Institute for Wildlife Studies Contribution Form

Contribution Amount: $______

______Check Enclosed (please make payable to IWS) ______Credit Card (Visa or Mastercard only)

Credit Card Number: ______-______-______-______Expiration Date (MM/YY): ______/______

Name: ______If a gift, please provide the name and address of the recipient

Address: ______Name: ______

______Address: ______


****Please select any membership, adoptions, or gift(s) preferences below****

Membership Levels:

______Sponsor ($35 min. contribution) ______Naturalist ($50 min. contribution)

______Conservation Partner ($100 min. contribution): Please select a hat or t-shirt below.

______Eagle Guardian ($250 min. contribution). Please select a hat or t-shirt, plus a hooded sweatshirt or long-sleeve t-shirt below.

______Wildlife Enthusiast ($500 min. contribution) Please select a hat or t-shirt, plus a hooded sweatshirt or long-sleeve t-shirt below.

______Patron ($1000 min. contribution) Please select a hat or t-shirt, plus a hooded sweatshirt or long-sleeve t-shirt below.

______Leadership Circle ($2500 min. contribution) Please select a hat or t-shirt, plus a hooded sweatshirt or long-sleeve t-shirt below.

______Benefactor ($5000 min. contribution) Please select a hat or t-shirt, plus a hooded sweatshirt or long-sleeve t-shirt below.

Nest/Captive Eagle Adoptions:

______Adopt a nest (Level 1: $1000 min. contribution) Nest Preference:______

______Adopt a nest (Level 2: $250 min. contribution) Nest Preference:______

______Adopt an education eagle (Level 1: $250 min. contribution) Eagle (Circle One): Pimu (bald eagle) / Hydi (golden eagle)

Name(s) on plaque:______

______Adopt an education eagle (Level 2: $125 min. contribution) Eagle (Circle One): Pimu (bald eagle) / Hydi (golden eagle)

Name(s) on plaque:______

Gifts Available:

______IWS Hooded Sweatshirt ($50 min. contribution) Size (Circle One): S M L XL XXL

Additional size(s) for orders of more than one ______

______IWS Long-Sleeve T-shirt ($40 min. contribution) Logo (Circle One): Fox / Eagle Size (Circle): S M L XL XXL

Additional logo and size information for orders of more than one ______

______IWS T-shirt ($35 min. contribution) Logo (Circle One): Fox / Eagle Size (Circle One): S M L XL XXL

Additional logo and size information for orders of more than one ______

______IWS Hat ($30 min. contribution)

______IWS Note cards ($15 min. contribution) ______IWS Shopping Bag ($10 min. contribution) ______IWS Pocket Calendar ($5 min. contribution)

Mail form to: Institute for Wildlife Studies, P.O. Box 2500, Avalon, CA 90704