
September 8, 2011

Water Management Committee Members (categorized by representation):

Committee members’ attendance, asterisk denotes absent

I. Call to Order

Chairman J/E Greg Terry called the September 8, 2011 Purchase Area Water Management Council meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Those in attendance were as follows:

Ballard County

J/E Vickie Viniard, Ballard County*

Rob Stevens, Kevil W & S*

Tim Walker, Barlow W & S*

Guy Johnson, Wickliffe W & S*

Eric Young, Lovelaceville*

Jody Brown, LaCenter/Mary Austin, Proxy

Calloway County

J/E Larry Elkins, Calloway Co.*

Gene Outland, Dexter-Almo Heights WD*

Glen Windsor, Murray WD 3*

Hank Stanfield, 641 S WD*

Wm. Duncan, Center Ridge* WS

Freddie O’Bryan, Murray WD 2 *

Peyton Mastera, City of Murray

Kenny Outland, Stella Trailer Park

Linda Cavitt, Calloway Co. Health Department*

Carlisle County

J/E Greg Terry

Jerry Bowman, Carlisle SD No. 1

Robin Phelps, Bardwell City Utilities/J/E Greg Terry/Proxy

John Lemons, City of Arlington

Dan Bowles, Cunningham Water /J/E Greg Terry/ Proxy

Freda Duncan, Milburn WD/J/E Greg Terry/ Proxy

Fulton County

J/E David Gallagher, Fulton Co. *

Larry Myatt, City of Hickman*

Bubba Nelms, City of Fulton*

Graves County

J/E Tony Smith*

Sam Davis, Hickory WD*

Johnny Dowdy, GCWD*

Eric Young, Sedalia WD*

Charles Shelby, Wingo W & S*

Kevin Leonard MEWS*

Jim Waid, Symsonia WD

Noel Copelan, Graves Co. Health Department*

Kevin Murphy, PPSC*

Hickman County

J/E Greg Pruitt*

Mike Pickard, Clinton Sewer/Water Service Corp.*

Pete Fernandez, Columbus Water Works*

Marshall County

J/E Mike Miller*

Don Myrick, Calvert City/John Ward/Proxy

Allen Artis, Marshall Co. SD #2

L.A. Landers, Marshall SD #.1

Tony Seavers, Benton W & S*

Matthew York, Jonathan Creek Water*

Eddie Washam, Hardin WD*

Bobby Gifford, North Marshall Water

Juli Connor-Marshall Co. Health Department*

McCracken County

J/E Van Newberry*

John Hodges, Paducah/McCracken JSA

Steve Hayden, Hendron WD*

Bill Tanner, W. McCracken WD*

Darrin Rankin, Paducah Water Works


Charlie Ross, Purchase District Health Department*


Maggie Morgan, Four Rivers Basin

Chuck Noble, BRADD

David Roberts, City of Murray

Bill Robertson, Paducah Water Works

PADD Staff

Mark Davis

Jasper Wyatt

Bob Jost

Stacey Courtney

Cathy Holshouser

II.  Welcome and Introduction- Chairman Greg Terry

Chairman Greg Terry thanked everyone for attending the meeting and welcomed each guest.

III.  APPROVAL OF March 16, 2011 MINUTES- Chairman Greg Terry

Chairman Terry referred the council to the minutes of the meeting March 16th, which were on pages 3-6 in the meeting packet. Mr. Bobby Gifford made a motion to approve the minutes followed by a second from Mr. Jerry Bowman. The motion passed unanimously.

IV. Call for Projects

A. New Water Projects for Approval

*WX21035002-Line Replacement & Metering

*WX21035003-New Raw Well Source

*WX21035005-Radio Read Meter Installation

*WX21075002-Demolition of Old Clear Well & Degasifier

*WX21083009-Cuba School Rd. Line Extension

Mr. Bobby Gifford made a motion to approve the new water projects followed by a second from Mr. Jerry Bowman.

B. New Sewer Projects for Approval

*SX21075003-Wetlands Addition to Lagoon

*SX21145001-Reidland Collection System Inline Storage

*SX21145002-Woodlawn Collection System Inline Storage

Mr. Peyton Mastera made a motion to approve the sewer projects followed by a second from Mr. Jerry Bowman.

C. Projects Amendments

*SX21007007-I&I Reduction

*SX21007014-WWTP & Creek Flow Monitoring

*SX21007016-Sewer Improvements Phase III

*SX21035001-WWTP Improvement & Collection System

*SX21157030-Lift Station Repair/Replacement & WWTP Upgrades

*SX21157035-Extension to Marshall Co High

*SX21145169-Paducah Misc. Improvements

*SX21145170-Reidland Misc. Improvements

*SX21145171-Woodlawn Misc. Improvements

*WX21157037-Relocation of WTP & Wells

Mr. Jerry Bowman made a motion to approve the amended sewer/water projects followed by a second from Mr. Jim Waid.

V. Discussion/Finalize new ranking process

Mr. Jasper Wyatt presented and reviewed a new ranking sheet and process with the council. The council reviewed the ranking sheet for waste water projects first. A suggestion to change the wording of category A under section I-project type was made. The wording was changed to “Will this project provide or continue regionalization and/or consolidation of waste water treatment systems? Proposed project reduces the number of NPDES discharges by regionalization, etc.” A suggestion was also made to add an F category to section I-project type for underserved projects that would be based upon the percentage of existing customers affected by the project. Projects that would fit into underserved would be inadequately sized lines, flow problems, etc. There were no suggestions for any changes to section II-compliance and enforcement or section III-funding status. There was a suggestion made under section IV-project status to take out category C-an engineer has been procured and to move category D-estimated engineer’s budget complete to category C and make it have a point value of 5 points. For section V there were no suggestions to change the county ranking. The top 5 from each county would receive points. Mr. Wyatt then moved to the water ranking sheet and stated that any of the changes that were made in section II through section V on the waste water ranking sheet would also be changed on the water ranking sheet since the all the sections are the same for both ranking sheets. For section I-project type for water there was a suggestion made to add wording to category C that would be “Rehabilitation, replacement, and/or hydraulic necessity of aging infrastructure.” There were no other suggestions made, so Mr. Wyatt moved to discuss the overall process and stated that now that the ranking sheets are set that the next step will be to hold county meeting and rank project on the county level. Mr. Wyatt stated that he will rank the projects based on section I through section IV before the county meeting and then add points to the top 5 county projects after the county meeting. Mr. Wyatt then stated that the next step would be to the have the regional ranking meeting in November or December. Mr. Wyatt asked the council if they wanted the idea of council points at the regional meeting to give the council one more opportunity to improve one water and sewer project per county by adding 15 points to the total points. It was suggested that the council not do this and to let the rankings stand on the merits of the project and county rankings. The final process would be for Mr. Wyatt to score the projects before the county meeting and then add county points after the county meeting, the top 40 water and sewer regional list would be compiled to present at the regional ranking meeting.

Being no other suggestions to the process Chairman Terry asked for a motion to vote. Mr. Bobby Gifford moved to approve the water and sewer ranking sheets and the overall ranking process as amended in the meeting, followed by a second by Jerry Bowman. There was no discussion and the vote was unanimous.

VI. Nominating Committee

Chairman Terry appointed Mr. Darran Rankin, Mr. Jim Waid & Mr. John Lemon to be the nominating committee for new officers. They will recommend three candidates for office at the next meeting.

VII. Operator’s Q & A/Announcements

Mr. Jasper Wyatt spoke about updates from KIA and DOW. He stated that there is a new process for state line item grants. Once a project is closed out, a review will be done to insure that the construction actually done matches what the description in the project profile states. This new process will affect projects closed out after July 1, 2011. Also Jasper stated that any new project for SRF funding must be approved by the council by December 31st. The next Water Management Council will likely be pushed back to early December to allow time for projects to be submitted. It was mentioned that the Water Management Council has an executive council made up of the 8 County Judge Executives that could approve projects after the Water Management meeting if need be. Also DOW would like to see more completed and up to date budgets in the project profile. Mr. Wyatt also stated that if KIA or DOW sees an issue with a project profile, they will contact the project administrator or engineer first then the administrator or engineer needs to contact Mr. Wyatt to get any changes into the profile. He concluded that if you were planning on submitting a project for SRF funding that it is recommended that you sit down with him and go over your project profile compared to the DOW’s guidance documents and fine tune the profile as best as we can.

VIII. Adjourn

There being no other business to discuss, Chairman Terry asked for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Bobby Gifford made the motion to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Jerry Bowman seconded. The motion passed unanimously.