February 2017

9. Quick Reference Guide

Actioning tasks and viewing notifications

The assessor portal includes a tasks and notifications feature to inform and prompt action. An email alert will also be received for all tasks and some notifications.

A task is an activity that an assessor needs to action (finalise/close). A notification is an activity that informs the assessor of an event. The assessor may need to complete an action as a result of the notification.

All staff with access to the assessor portal will have access to view tasks and notifications.
How do I view and action tasks?

1.  From the assessor portal homepage select ‘Tasks and notifications’.

2.  The page will open on the ‘Tasks’ tab by default.

3.  You can sort the task list by selecting ‘Due Date’ or ‘Aged Care User Id’.

4.  To view more details for the task select ‘View task details’ or
‘View client record’.

5.  Select the ‘Completed’ checkbox next to all the records you have completed. You can also select ‘Select all’ to tick all the checkboxes in the list.

6.  Select ‘Mark as complete’

How do I view notifications?

1.  From the assessor portal homepage select ‘Tasks and notifications’.

2.  Select the ‘Notifications’ tab

3.  You can sort the notification list by selecting ‘Date received’. To view more details select ‘View notification details’ or ‘View client record’ on the notification record.

How do I manage task and notification preferences?

You must be assigned an administrator role to manage task and notification preferences. If you need to add this role to your user account, please see your organisation administrator.

1.  From the assessor portal homepage select ‘Tasks and notifications’.

2.  Select the ‘Manage Preferences’ tab

3.  To update the email notification preferences select ‘Change preferences’.

4.  A pop-up box will be displayed, from this screen you can set all email notifications to ON/OFF or enable email notifications per individual type.

You can also set the frequency of the email notifications by selecting ‘Daily’ or ‘Weekly’ and in some instances ‘Immediately’.

5.  Select ‘Save’ when all changes have been made. You can reset the preferences by selecting ‘Reset’.

6.  To change the email address the notifications are sent to, select
‘Update email address’.

7.  Add the new email address in the free text box provided and select ‘Save’.

8.  Your notification preferences have now been updated.