
Crossroads Carers Support Group

Steering Committee Meeting

9th March 2011


John Booth [JB] {Vice Chair}, Wendy Lewis [WL] {Secretary}, Brian Robinson [BR] {Treasurer}, Margaret Robinson [MR], Theresa Derbyshire [TR], Eileen Hollinshead [EH], Janet Burtonwood [JBw] and Fran Booth [FB] {visitor and financial advisor}.


Alan Kendrick [AK], Jean Atherton [JA] and Gaynor Bond [GB]

Matters arising from the last minutes:

The headings ‘Mins from the last meeting’ and ‘chairs report’ will be combined from this point forward and renamed ‘Matters arising from the last minutes’.

Claire Ingram attended the meeting on the 9th march providing some essential information about direct payments to the members of the group.

  JB reported that he was awaiting contact from the providers of the car stickers to enable him to convert the logo for them to access and replicate it – AK to sort this out

  Simon has not yet been approached regarding being a patron – AK to sort this out

The above two bulleted items will not be reported on again until AK has contacted us with an outcome, this is due to the difficulties that AK is having with his internet provider now he has moved address, work commitment and time frames he has left to contact people and dealing with the logistics of the house move… however we urge AK to deal with these as soon as humanly possible to enable the committee to close on the subjects.

Amendments to the last minutes:

  The panel meeting reported to be for the ‘Time for you’ was incorrect … it was in-fact ‘The Group’ panel meeting that is to be held on the 18th April

  Think Ahead received £37,000 not the reported £35,000 from the PCT

  Young carers received £7,000 not the reported £1,000 from the PCT

  BR is only comparing prices between W&DCT and Trafalgar on the trips not all companies within the area, this has been done before and they are too expensive, these two companies offer the best deal for CCSG.

Proposed EH

Seconded MR

Treasurers Report:

Apart from the money agreed to pay JBw for the raffle prizes everything else has been paid in full in preparation for the account audit and start of the new financial year.

Fran reported that there was £16,739.98 in the bank

Grant Update:

BR has received and returned or in process of completing all monitoring forms as and when they arrive

Grant forms not yet received but anticipate their arrival before much longer

BR contacted the PCT regarding an application for £5,000 for a weekend away, he was passed over to Dorothy Latham who in return passed him to Anthony Mohammad, Anthony suggested that Gail Hurd holds the application form until April when she should re-apply it for consideration, this is because of the short time left until the new financial year and he had concerns that they groups would not have time to spend it by the time it had been processed and received. This will be followed up nearer the time to make sure that they have not forgotten about it - BR to do


Patshull Park date has been changed again due to the unavailability of rooms it is back to the original date of the 6th – 8th May, it has been booked and a deposit paid transport is probably going to be a mini bus because of the difference in the costs {over £100}. Because the mini bus will be there on site if any one wishes to use the transport for shopping etc. they will be asked to subsidise the cost of the fuel as this will be extra on the final bill.

JB suggested that the Xmas trip could be the Iron Bridge in Shropshire around the end of November beginning of December, everyone agreed and some say they have been before and it is a lovely venue and the hospitality of the Best Western Hotel was very nice – JB to arrange

Trafalgar travel has expressed their apologies for the driver’s attitude and the issues with the coach on the way to Noddfa. We have requested that they do not send him for future events.

BR will compare and contrast the prices of minibuses and other coach companies within the area for all trips in the future

Newsletter and Website:

JB reported 8,500 hits on the website.

The newsletter is due to be out by April

Any other Business:

BR reported a request from new members for them both to attend the next Noddfa trip, BR explained that the weekends are for the carer only and not the cared for. This is when they explained to him that they both have issues and they are both cared for by each other and they in retrospect are carers… the committee felt that as they are both carers they would be allowed to attend together.

BR has received a list of Ogden Coach tours which the carers centre is holding to enable us to arrange our weekend trips at a different time and venue to them allowing carers to access both if they s desired

WL asked if minutes from the meeting when a visitor is in attendance should be sent to them, the answer is NO if they require them they can do so in writing with the reason why the need them and it would then go to vote to see if they could have a copy.

JB has been sending regular updates to committee and questioned were they useful – YES they are John thank you very much.

The summer ball organisation is getting very much on the way thanks to JBw and Nicola. Some of the donations to date are an overnight stay at the hotel for 2 people, Lancashire cricket club provided 2 tickets, Sale sharks provided a signed shirt and tickets with lunch a £57 salon voucher and WL has donated an oil painting… JBw is unsure if we will be able to hold a raffle but she will find out. The group will provide JBw with the money to purchase 8 tickets - JBw to arrange

Date and time of the next meeting:

13th April 2011 – Kingsley Community Hall, Leigh. 11:30 onwards

I confirm that these are a true representation of the meeting, which took place on the 9th March 2011

Signed John Booth Acting Chairperson

Signed Wendy Lewis


Date: 13th April 2011

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