ApprovedSEC Meeting Minutes

16 September 2009


15 Participants:

Steve Mills

Moshe Kam

David Law

Yatin Trivedi

Bilel Jamoussi

Howard Wolfman

Jim Olshefsky

Doug Gorham

Ning Hua

Markus Plessel

Samantha Bradley

Jennie Steinhagen

Susan Tatiner

Tina Alston

Jennifer McClain

Approved agenda for 16 September 2009

  1. Call to Order (Mills)
  2. Introductions (Mills)
  3. Approval of Agenda (Mills)
  4. Approval of Minutes from 19 August 2009 teleconference (Mills)
  5. NOTE: One minor change in item 6
  6. Standards Education Workshop in China (Mills)
  7. New draft program outline (McClain)
  8. Steering Committee teleconference (Bilel Jamoussi)
  9. MELECON update (Law)
  10. Standards Speakers Bureau (McClain)
  11. Standards Education Magazine (Mills)
  12. Sample Template
  13. IEEE Position Paper on Role of Standards and ANSI Committee on Education Meeting (McClain/Olshefsky)
  14. IEEE Standards Subscriptions list (McClain)
  15. Spreadsheet with IEEE Standards usage
  16. New Business (Mills)
  17. Next teleconference: Wednesday, 21 October 2009, 11:00 AM EDT to 1:00 PM (McClain)
  18. Reminder: Face to Face SEC Meeting on Monday, 16 November 2009, 9:00 AM EST to 3:00 PM, Piscataway, NJ
  19. Adjourn (Mills)


  1. Steve Mills called the meeting to order and all participants were announced.
  2. Motion to approve draft agenda for 16 September 2009 was made by David Law. Seconded by Bilel Jamoussi. Agenda was approved by unanimous consent.
  3. Motion to approve the minutes with minor change for 19 August 2009 was made by Howard Wolfman. Seconded by David Law. Minutes were approved by unanimous consent.
  4. Ning Hua provided an update from his discussions with CNIS on the draft program for a Standards Education Workshop in China. CNIS and Ning had the following comments:
  5. The workshop should close by 4:00 PM, since audience may leave early and cause embarrassment to the speakers. Beginning at 8:30 AM is okay, however we will announce that it will begin at 8:10 AM.
  6. There should be ten presentations during the workshop: 5 from CNIS and 5 from IEEE. All of CNIS topics will be related to standards education, including activities of textbook development, experiences in teaching standards education at university level and overview of CNIS. They will submit their draft topics within the next 3 weeks.
  7. Suggest that the IEEE address topics about standards education and less about IEEE standardization process. (If we want to talk aboutprocess than we should change the title of the program.)
  8. Ning suggested to CNIS that we sign a simple MOU on the workshop to specify financial responsibilities. CNIS is now drafting the MOUwith 50/50 split of costs.
  1. SEC members, participants and staff discussed the above items with the following comments:

a)We need more information on who the audience is. Assuming that 50% are from SDO’s or industry, what interest are pure education topics to them?

b)We need to know what topics CNIS is covering and more information on what they would like to see from the IEEE.

c)The topics of the standards development process and intellectual property could probably be covered in introduction material on the IEEE SA.

d)IEEE should address the role of standards in accreditation and use our Position Paper on the Role of Standards in Curriculum as a stepping stone to explain. Can be covered in 20 minutes.

Moshe suggested the following program:

a)IEEE’s interests in standards education

b)What the IEEE is doing currently to address standards education

c)Overview of all the resources available

d)Examples of case studies from around the world

e)Accreditation: standards accreditation efforts within and outside the US

  • Status/state right now with accrediting bodies
  • Where IEEE wants it to go

Ning suggested the following:

a)Overview of IEEE and IEEE SA and EAB

b)Introduction into Standards Education Activities

c)Resources and Case studies in standards education


e)Standardization process/IP/relationship to ISO/IEC

Outcome of discussion:

Ning will ask for CNIS to submit their draft topics earlier (within 2 weeks) and also ask for clarification on how this program would appeal to industry attendees.

Once we get the draft from CNIS , we will schedule a steering committee call.

First SEC steering committee call to discuss IEEE’s program topics will be Wednesday, 23 Sept., 10:00 AM EDT to 11:00 AM EDT.

  1. David provided an update on Melecon. The program proposal was sent to organizers. Region 8 and SEC will split the costs of travel, hotel and meeting fee if there is one, however Region 8 has budgeted only 2K for this event.
  2. Next steps are to set a more final agenda, figure out the budget, and develop a more formal agreement on how the volunteer support will be funded.
  3. David will push back on charging registration fees for the speakers.
  1. Jennie Steinhagen from the IEEE SA asked whether we should create generic templates for workshops, and asked whether we want to plan another event in China and partner with another SDO, like CESI?

a)Group agreed that we should pose this question to Ning.

b)Steve suggested that Jennie contact CESI to discuss the topics they’d like covered, as well as when it could be held. Group discussed the possibility of holding two workshops in the same area around the same time.

  1. Jennifer gave brief overview of the draft plan for the Standards Speaker’s Bureau and asked for volunteers to help flesh out the plan. David Law and Bilel Jamoussi agreed to be on the ad-hoc with Patricia Gerdon and Jennifer.

a)David Law and Susan Tatiner mentioned that there may be an opportunity for a speaker at a South African conference in October. David is working on finding the appropriate person to represent the IEEE. They had requested someone from Power Engineering.

  1. Steve addressed creating a Standards Education Magazine, which would allow us to publish shorter pieces of material more quickly.

a)Writing white papers, etc., would be an effective tool.

b)Publication would be quarterly to begin with.

c) Group agreed that we should open this up to people from other organizations to contribute. Jennifer will mention the idea to the ANSI Committee on Education during their meeting on 18 September and invite members to participate/contribute.

d)Should include information on the process, standards education, accreditation, and specific to standards themselves.

e) Next step will be create a sample: Action for Jennifer

f) Will need an ad-hoc to develop the review process and other procedures.

g) Jennifer will check with EAD staff who work on newsletter and “What’s New” section to see if same freelancer could help with ourpublication.

h)Bilel and Steve will contribute articles. (Yatin previously agreed.) New ad-hoc: Steve, Yatin, Bilel, Jennifer

  1. Jim Olshefsky followed up on a previous discussion about working with other SDO’s to make the IEEE’s Position Paper on the Role of Standards more generic. Jim and Jennifer will be attending the ANSI Committee on Education meeting in Washington, DC, on Friday, 18 September, and would like to seek other SDO’s input and endorsement.
  1. At least half of ABET participants can be solicited thru ANSI.
  2. Group agreed that any help that we can get would be helpful and that the IEEE would welcome ANSI’s endorsement.
  3. Moshe stated that the IEEE would probably sign onto a position paper that includes other SDO’s, and they should look at the current Paper as a draft for a joint position.
  4. Jim and Jennifer will gauge the barometer of the other participants and then work together to make a more generic version available.
  5. Moshe reported that the full commission on accreditation meeting is in July 2010, which gives us time for someone to go to the commission and put it on the table.

i)Process is: Update the BoG and BoD in November and tell them they’ll see a document to approve in Feb/March 2010 in order to make the July meeting.

  1. Jennifer reported that the listing of schools with access to IEEE Standards through their IEL subscriptions has been posted to the website at:
  2. Jennifer to modify the language so accessing the standards through Xplorer is more clear. Link should not go to the IEEE Store.
  3. Information was also reported on the number of standards downloads per school. That spreadsheet was moved to the private SEC web area.
  1. SEC and participants were reminded that the November SEC meeting is at the IEEE in Piscataway on Monday, 16 November 2009. Jennifer to send out reminder and rsvp request so we can determine who will attend.
  2. Meeting adjourned 12:45 PM.

Summary of Action Items:

1. Ning: Ask CNIS to submit their draft topics for the workshop earlier (within 2 weeks).

2. Jennifer Steinhagen: Speak to Ning and contact CESI to discuss topics they would like covered in a workshop and timeframe.

3. Jennifer: Mention the Standards Education Magazine idea to the ANSI CoE and invite members to participate/contribute.

4. Jim Olshefsky and Jennifer: Present IEEE Position Paper to the ANSI CoE and gauge their level of interest in developing a joint position statement. Then work together on new draft.

5. Jennifer: Modify language on website about accessing Standards Subscriptions so it more clear.

6. Jennifer: Send out reminder and ask for RSVP’s for November face to face meeting.

New Ad-hocs:

1. Standards Speaker’s Bureau: David Law, Bilel Jamoussi, Patricia Gerdon, Jennifer McClain

2. Standards Education Magazine: Steve Mills, Bilel Jamoussi, Yatin Trivedi, Jennifer McClain