MAWCA 2008 Schedule:
Friday April 11:
6:00pm – 9:00pm:Reception at the Philadelphia Art Museum
Saturday April 12:
8:00am – 9:00am: Onsite check-in and registration, Breakfast Buffet
9:00am-11:55 am:Sessions One, Two and Three
12:00pm – 1:25pm:Lunch and Open Mic Event
1:30pm – 4:30pm:Sessions Four, Five and Six
4:45pm – 6:00pm:MAWCA Board Meeting (Open to All)
6:30 - “Nightseeing” in Center City
Conference Program
Session ONE: 9:00 -9:55
- Liberating Peer Tutors through Observation
- John Nordlof, Matthew Hohn, Tara Quinn, and Rebekah Shaw, all from Eastern University
- Liberal Education, Literacy, and the Writing Center
- Patricia Dyer, Janine Utell, and Annalisa Castaldo, all from Widener University
- (In)dependence: The Writing Center as Constituent
- Jon Olson/Penn State University: “A Writing Center’s Role in a Deliberative, Participatory Democracy”
- Ryan Witt/Temple University: “Qualitative Research in the Writing Classroom, Implications in the Writing Center”
- DeCentering the Writing Center: Extending Literacy Beyond the Collegiate Classroom
- Speakers: Mary Beth Simmons, Sally Groomes, Steven Schultz and Rebecca Buckham, all from Villanova University
- A Student Services Democracy: Finding Ways to Specify Writing Tutoring for Student Athletes
- Speakers: Maureen Whitsett, Allison Delso, Eileen Owens and Lindsey Waters, all from Temple University
- Voices and Voicelessness: Expression, Exchange and Ideas in the Writing Center
- Corrine Hinton/Saint Louis University: “Rooms in the Same House: Building Discourse Equality in the University Writing Center”
- Jennifer Holt/Vanderbilt University: “Sustaining Tension in the Center: Negotiating the Relationship between Free Expression and Critical Thought”
- Kurt Schick/James Madison University: “Liberating Choices”
SESSION TWO: 10:00 – 10:55
- Liberating ELL Students: Cultural Perspectives on Plagiarism
- Mary Jo Keiter, Cynthia Crimmins and Sam Waddell all from York College of PA
- Strategies for Tutoring Students with Learning Disabilities
- Brittany Talarico, Sarah Cornwell and Chris Vella, all from University of Delaware
- Pieces of the Whole: “Third-Factors” and Myers-Briggs in the Writing Center
- Eric Sentell/Missouri State University: “Making Independent Thinkers for Democracy, Thanks to Nancy Welch”
- Erec Smith/Drew University: “Typing Type: Identifying the Implied Subject in Academic Discourse”
- Working with Fellows: A Look at Two Programs
- Rachel Scupp and Harriet Hustis/The College of New Jersey: “An Emersonian Approach to the College Thesis: A Writing Fellow’s Work Bridging the Gap between High School and College Writing”
- Sarah Hughes and Melissa Kapadia/Temple University: “The Fellows Program: Examining Problems and Creating Solutions”
- Developing Literate Citizens: Learning Center Collaboration in Summary Writing Assessment
- Jacqueline Simon, Christine Cassel, Judy Oster, Katharine Hoff and Shirley Mersky, all from Rider University
- Sound, Screen and the Dead: Thinking Outside the Text
- Sarah Goldberg/University of Maryland, College Park: “Planning for Multimodalities in the Writing Center”
- Karen Lentz Madison/Loyola College and Robert Madison/US Naval Academy: “Rhetoric of a Whaling Journal: When your Writing-Center Client is Dead”
- Tom Orange/Vanderbilt University: “’Come to Free the Words’: Caroline Bergvall’s Text-Sound Poetry and the Critique of Voice”
Session THREE: 11:00 – 11:55
- Crossing Lines, Taking Liberties: Changing Roles and Breaking Rules
- Brian O’Sullivan, Conni Bowen, Michele Hoffman, Sarah Magruder Robinson and Meghan Sullivan, all of St. Mary’s College of Maryland, and Brad Dittrich/Salisbury University
- Writing Center Freedoms: Efficacy, Expression, Evaluation
- Anita Gill, Arielle Bernstein, and Janet Auten, all from American University
- Atmospheric Conditions: The Ethics of the Writing Center Experience
- Lynnette M. Deem/Temple University: “Going Beyond: Creating a Positive Writing Center Experience”
- Dierdre Monique Powell/Morgan State University: “The Morality of Academic Freedom: How the Writing Center and Faculty Can Work Cooperatively to Promote Common Sense”
- Co-constructing Eloquentia Perfecta: The Writing Center, the Writing Across the Curriculum Program, and A Writer’s Reference
- Jennifer Follett, Jennifer Vill, Amanda Schultheis, Ross Losapio, Brigitt Hauck and Bethany Germack, all from Loyola College in Maryland
- Whose Paper Is It?: Ownership, the Writing Process, and the Writing Center
- Kayla Hockenbrock/Kutztown University: “A Tutor’s Advantage: Experiencing Students’ Ideas Before the Final Draft”
- Rachel Rogers/York College of PA: “Conformed Liberties: Ethical Effects of Discourse and Professor Appropriated Tutoring”
- The Difficult Tutoring Session
- William Archibald, Amanda Bell, Stephanie Craven, Robert McLaughlin and Gary Campbell, all from Millersville University
**LUNCH 12:00-1:30**
SESSION FOUR: 1:30 – 2:25
- Yours, Mines, Hours – WC-ESL Socio-linguistic Exchanges
- Joe Turner and Christiana Dobrzynski/University of Delaware: “Audience and ESL Classes”
- Petra Palmer and Halina Adams/University of Delaware: “Linguistic Citizenship/Idiom Game”
- Elizabeth Keenan and Sophia Harrison/University of Delaware: “Assessing ESL Needs: Going Beyond the Session”
- When Students Become Colleagues: Peer Tutoring as a Site of Social Construction and Democratic Dialogue
- Cynthia Crimmins and Dominique Dellicarpini/ York College of PA
- Widening the Literacy Circle: Student Writers Grow by Helping Others Grow
- Ellen D. Kolba, Gemma Sullivan, Sarah Peterson, and two student coaches, all from the Montclair Public Schools
- The Writing Center at the Intersection of Disciplines and Technologies
- Gayla Mills and Ashley Hampton/Randolph-Macon College: “Empowering Peer Tutors with WAC”
- Stephanie Wade/Stony Brook Southhampton: “The Open MIC: Creating a Multimedia, Interdisciplinary, Collaboration Center”
- The Unfreedom of the Required Appointment
- Brian H. Ogle and Carl Glover/Mount Saint Mary’s University
- Private Conversation in a Public Space: Academic Speech, Free Speech, Social Speech, and Civil Speech in the Writing Center
- Mary Ann Janda, Randi Butler, Angela Hulbert and Chris Nelson, all from Utica College
SESSION FIVE: 2:30 – 3:25
- A Writing Center Belles Lettres? Asynchronous Online Tutoring as a New Model of Writing Center Dialogue
Lisa Zimmerelli, John Whitcraft, and graduate student advisors, all from University of Maryland University College
- Getting Graduate Students Committed to Using the Writing Center
- Denise Bike and Elizabeth Leik/Loyola College, Baltimore
- Developing Independence and Freedom in Revision through Tutor-led In-class Peer Responding Groups
- Diane Gruenberg, Trista Altstadt, Alison King, and tutors, all from The College of New Jersey
- Recombination and Repetition: Reflections on Tutoring
- Karen McDonnell/James Madison University: “The DNA of Writing: Embracing the HOC/LOC Contrary”
- Eleni Solomos: Temple University: “I Feel Like I Keep Saying the Same Thing Over and Over Again: A Tutor’s Observations on Repetition, Apprehension, Self-Direction and Reflection in Individual Tutoring Practices”
- Writing Tutor as Journalist: Controversial Subjects, Biased Language and the Need for Objectivity in the Writing Center
- Daniel Gobble and Mary Bogart/York College of PA
- The Keys to Freedom: Collaboration, Communication, and Compromise in the Writing Center
- Sandra Eckard and Writing Studio Tutors, all from East Stroudsburg University of PA
SESSION SIX: 3:30 – 4:25
- Re-thinking the Contact Zone: Diversity in the Writing Center of the 21st Century
- Colleen Ann Lutz Clemens and Kimberly Racon/Lehigh University, and Brian Zaleski/Raritan Valley Community College
- Liberating the Center: (Re) Considering the Tutorial to Support Multiple Literacies
- Lynn Shelly, Leah Chambers and Brian Cope, all from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Punxsutawney
- Special Issues in Tutoring: Dealing with Writing Anxiety, Procrastination, and Gender Difference in the Writing Conference
- Lindsey Spina, Natalie Rose and Jackie Criscuolo, all from the University of Delaware
- Equality, Inequality and Tutoring
- Christina Agosto/Centenary College: “The Misconception of Almighty Tutor”
- Andrew Renaldo/Centenary College: “Effective ESL Tutoring”
- Julie A. Story/Lock Haven University: “Truth and Individual Rights in Writing Centers”
- On Getting Tutored: Writing Tutors Reflect on Liberty and Learning through Being Tutored
- Meaghan Brewer, Abigail Mallin, Brian Mays and Kelli Sparrow, all from Temple University
- Changing Practice to Meet Demands: Conducting Workshops as Synchronous Online Chats
- Leigh Ryan, Heather Blain and Tyler Mills, all from the University of Maryland