DraytonValley Minor Hockey Association

Fall General Meeting

September16th, 2010Curling Lounge


Meeting called to order at 7:23pm

Present: Brian Markowski, Doug Matsalla, Diana Barley, Andrea Barrett, Katrina Dawes,Troy Patten, Brandi Horn, Tammy Farnholz, Trevor Gruninger, Alana Leggo, Ron Kadylo, Kevin Breland, Sye O’Malley, Orest Trzaska, Cory Anne Holmlund

Absent: Kent Thompson, Brendin Eshpeter

1.Additions/Deletions to Agenda

2. Adopt Minutes from June AGM

3.President- Brian noted that coaches have to let the front desk know of any ice changes

-No hanging posters or such on the Omniplex walls

4.New Business

-M&M gift cards presented for fundraising

-skills handled by Thunder

-Monday nights again power skating could be included and in 2 weeks should know the times

- discussed subcommittees needed for fundraising

-go to for fundraising

-tryouts were discussed for the A teams

-it was brought up to the executive that there should be a try out for B and C teams as well

-the executive has to clear cut the fact that B & C teams will be chosen after the A has been selected

-also the bylaw has to be changed or discussed on the changed coach evaluation

-Atom tournament has been confirmed for Dec 11 & 12th

-Kim at the Servus bank needs June minutes

5.Old Business

-Brian gave an update about AA Bantam team called Parkland Selects

6.Executive Member Reports

Vice President

-fall registration went well

-Doug will be handling travel permits again this year

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6.Executive Members Report (cont.)


-nothing to report


-no changes had to be made to the books after the audit was done

-Tammy wants to hold a meeting with team managers/directors

-all bank statements will be mailed to DVMH


-Andrea discussed the new changes to registration March and June will be the only registration days from now on.

Ice Scheduler

-User group meeting went well had to give up 3 hours

Ways & Means

-need a subcommittee for Casino or Oil Kings fundraising

-criminal record checks have to be done immediately and there have been a couple changes to the way the RCMP do them


-Cory Anne has found cheaper vendors

-if there is no one scheduled to work concession Cory Anne feels the best thing to do would be keep the concession closed that day instead of paying someone to work it

-a 25.00 dollar fee was talked about for those who don’t clean up after their shift in the concession

Division Directors (Mites, Novice, Atom, PeeWee, Bantam, Midget)

-there will be 3 teams created 1-mites 1-intermediate 1- initiation there were 45 registrants

-novice everything is running smoothly right now

-Atom seems good so far

-Peewee Trent Pankewicz stepped up to coach

-Bantam is still in need of a director

-Midget has a director Alana Leggo but still need a coach

Technical Development Coordinator

-nothing to report

Goalie Technical Development Coordinator

-Above The Crease will do Mondays

-Thunder goalies are being used there should be 9 sessions the goalies will have to be compensated in some way

Equipment Manager

-Kevin found more unused equipment and coaches will receive an equipment list

7.General Discussion

-a monthly meeting has been scheduled for Oct. 21st in conference room

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8.Executive Officers (have signing authority)

(Two year term according to “Articles & By-Laws” of April 2008)

President: Brian MarkowskiVice President: Doug Matsalla

Secretary: Diana BarleyTreasurer: Tammy Farnholz

Registrar: Andrea Barrett

9.Executive Directors

(One year term according to “Articles & By-Laws” of April 2008)

Ice Scheduler: Josh Zanolli

Equipment Manager: Kevin BrelandTechnical Development: Sye O’Malley

Ways & Means: Brandi HornReferee Coordinator: Brendin Eshpeter

Mites Director: Katrina DawesNovice Director: Troy Patten

Atom Director: Trevor GruningerPeewee Director: Orest Trzaska

Bantam Director: Kent ThompsonMidget Director: Alana Leggo

Concession Co-coordinator: Cory Anne Holmlund

Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm


President-Brian MarkowskiDate


Secretary-Diana BarleyDate

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