a file! It will look like this: 3.angela.toby.m4a with a music note icon.

Click Choose

The window will close and your file will begin to upload. This may happen very quickly!

You know your file is there when it shows up as a square with the name of your file (again, make sure it has the m4a extension).

Close the window once you have seen your project in the list of uploads (your may be the only one there...).

When back to the wiki page, press “Save” (even though you didn’t make any visible changes) so it will save the file you uploaded. You will not be able to see that file (yet).

This is the equivalent to turning it in! Yeah! You’re finished! I will post your podcast to the wiki over the weekend and you can show it off to all of your friends and family!

* Pass these directions on to the next group so they can add their file to the wiki. Please try to not have more than one group adding at the same time... You can over-ride each other’s changes. We don’t want to do that. 