Abbott, Dallas Helen I am interested in recent cosmogenic impacts as a source ofmegatsunamis.
Dallas H. Abbott, Lloyd Burckle, and Perri Gerard-Little, Burckle Abyssal Impact Crater: Did this Impact Produce a Global Deluge?, submitted to Atlantis 2005 conference
Abigania, Maria Isabel Tolentino (Mabel) I was part of the team that re-documented and assessed the 1990 Bohol Earthquake in Central Philippines. The said event was due to an unknown offshore thrust fault based on re-plots of seismicity from NEIC. It resulted to slight recession of the sea although no big wave was produced.
At present I am starting with my research on coseismic uplifts using corals as indicators for the M.S. thesis.
Anderson, Robert (Bob) I am helping to prepare the Seismic safety Commissionreport to the Governor and Legislature tsunami hazards, risk, mitigation,preparedness, education and public policy.
R.J. McCarthy and R.L. Anderson,2003, A Tsunami Mitigation Program within the California Earthquake Los Reduction Plan, in SubmarineLandslides and Tsunamis (A.C.Yalciner, E.N.Pelinovsky, E.Okal, andC.E.Synolakis eds.) Pages 267-276, Nato Science Series, Kluwer Academic
Arcas, Diego Background in hydro/aero modeling. Interested I how modelers can benefit from sediment transport information.
Atwater, Brian F. I study tsunami deposits as guides to earthquake and tsunami hazards.
Atwater, B.F., and Hemphill-Haley, E., 1997, Recurrence intervals for great earthquakes of the past 3,500 years at northeastern Willapa Bay, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1576, 108 p.
Atwater, B.F., Cisternas V., M., Bourgeois, J., Dudley, W.C., Hendley, J.W. II, and Stauffer, P.H., 1999, Surviving a tsunamilessons from Chile, Hawaii, and Japan: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1187, 18 p.
Satake, K., Wang, K., and Atwater, B.F., 2003, Fault slip and seismic moment of the 1700 Cascadia earthquake inferred from Japanese tsunami descriptions: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 108, 2325, doi:10.1019/2003JB002521.
Cisternas. M., Atwater, B.F., Torrejón, F., Sawai, Y., Machuca, G., Lagos, M., Eipert, A., Youlton, C., Salgado, I., Kamataki, T., Shishikura, M., Rajendran, C.P., Malik, J.K., Rizal, Y., and Husni, M., 2005, Predecessors to the giant 1960 Chile earthquake: Nature (in press).
Atwater, B.F., Musumi-Rokkaku, S., Satake, K., Tsuji, Y., Ueda, K., and Yamaguchi, D.K., 2005, The orphan tsunami of 1700; Japanese clues to a parent earthquake in North America: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1707, published jointly with University of Washington Press, 133 p. (in press).
Barberopoulou, Aggeliki
Beget James E. I'm involved in two tsunami research projects. (1) With the AlaskaVolcano Observatory, I'm studying historic and prehistoric tsunamis associated with volcanic eruptions, particularly at Augustine Volcano in Cook Inlet. (2) With the interdisciplinary TWEAK project, I'm working with Elena Suleimina, Zygmunt Kowalik and Roger Hansen, using new multi-beam bathymetric data to characterize submarine landslides produced during the 1964 earthquake at Seward and ValdezAlaska, and to link the geologic data to computer models of local tsunami wave generation by submarine landslides, wave propagation, and local run up.
Gardner, Cynthia and Beget, James, 2004. The 1883 eruption of Augustine Volcano,Alaska. EOS, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting abstracts and program CD-Rom
Suleimani, Elena, Beget, Jim, Hansen, Roger. and Marriott, Duncan 2004 TsunamiInundation Mapping for Seward, Alaska: Tectonic and Landslide Sources. Eos. AmericanGeophysical Union Fall Meeting abstracts and program CD-Rom
Davis, K. and Beget, J., 2004. Tephrochronologyof tsunamis and explosive volcanism insouthern Cook Inlet, Alaska. EOS, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting abstracts andprogram CD-Rom.
Begét, J. (2000) Volcanic Tsunamis. In: Encyclopedia of Volcanoes (ed. H.Sigurdsson). p. 1005-1014.
Begét, J. E., and Kienle, J. 1992, Cyclic formation of debris avalanches at Mt.St.Augustine volcano, Alaska. Nature 356, 701-704.
Bernard, Eddie Thirty years of research on all aspects of tsunamis. Most interested in application of deposits to estimate risk and return rates.
Bernard, E.N. (2005): The U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program:A successful state federal partnership. Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue,U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 5-24.
Bernard, E.N., F.I. González, and V.V. Titov (2005): The tsunameter andreal-time tsunami forecasting. Chikyu Monthly, 27(3), 210- 215 (in Japanese).
González, F.I., E.N. Bernard, C. Meinig, M. Eble, H.O. Mofjeld, and S.Stalin (2005): The NTHMP tsunameter network. Nat. Hazards, 35(1), SpecialIssue, U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 25- 39.
Titov, V.V., F.I. González, E.N. Bernard, M.C. Eble, H.O. Mofjeld, J.C.Newman, and A.J. Venturato (2005): Real-time tsunami forecasting: Challenges and solutions. Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National TsunamiHazard Mitigation Program, 41-58.
Besana, Glenda M. For more than fourteen (14) years of professional work experience, I have gained expertise in the field of active faults and tsunami hazards mapping and assessment. Through these studies, I had worked with local and international experts in the varying fields like disaster risk management, urban planning, rescue and emergency response, disaster preparedness planning, capacity-building, and policy-making for Philippines and other developing countries. Recent research involvement: tsunami assessment and mapping in southwestern Mindanao, Philippines and Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Cruz, Dela, L. R.C. Del Rosario, and G.M. Besana, Numerical computations of tsunami that can be generated by Manila Trench earthquake, submitted to JGSP, under revisions.
Besana, G.M., 2005. Report of the February 5-13, 2005 Field Survey at Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Investigation Report of 2004 Northern Sumatra Earthquake, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University Press, pp. 20-36.
Besana, G.M.,J.A. Daligdig, and M.I.Abigania, J.E. Talisic, and N.Evangelista, 2004. Insights in the 1990 Bohol tsunamigenic earthquake, Bohol island, Philippines, Abstracts 2004 AGU Fall Meeting.
Besana G.M., Tanioka Y., Ando M., Mirabueno M.H., Manahan J., DeOcampo J.,Perez J,. and Bautista B., 2004. The May 17, 1992 earthquakes in southeastern Philippines, Geophys. Res. Let.,Vol 31. pp.L24618-L24621.
Besana, G.M., M. Ando and M.H. Mirabueno (2004), The May 17, 1992 Event: Tsunami and coastal effects in eastern Mindanao, Philippines, Science of Tsunami Hazards, The Intl. Jour. Tsunami Soc. 22(2), pp.61-68.
Bondevik, Stein Quaternary geologist, background from sea level changes, climate changes, and tsunamis. This workshop: tsunami erosion, sediment transport and deposition.
Bondevik, S., Svendsen, J.I., Johnsen, G., Mangerud, J., Kaland, P.E., 1997a. The Storegga tsunami along the Norwegian coast, its age and runup. Boreas 26, 29-53.
Bondevik, S., Svendsen, J.I., Mangerud, J., 1997b. Tsunami sedimentary facies deposited by the Storegga tsunami in shallow marine basins and coastal lakes, western Norway. Sedimentology 44, 1115-1131.
Bondevik, S., Mangerud, J., Dawson, S., Dawson, A., Lohne, Ø., 2003. Record-breaking height for 8000-year-old tsunami in the North Atlantic. EOS 84, 289,293.
Bondevik, S., Løvholt, F., Harbitz, C., Mangerud, J., Dawson, A., Svendsen, J.I., 2005. The Storegga Slide tsunami; comparing field observations with numerical simulations. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22, 195-208.
Bondevik, S., Mangerud, J., Dawson, S., Dawson, A., Lohne, Ø., in press. Evidence for three North Sea tsunamis at the Shetland Islands between 8000 and 1500 years ago. Quaternary Science Reviews.
Bourgeois, Joanne (Jody) I am a sedimentary geologist interested in all aspects of tsunami science and its broader applications. I have worked on tsunami deposits from the K-T boundary, but currently most of my work is on the last 10,000 years of record, including modern tsunami deposits. My interests include neotectonics, paleoseismology, and tsunami sedimentology. I am particularly keen on using tsunami deposits to inverse model their sources. In recent years I have been drawn to work on Kamchatka by the excellent tsunami record there, the stratigraphic control offered by Kamchatka volcanic ash layers, and by the complex tectonic story on the NW corner of the Pacific.
UW ESS tsunami webpage-
Bourgeois, J., Petroff, C., Yeh, H., Titov, V., Synolakis, C.E., Benson, B., Norabuena, E., Kuroiwa, J., Lander, J., 1999. Geologic setting, field survey and modeling of the Chimbote northern Peru, tsunami of 21 February 1996: PAGEOPH, v. 154, p. 513-540.
Bourgeois, J. and Johnson, S.Y., 2001. Geologic evidence of earthquakes at theSnohomish delta, Washington, in the past 1200 yr: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 113(4): 482-494 plus Data Repository item 2001034. Online:
Pinegina, T.K., Bourgeois, J., Bazanova, L.I., Melekestsev, I.V., and Braitseva, O.A., 2003: A millennial-scale record of Holocene tsunamis on the KronotskyBay coast, Kamchatka, Russia: Quaternary Res., 59: 36-47.
Bourgeois, J., Pinegina, T.K., Ponomareva, V., Zaretskaia, N., accepted pendingrevision. Holocene tsunamis in the Bering Sea, Russian Far East: Tectonic implications: Geol. Soc. Am. Bulletin.
Celia, Jean
Charusiri, Punya Paleoseismology and Neotectonics investigation
Charusiri, P., Kosuwan, S., Lumjuan, A., and Wechbunthung B., 1998., Review of active faults and seismicity in Thailand. In Proceedings of the Ninth Regional Congress on Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of Southeast Asia-GEOSEA98 And IGCP 383, 17-19 August 1998. Shangri-la Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malasia: P. 653-665.
Kosuwan, S., Saithong,P., Lumjuan, A., Takashima, I. and Charusiri,P., 2000.Preliminary Results ofPaleoseismic Studies on the Mae Ai segment of the Mae Chan Fault Zone, Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand: In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Coordinating Committee for Coastal and OffshoreGeoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asian CCOP), Bangkok, P. 17-27.
Takashima, I., Charusiri, P., Kosuwan, S. and Won-in, K., 1999. TL-age dating resultson the Mae Chan segment of the Mae Chan Fault, northern Thailand: Constraints for Quaternaryfaulting. In Proceedings of the International Workshop GPA99 Tectonics,Geodynamics, and Natural Hazards inWest Pacific Asia, 6-15 November 1999.Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam, Hanoi,Vietnam: p.275-286.
Saithong, P., Kosuwan, S., Won-in, K., Takashima, I. and Charusiri, P. PreliminaryStudy on Morphotectonic Evidence Along the Moei-Mae Ping Fault Zone, TakProvince, Northwestern Thailand. Asia Conference on EarthquakeEngineering 2004-Manila,Philippines.
Cisternas, Marco Tsunami deposits and earthquake recurrence
Barra, R., M. Cisternas, C. Suarez, O. Piñonez, A. Araneda & P. Popp, 2004. PCBs and HCHs in a Saltmarsh Sedimentary Record, Use of Cs137 and Tsunami Signatures as Temporal Markers. Chemosphere, 55:965-972.
Atwater, B.; M. Cisternas; J. Bourgeois; W. Dudley; J. Hendley & P. Stauffer, 2001. Sobreviviendo a un tsunami: lecciones de Chile, Hawai y Japón. US Government Printing Office, U.S. Geological Survey, Circular 1187, 20 pp.
Clague, John J. Background in Quaternary geology, geomorphology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, and natural hazard science. Have conducted research on earthquake and tsunami hazards in British Columbia
Clague, J.J., Munro, A., and Murty, T. 2003. Tsunami hazard and risk in Canada. Natural Hazards, v. 28, p. 433-461.
Blais-Stevens, A. and Clague, J.J. 2001. Paleoseismic signature in late Holocene sediment cores from Saanich Inlet, British Columbia. Marine Geology, v. 175, p. 131-148.
Clague, J.J., Bobrowsky, P.T., and Hutchinson, I. 2000. A review of geological records of large tsunamis at Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 19, p. 849-863.
Hutchinson, I., Guilbault, J-P., Clague, J.J., and Bobrowsky, P.T. 2000. Tsunamis and tectonic deformation at the northern Cascadia margin: A 3000-year record from DesertedLake, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The Holocene, v. 10,p. 429-439.
Clague, J.J. 1997. Evidence for large earthquakes at the Cascadia subduction zone. Reviews of Geophysics, v. 35, p. 439-460.
Cormier, Marie Helene As a marine geophysicist, I am applying a wide array of methods to characterize and understand the geological events that shape the ocean floor in various environments. Lately, my research has focused on the neotectonics of coastal areas and the associated seismic hazards.
My colleagues and I are developing a methodology for underwater paleoseismology and the characterization of the Holocene behavior of the North Anatolian transform fault beneath the MarmaraSea (Turkey). Using a combination of high-resolution geophysics and precisely located cores, we mapped the likely termination of the ground rupture from the 1999 Mw=7.2 earthquake, evaluated the Holocene cumulative slip along the main branch, quantified some unexpectedly rapid rate of vertical motion, and recognized several historical earthquakes from the sediment stratigraphy.
We are planning to apply our insight about underwater processes during large earthquakes to investigating the submarine signature of 2004 and 2005 giant earthquakes offshore Sumatra. A NSF "small grant for exploratory research" has funded our participation last March in the Japanese expedition to the epicentral area of the 2004 earthquake. The expedition of the R/V NATSUSIMA was lead by Dr. Wonn Sohn and made use of high-resolution geophysics and a ROV (remotely operated vehicle) to observe disruption at the seafloor off Sumatra.
Cormier, M.H., L. Seeber, C.M.G. McHugh, A. Polonia, M.N. Çagatay, Ö. Emre, L. Gasperini, N. Görür, G. Bortoluzzi, E. Bonatti, W.B.F. Ryan, and K.R. Newman, The North Anatolian fault in the Gulf of Izmit (Turkey): Rapid vertical motion in response to minor bends of a non-vertical continental transform, J. Geophys. Res., accepted.
Seeber, L., Ö. Emre, M.H. Cormier, C.C. Sorlien, C.M.G. McHugh, A. Polonia, and the team of the 2001 Urania Cruise in the Marmara Sea, Uplift and Subsidence from Oblique Slip: The Ganos-Marmara Bend of the North Anatolian Transform, Western Turkey, Tectonophysics, 391, 239-258, 2004.
Polonia, A., L. Gasperini, A. Amorosi, E. Bonatti, G. Bortoluzzi, M.N. Çagatay, L. Capotondi, M.H. Cormier, N. Görür, C.M.G. McHugh, L. Seeber, Holocene slip rate of the North Anatolian Fault beneath the Sea of Marmara, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 227, 411-426, 2004.
Çagatay, M.N., N. Görür, A. Polonia, E. Demirbag, M. Sakinç, M.H. Cormier, L. Capotondi, C.M. McHugh, Ö. Emre, and K. Eris, Sea level changes and depositional environments in the Izmit Gulf, eastern Marmara Sea, during the late glacial-Holocene period, Marine Geology, 202, 159-173, 2003.
Polonia, A., M.H. Cormier, M.N. Çagatay, G. Bortoluzzi, E. Bonatti, L. Gasperini, M. Ligi, L. Capotondi, L. Seeber, C.M.G. McHugh, W.B.F. Ryan, N. Görür, Ö. Emre, B. Tok, and the MARMARA2000 and MARMARA2001 scientific parties, Exploring submarine earthquake geology in the Marmara Sea, Eos Transactions AGU, 82 (21), 229 and 235-236, 2002.
Crawford, George Earthquake program manager for Washington’s emergency management division. To change public policy and create a robust risk communications program there must be open discussion and collaboration between disciplines, which this workshop can drive.
Crawford, G.L. 2005, NOAA Weather Radio- A Coastal Solution to Tsunami Alert and Notification. Developing Tsunami Resilient Communities, National Hazards, Vol 35 (11) pp 163-171.
Johnston, D., Paton, D., Crawford, G.L., Ronan K., Noughton, B., and Burgelt, P., 2005, Measuring Tsunami Preparedness in Coastal Washington, U.S., Natural Hazards, Vol 35 (1). Pp 173-184.
Crawford, G.L, 2001, Tsunami Inundation Preparedness in Coastal Communities. In: Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-18, Seattle, WA, pp. 214-218.
Dengler, Lori Modern and paleotsunami deposits - what do they infer about tsunami hazard assessment (water height, velocity, number of waves), use of tsunami deposits in tsunami hazard mapping, use of tsunami deposits in education and outreach, and preservation and display of tsunami deposits
Dengler, L. (2005) The role of education in the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, in Bernard, E.N., ed. Developing Tsunami-Resilient Communities, Natural Hazards, Vol 35, p. 141-153.
Dengler, L. A, Magoon, O. (2005) The 1964 Tsunami in Crescent City, California: A 40-year retrospective, in Wallendorf, L., Ewing, L. Rogers, S., Jones, C. eds Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2005, American society of Civil Engineers, p. 639-648.
Doner, Lisa I am a paleolimnologist primarily concerned with reconstructing past Holocene records from lake sediments, including changes from climate and sea level, human land use, and catastrophic events. My current project is on two coastal water resource lakes which have a past history of tsunami inundation with a high risk of recurrence in the next 100 years.
Eipert, Annaliese I recently graduated with a BA in geology from CarletonCollege, where I conducted my senior thesis on OSL dating of the 1960 Chile tsunami. In 2005 I will begin my Master's work on earthquake and tsunami geology at the University of Washington. I am especially interested in the international aspect of this workshop, and in meeting and collaborating with scientists from around the world. I currently work for NOAA's Pacific Hydrographic Branch, and am the contact person for supplying bathymetry data to NOAA's Tsunami Innundation Mapping Effort (TIME) Center.
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of sand deposited by the 1960 tsunami in south-central Chile (undergraduate thesis): eipert_comps2004.pdf
Fernando, Warnakulasuriya Ignatius Starin (Starin) Weathering mechanism of charnockitic rocks in Sri Lanka. My interest is to study paleotsunami of Sri Lanka
Filmer, Paul Marine geophysicist with past interest in volcanic edificecollapse and plate flexure. Currently interested in scientific input intopolitical processes (e.g. tsunami preparedness). NSF Program Director, Geologyand International (GEO/EAR) and Infrastructure Development (GEO/OAD).
Fitzhugh, Ben
Fryer, Gerard J. I was drawn into tsunami work by the Shikotan event of 1994. I dabble in tsunami modeling. I am interested in systems to warn of locally-generated tsunamis, and in quantifying tsunami hazard for guidance in coastal land use.
McMurtry, G.M., G.J. Fryer, D.R. Tappin, I.P. Wilkinson, M. Williams, J. Fietzke, D. Garbe-Schoenberg, and P. Watts, 2004. Megatsunami deposits on Kohala volcano, Hawaii, from flank collapse of Mauna Loa, Geology, 32, 741-744.
Fujiwara, Osamu Paleontology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
Fujiwara, O., 2004. Sedimentological and paleontological characteristics of tsunami deposits. Memoirs Geol. Soc. Japan, no. 58, 35-44.(in Japanse with English Abst.)
Fujiwara, O, Kamataki, T. and Fuse, K., 2003. Genesis of mixed molluscan assemblages in the tsunami deposits distributed in Holocene drowned valleys on the southern Kanto Region, EastJapan. The Quaternary Research, 42, 389-412.(in Japanse with English Abst.)
Fujiwara, O., Kamataki, T. and Tamura, T., 2003. Grain-size distribution of tsunami deposits reflecting the tsunami waveform -an example from the Holocene drowned valley on the southern BosoPeninsula, east Japan;The Quaternary Research;42;67-81.(in Japanse with English Abst.)
Gelfenbaum, Guy I'm interested in the sediment dynamics of tsunamis, the interpretation of tsunami deposits, and the morphodynamics of coasts under theimpact of tsunamis and co-seismic subsidence. I've examined modern tsunamideposits from Papua New Guinea (1998), Peru (2001), and Indonesia (2004), andpaleo-tsunami deposits from Cascadia. I've also examined modern hurricaneoverwash deposits in North Carolina (2004).
Gelfenbaum, G. and Lesser, G., 2003, Modeling coastal morphological response to co-seismic subsidence and tsunamis in the Pacific Northwest, abstract, GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Gelfenbaum, G., and Jaffe, B., 2003, Erosion and sedimentation from the 17 July 1998Papua New Guinea tsunami. Pure and Applied Geophysics, v. 160, no.10-11, p. 1969-1999
Preliminary Analysis of Sedimentary Deposits from the 1998 Papua New Guinea (PNG) Tsunami:
The 26 December 2004Indian Ocean Tsunami: Initial Findings from Sumatra, January 20-29, 2005:
Morton, Gelfenbaum, and Jaffe (in review), Criteria for distinguishing sandy tsunami and storm deposits using modern examples, Journal of Sedimentary Geology, 35 pages.
George, David, L. I'm currently a student in applied mathematics. For the last severalyears I have been working with Randy LeVeque, developing numerical methods for tsunami modeling. We are using adaptive mesh refinement techniques in order to capture tsunami propagation from the global scale all the way down to local beach run-up. We are particularly interested in developing algorithms that capture the run-up zone robustly and accurately.
Gica, Edison
Glawe, Ulrich 1989 Dipl.-Geol., Erlangen University, Germany, 1991 MSc. Eng Rock Mech., ImperialCollege, London, UK, 1992 PhD. Eng. Geology, Erlangen University, Germany.