Algebra Readiness (Per 6)

Mrs. Anderson, Room 225

Phone: 728-2400 ext. 7639



Welcome to math class, Spartans! I look forward to a wonderful year with you all.

Parent and guardians, please contact me at any time with any questions or concerns.

Expectations: I expect that students will come to class every day prepared, ready to learn, ready to participate, and to ready to give the class your best effort. However,I know that life sometimes gets in the way of having a good day, and on those days, I ask that you just be present and do what you can. I expect that any time you fall behind with the material, you take it upon yourself to ask questions and seek help - in person or online. I expect that you will treat your classmates and me with the respect that we deserve, as we will all treat you with the same.

Attendance:Attendance in this class is extremely important. If you miss a day of class, it is your responsibility to get the notes and homework assignment from a classmate, “Q” (assignments), or my website (notes). If you know you are going to be absent from class, you are to get your assignment PRIOR to leaving, and expected to look online at my notes, look in the book, work with a friend, or see me at lunch to get the material learned and homework completed to be prepared when you return. For unplanned absences, you will be expected to have your work done within two school days of returning. Please know that if you are going to miss several days of class in a row, that your grade will likely drop for a while, until you get the necessary material done to bring it back up. Attendance is taken and sent to the office within the first few minutes of class. If you are not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings, you will be marked tardy. If you not in the classroom within 3 minutes after the tardy bell rings, you will be marked absent for that day. This is SHS school policy. My class begins with a warm-up every day, which you are expected to work on as soon as the tardy bell rings.

Grading Scale:90, 93, 97% =A-, A, A+Semester grade breakdown

80, 83, 87% =B-, B, B+20% Homework

70, 73, 77% =C-, C, C+20% Homework quizzes

60, 63, 67% =D-, D, D+10% Participation (graded weekly)

50% Tests

Materials:You will need to bring a pencil/pen, notebook, calculator, and math book to this class EVERY day. You should have a notebookand folder or binder dedicated solely to this class, as we will take many notes and have several handouts. Pencils arerequired on tests. Acalculator is required for this class.Sentinel teachers will use either the TI-83 or TI-84 in demonstrations, but you do not need a graphing calculator.

Homework/Daily Quizzes/Tests:Homework will be given daily and graded the next day. I will take homework questions at the beginning of each class. Most assignments will be worth 5 points, some worth more. Homework quizzes will be given on block days, and will cover the previous 2-3 homework assignments. Therefore, if you are doing and understanding your homework, you should do well on your homework quizzes. If you miss a homework quiz, it will be made up the next day during lunch. Homework quizzes can be re-taken once for a better score, up until the next homework quiz.Tests will be given at the end of every chapter; chapters with more material may contain two tests. If you miss a test because of an unexcused absence, you will not be allowed to make that test up, and will receive a zero. If you know that you will be missing a test, it will be taken BEFOREyou leave. If you are absent on test day and have not previously arranged that with me, you will lose 5% off your test score for every day until the test is made up. If you are sick on test day, please have your parent or guardian email me to let me know, and you can make up the test the day you return to school. Re-takes must be earned and will be given at the discretion of the teacher. Only students with all homework turned in from that chapter will even have the option of re-taking a test.

Extra Help:I am available for help every day at lunch (except Mondays) and after school when I do not have cheer practice. PLEASE come see me any time you need extra help or extra practice. Lunch is open for any student to get extra help, work on homework, make up missing quizzes/tests, tutor a peer, study, or to just have a quiet place to eat lunch. Food and drink are allowed in my class during lunch, as long as they are cleaned up when you leave. If you are failing this class, I reserve the right to require you to come in for extra help until you are back up to a passing grade.

Extra Credit: Extra credit assignments will be given throughout the year. Also, every test will have extra credit points available. Extra credit will not be given as means of “saving” a grade, when a student has not done the original work for credit.

Classroom policies:Small snacks and drinks are allowed in my classroom, unless they become a trash issue, at which time the privilege will be taken away for the remainder of the year.I typically do not allow bathroom breaks during 50 minute class periods, but I will give the class a bathroom break halfway through a block period.Headphones and individual music are not allowed when I am teaching, and we will listen to the radio during homework time. Cell phones are not allowed at any time, and will be confiscated if in use. If you like to use your phone as a calculator, please borrow one of mine instead.

Online Resources

  • Your book is online at the code for Algebra Readiness is:
  • To visit my classroom website, go to

Click on “staff”, “Lisa Anderson”, and then choose your class.

This is where I will keep our daily notes.

  • To check assignments and/or grades, visit “Q”.