Ch. 20 – Western Europe during the High Middle Ages

Directions. Printout and review the Chapter outline & Study Guide prior to reading the Chapter. Not all the terms or people are to be found in the Chapter. For these, you are expected to research their relevance and include them.

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Introduction. Europeans during the high middle ages built a vibrant and prosperous society. Rising from the foundations laid during the early middle ages – lord-retainer relationships, agricultural innovation, and then Roman Catholic Church—Europe emerged from its long period of relative political instability and economic and intellectual stagnation. The hallmarks of high medieval European culture included

·  The consolidation and expansion of regional states. These powerful states sometimes were organized by local rulers and based on lord-retainer relationships, as seen in France. Other times, they were supported or encouraged by the Roman church, like the Holy Roman Empire.

·  Economic revitalization. With renewed agricultural surplus, the population expanded and Europe began to re-urbanise. Cities grew, and with them grew business, industry, trade, and educational institutions. Long-distance trade networks reappeared, esp. in the Mediterranean and Baltic and North Sea regions.

·  Continued presence of the Roman Catholic Christianity in virtually all aspects of high medieval life. Though both traditional church institutions and the mass appeal of popular religious practices, church institutions and the mass appeal of popular religious practices, the church prospered during this period. The Roman church’s influence was felt in education, philosophy, literature, conquest, and travel.

The following section, including “People & Terms” is to be highlighted on the Chapter Outline. Words not appearing in the outline must be added to the outline. Incorporate the information for the Study questions into the notes you add to the outline.

People & Terms / Study Questions
Response should include answers to who, what, where, when, how & why is this person important.
Marco Polo Otto I Pope John XII
Henry IV Pope Gregory VII Hugh Capet
Frederick Barbarossa Louis IX Thomas Aquinas
William of Normandy Eleanor of Aquitaine St Dominic
St Francis of Assisi Pope Innocent Eric the Red
Leif Ericsson Robert Guiscard Roger Guiscard
Pope Urban II Peter the Hermit Saladin
State in your own words what each of the following terms means and why it is significant to a study of world history.
Holy Roman Empire Investiture Capetian dynasty
Normans Champagne fairs Hanseatic League
Three estates Chivalry Troubadours
Guilds Cathedral schools universities
Scholasticism sacraments Saints
Relics Pilgrimages Waldensians
Cathars Vinland Teutonic knights
Knights Templar reconquista Crusades
Magna Carta / o During this period Europe saw the emergence of a new social class in the cities. Who were they and what roles did they play? How were they able to make a place for themselves in the medieval social order?
o The medieval period was marked by the gradual rebirth of economic and political institutions in Western Europe. Discuss the early symbiotic relationship between secular and religious leaders. What accounts for the change from a cooperative to an adversarial relationship?
o Consider the northern Italian city-states that emerged during this period. How did they become so successful and prosperous? What roles did they play in the economy, politics, and religion of Europe? / o The 18th century French philosopher Voltaire is once quoted as saying, “the Holy Roman Empire is neither.” What did he mean by this and to what degree was he correct? What was the Holy Roman Empire? Explain your answer with examples.
o What is scholasticism and what broader intellectual movements did it reflect?
o Explain the relationship between each of the following pairs. How does one lead to or foster the other? Be specific in your response.
o Horse collar & textile industry
o Hanseatic League & Genoa
o Normans & Italy
o Magna Carta & Guilds