Project 6.5 Product Reverse Engineering


In this project you will complete several activities that will enable you to collect the information needed in order to make a display for your product, and prepare your presentation. It is imperative that you keep good notes and do all parts as instructed.


Please do everything in THISorder – Do not Skip Steps

  1. In your Engineering Notebook: Write a short narrative about WHY you chose this product and what you hope to learn about it through Reverse Engineering its components.
  1. Complete the provided Visual Design Principles and Elements Matrix for your product – mount it in your Engineering Notebook.
  1. In your Engineering Notebook:Complete the Functional Analysis Procedure for your product in your Engineering Notebook.
  1. On a separate piece of Graph Paper: create ANOTHERisometric sketch of your product including general dimensions (which will require precise measurements) and any notes regarding its appearance (color, texture, wear, cracks, etc)

------checkpoint #1------

  1. Disassemble your product (CAREFULLY) and document all parts on the Disassembly Chart. KEEP THIS SEPARATE – it goes on your poster
  1. Using the Internet: Research your product to answer the following questions in narrative form (aka: report form – 1-2 pages): (be sure to CITE YOUR RESOURCES):
  2. What is the manufacturing process used to create the product?
  3. What is the estimated cost to make ONE of this product?
  1. On separate pieces of graph paper:Create a multi-viewdrawing for each part WHICH DEFINES YOUR PRODUCT (what do you think of when you think of your product) to includenecessary orthographic projections and an isometric projection (this will be done on separate pieces of graph paper).You need only provide overall dimensions on the orthographic projections (height, width, depth). KEEP THESE SEPARATE – they go on your poster.


------checkpoint #2------

  1. On the next blank page of your Engineering Notebook, lay out a plan for your project board – show where you will place all of the required items found in step #9 (below)
  1. Create thephysical poster (using the materials provided by your teacher) that includes the following:
  • The original Isometric drawingcompleted in Part 1
  • Your disassembly chart
  • Your multi-view drawingsof each part with a label corresponding to the appropriate physical part located on the board (Ex: MV drawing #1 will refer to Part #1, etc.)
  • Exploded view of your product (check the internet to see what that might look like)
  1. In your engineering notebook, create a narrative which you will present along with your product poster - answer the following questions:
  • What is your product?
  • What is your product’s function?
  • What are the parts of your product?
  • What did you learn about your product through the reverse engineering process?

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Introduction to Engineering DesignProject6.5Product Reverse Engineering Presentation– Page 1