ACS CINF Education Committee Agenda

August 18, 2007 @ 9 am – noon (break at 10:30), BCEC 104A, Boston


Carrie Newsom

Sue Cardinal

Marcia Chapin

Judith Currano

Jeremy Garritano

Suzanne Redalje

Bruce Slutsky

Meghan Lafferty

Grace Baysinger

Adrienne Kozlowski


1) At this meeting (All):

a. E-Books for Chemistry Research and Instruction (Sun D, co-sponsored w/CHED)

b. SciFinder Scholar Solutions (Sun RSVP)

c. CINF open meeting (Mon PM)

d. Committees on Publication and CAS open meeting (Mon PM)

e. CAS 100th Anniversary Symposium (Tue AM)

f. Chemical Information Education Round Table (Tue PM)

Andrea & Sue moderating

g. Workshop (Sun PM – Judith and Jeremy)

Stepping up with little…

h. Chem Ed Committee on Computers in Chem. Education (Wed AM)


i. Chem Ed Computer in Chemical Education (Tues & Wed)

j. Chem Ed Writing to Learn (Wed)

k. Others?

2) Spring 2008 program (All)

a. ?? Small Colleges followup (Andrea)

Leah – still penciled in small colleges followup – Andrea may lead; not confirmed (probably discussing at programming

Cheminformatics from teaching to research (Alex Tropsha)

Chem Libs of the future (Andrea)

DC followup

Chemical Engineering Information? Jeremy and Patricia K.

Pricing (issues in finding the information) – one aspect

Industry figures


C&E News

Good time to do this – joint with AICHe

Helpful to talk to industrial colleagues

Denise Callihan – section on suppliers and producers – suggestions for where students can go

b.  Chem Ed – Using Social Networking tools

Good potential for us

Meeting ACS Guidelines?

Good time to address library portion

3) Future Programming

a. Volunteers and programming for BCCE 2008 (Jeremy and Sue)



Deadline for symposia submissions – 11/2/07 – first step

Then call for papers for symposium

Call for workshop proposals – got cut out last time (Patricia gave as paper in 2006)

Good mix of faculty in session – got 90 new CINF members

Our workshop needs snazzier name to attract faculty (Judith)

Volunteers for programming for BCCE

Meghan volunteered to assist Jeremy (can’t guarantee can go)

Previous generated ideas for programming

Affordable resources

2 year colleges – faculty teaching cheminfo at; low cost resources

SFS training from CAS?

Comparison of Google Scholar w/ other chemistry resources

Getting most out of Google Scholar or Wikipedia?

Copyright, patent, IP (last BCCE)

Biorad training

New ideas for programming

Aimed at chemical educators, some high school, some community college (many at that level)

CHEMnetBASE, Handbook of Chemistry & Physics

What is and isn’t in CRC (Dave Lide)

Steer toward applications

Helping students find background info for lab reports

Qualitative analysis and the library

To determine ID of organic unknowns

Knovel, ChemFinder, NIST, SDBS, Sigma-Aldrich, CRC, Merck

Organic lab something to draw in organic instructors

Navigating the paper chase

Careers – in context of mentoring students

New ACS career website launching this fall

Worth it if students not there? Would faculty care?

Maybe a good place to put it out?

Primary target – K-12? – resources

How to investigate potential employers – maybe not so BCCE

Cheminformatics – especially at IU

Tapping into cyberinfrastructure (Jeremy)

Smaller schools – student research

Problem-based learning

Penn – M Chem Ed – Inquiry model – investigating problems

Supporting problem-based learning information-wise

How profs using, how info specialists supporting courses

Resources to point to

Rochester’s – peer-mentoring – students who did well previous year

Facilitates small group problem-solving session

Ideas for using classroom websites for more effective learning?

Interactive learning

(Penn administrators for Blackboard server)

Content is issue

Student expectations and misconceptions

All class information online

Know all tools they need to support classwork Journals for undergraduate research publications

Online poster posting sites, preparing for national meetings


Publication process article in C&E News (8/13)

Copyright, archiving issues, IRs

Fit into problem-based learning

Virtual posters for those who can’t attend?

Copyright/prior publication issues

b.  Kitty at SERM 2008 (no report) November 15-19 (Nashville)

Jeremy & Judith should send materials from Sunday


1) Status of Chemical Information Instruction Clearinghouse (Sue)

Wiki editing assignments, CINF-CIC collaboration (Grace), Web presence

Gary Wiggins – wiki containing former clearinghouse

David Wild – 10 participants (Gary’s name only one on there so far)

Need account to make changes – can see who’s made changes

Can have discussions if not sure about changes

Now a section for reviews

Just a stepping stone along the way

One idea – ACS would host – in talks with ACS web presence to see what we might do

Talk more about file sharing than wiki (like Flickr, YouTube)

People could download, review

Stanford using Confluence to do that

Most of us will be initial account holders in wiki so we should discuss

Can push in certain direction to help convert in file sharing system

Value to add in wiki

Wiki probably not continuing because David Wild not as invested as Gary

CIC CINF meeting – file-sharing capabilities built in to whatever built?

Still National Digital Science Library

Certain metadata standards

J Chem Ed – John Moore – chemical education communities including chemical information

Much produced somewhat ephemeral because tied to current version of X – may not want serious cataloging – tagging?

However, framework, starting point regardless of versions

Where do potential users go to look for information – J Chem Ed likely place

Author searching examples – data itself not morphing much – things to consider and different ways to try

More explicit process in command mode

Two different for SFS – basics – 17 page guide (Judith) with screen shots changing

Updates version – what’s new in this release

Ability to edit instead of posting new version

What to do with older version? Replace, hide? Value of old? Historical value?

Authors retain some editorial control for minor variants?

All documents you authored, ability to delete

Flickr – each has own space – can search across tags

What happens when things go to Chemical Heritage – give up rights to use

Becomes historical document but doesn’t serve as storage place

Working archive and dark archive

Duplicate copy – strictly offline – more secure

Create archive pages in wiki to move older content to?

Emphasizing what to move to file sharing situation

How to capture websites? Archiving

Google Cache

Should we look into this? Will CINF CIC?

Handouts related to licenses resources? Links to licensed resources?

Interested in structure of how to teach

Html documents – without navigation, style sheets, tricky to use

On the agenda – low priority – some decision needs to be made

René DePlanque & Dennis (ACS) could work together on technology – mirror site?

John Moore possibly involved

Issues of rights – who has copyright, etc., server space

CINF CIC – slow, careful, thinking through everything

We’re trying to make accessible sooner and not lose material along the way

All same content, delivery is question

Target audience – librarians and faculty – want to find something to use now – can we be archival and fast use resource

Archiving is secondary

Short-term use – why we did wiki – to get it going

Restrictions need to be specified not necessarily tired – so all know rules

In wiki, plain text – lose formatting

Also trying to concentrate on modules – energy of committee members is limited

Action item

Increase participation of wiki by putting item in CHED newsletter, another CINF-L, STS-L, E-News, Biennial, CHMINF-L, SLA DCHE Newsletter

Sue and Meghan will work to draft something on purpose of clearinghouse, getting account, build up collection…

Categories already on wiki

Grace probably has some of handouts (paper)

2) Report on Modular Workshops (Judith)

Focus our efforts – Jeremy’s idea – module or wiki?

Sue – sees wiki as handouts to our stuff outside site

Work pulling together what exists

Identify working collection – still current – move other stuff to archive

For additional materials, see archive

What about archiving materials that are vendor supplied?

One section of wiki – archive – cut and pasted? (Grace)

Seems we still want to work on wiki and not put aside

One problem with modules – where do they live? Anticipated in Clearinghouse

Current one (Carrie & Sue’s) is on CINF education site

Easy to move files

Module project – need to find place for them to live – general format template

Broadcast template and collect modules from other place

Once this is done, editorial body (not writing them)

Non-approved format can go in Clearinghouse

Module project not very labor intensive once documentation out (Judith)

Prioritized modules

Templates – send to CHMINF-L and STS-L for potential authors

Solicit additional topics

Need to solidify formatting template

Action item: For the next meeting, solidify format for modules to solicit authors of modules.

On CINF site, want to be branded as CINF (as publisher?) Who owns copyright?

What is actually being deposited?

Make web form for deposit (delegate to Rick)

Pieces in each module – slide, accompanying handouts, script, applicable assignments

Designate preferred format for supplementary materials

Modifiable (e.g., Word) and non-modifiable formats (e.g., pdf)

Length of presentation within metadata, can indicate modifications for shortening what they might leave out

Hoping each module will be first on subject that others can add to (Judith)

Different approaches, something you missed

Need to get stuff up to begin with – space for commentary on module

Carrie will send out link to their module in a blog

When soliciting modules, helpful to have a few things done by committee members – wait till fixed/codified author instructions

Want feedback – Google Documents space for collaboration space? Can upload ppt documents (private right now – anyone can be added)

When do we want author instructions published? Where?

Review date for looking at author instructions

Do it on the fly as authors work on it?

CINF modules space in Clearinghouse – add more pieces as it grows

Carrie & Sue will send draft instructions for authors – post on wiki

Deadline for October 18

Deadline for metadata for sample module from committee – December 14

Description of course, title, and metadata, and any other piece you can do (Word document for metadata)

Grace – property data?

Jeremy – ?

Meghan – overview of chemical literature

Marcia – ?

Check with publisher on screenshots

Judith will remind

Attribution will be included with module

Entry on wiki page with module, draft author instructions

Logistics to be worked out later

Vendors contributing? Off their sites?

Potential peer review – got nixed at last meeting – may revisit but earlier decided problems outweighed benefits

Module – set of slides as one document

Might be interesting to see how people use and combine modules

Getting away from resource-based more to task-oriented


1) Committee budget updates (Sue)

Workshop in general doesn’t make money – appears to with treasurer spreadsheets because a lot of expenses are hidden in programming

Food very expensive at convention centers – option – off-site more economical or just have people take break for food court

Profits to speakers not feasible – back into projects

Money for honoraria for instructors – $100 for thank you (may differ by institution whether instructor can accept)

AV very expensive, too

2) Webcasting proposal (Carrie)

For advancing online materials – modeled after online class (“5 weeks to a social library”) – synchronously or asynchronously

WebEx – hard to get price quote – ACS does – Judith will consult her section people about pricing

Proposing as innovative project – perhaps for next year – direction (WebEx? Online class? Charging?)

New ACS website soon to be up

Plenty are interested – can’t afford to get to meeting plus registration for class

UIUC GSLIS – streaming lectures, pushing slides – fairly easy – behind the scenes someone loading slides – instructor makes phone call and monitors chat

Take advantage of Dave Martinsen as conduit

WebEx may be good because widely used

3) Proposal to assess information literacy after formal education. (Bruce)

Are skills retained? What effect does it have as they move on?

Sue – people in special libraries – tried interviewing staff chemists – not responsive

Contacting specific alumni

Penn hosting alumni event at this meeting

Wants more anecdotal approach

Reach out to ACS divisions with substantial corporate membership

From info professionals – can get info on what training they’re offering

Anonymous surveys out at meetings

Women in Industry breakfast

One case study at one company?

Poster sessions in our division

Not all companies want their people doing searches

Industrial expectations of new employees – update of older survey

4) CPT ?

Visitor at Executive Committee meeting (Chicago)

Shared some of our ideas (libraries as virtual)

Sue doesn’t know what he came up with

5) Brainstorm Communicating with faculty (Sue)

6) Review Membership (Sue)

Olivia Sparks is new member