Project Title: Ladies First Marketing Contractor

Questions & Answers 9.9.2010

1. Do you have a list of the approximately 2,000 health care providers serving Vermont women or is that something we will compile? Yes, active Ladies First provider information comes from two primary sources: 1) CaST (Cancer Screening and Tracking System) which is a database management system that collects provider data in order to provide feedback reports to CDC on data quality and performance and 2) MMIS (Medicaid Information Management System) which contains current enrolled Ladies First providers. The training system will track usage and the testing component has an extensive backdoor for queries. Also, the system will have the capability of e-mailing messages to users.

2. Is part of the project maintaining the database of these providers along with contact information? Yes, compiling and maintaining an accurate list.

3. Does the project budget include production and postage costs (for direct marketing outreach, e.g.)? Budget includes production costs. Postage costs will be covered by Ladies First central office separately.

4. Do you want us to provide telemarketing services as part of the outreach to health care providers? Yes, all forms of marketing proposed will be considered carefully.

5. Do we have discretion in suggesting the types of outreach to health care providers?

Yes. In the original RFP it mentions suggested strategies. In addition, the Vermont Information Consortium will be developing a short educational “Webinar” on the system for marketing use.

6. Do you have any creative requirements for the job (such as using Ladies First logo and/or slogan and/or theme) or can we come up with a new creative approach for publicizing this program? Yes, marketing approach shall follow the Ladies First style manual produced by the Ladies First contracted designer which requires usage of new logo and look. However, agencies have liberty in developing a slogan or theme for

this project.

7. What other data sources can we utilize for this project?

In September, the Ladies First program is conducting an electronic provider feedback survey to obtain provider needs, opinions and ideas on the Ladies First program, new system, incentives etc. Ladies First providers and their staff throughout Vermont, New York and New Hampshire will be encouraged to take an electronic survey. Bi-State Primary Care has a grant with Ladies First program via a designated outreach coordinator to educate 30 Federally Qualified Health Centers and one Rural Health Center about Ladies First. Bi-State Primary Cares outreach coordinator will announce the survey in their newsletter, at their quarterly meeting and at strategic site visits. Results from the survey will be available to the Contractor in October.

8. Under "Other Deliverables" in your RFP, you discuss providing a report of program
and also donations. Are you differentiating between match and donation? If yes, could you please provide us an example of each? Match: For every $3 of Federal funds we receive the program must come up with $1 of match. This amount can be seen as in-kind services, difference for not-for-profit rates, sponsorships by facilities etc. Donation: promotional items sponsored by hospital, hospital based incentive ie cash, reduction in association fees, reduction in malpractice insurance, equipment etc.

9. Does the Ladies First program have additional state resources available for use? For example, access to banner space on the state web portal or a Ladies First landing page? Access to banner space on other state sites would need to be negotiated with the Vermont State Chief Marketing Office. Go to: for more information. There may be opportunities to post links for designated periods of time. Additional banner space may be available through Vermont hospitals and their networks.

The new training systemslanding pageis currently limited to butinnovative ideas for a theme based domainare welcome and would need approval by Department of Information andInnovationand proper registering if applicable.

The Ladies First landing page is an available resource. Go to:

10. Is there a separate budget allotment for out-of-pocket expenses such as a media buy, printing, incentives, etc.? There is a potential for additional funding for out-of-pocket expenses.

11. Assuming that all proposals will be reviewed by a committee, can you share the names of the committee members with us?

Vermont Information Consortium, LLC

Jamie Gage (General Manager)

Robert Swartz (Project Manager)

Producer & Behavioral Journalist

Sarah M. Harding, MA, LEED-AP

Vermont Department of Health

Kerri Frenya, MS, (Project Manager)

Paul Pratt, (IT Liaison & Co-Project Manager)

Julie Wasserman, RN, MPH (Ladies First Director)

Kathleen Horton (Communications)

Luke Purvis (Ladies First Data Manager)