Art and Design EXA 0-01a:
I have experienced the energy and excitement of presenting/performing for audiences and being part of an audience for other people’s presentations/performances
Children will be able to:
Make suggestions about the way they display their work.
Display their art work to a variety of audiences. (Peers; other classes; parents; community.)
Recall a visual arts experience
Accept positive feedback and reinforcement from others and develop self confidence / self esteem.
Discuss their own and others’ art work using appropriate language. / Suggested Learning Activities
Support children in displaying their own work within the classroom or playroom. Discuss space; how work might be mounted; how it would be arranged.
Organise an event within the school / centre to display work to school and wider community.
Provide opportunities within and beyond the centre / class for children to share and discuss their art experiences. E.g. looking at artworks such as Van Gogh’s Sunflowers and discuss colours, shape, line etc; visit to museum / art gallery.
Provide opportunities for children to discuss their own and others’ work through AiFL approaches
Art and Design EXA 0-02a :
I have had the freedom to discover and choose ways to create images and objects using a variety of art materials, exploring line, shape, form, colour, tone, pattern and texture.
Children will be able to:
Observe and record using a variety of materials (e.g. paint; crayon; pencil; chalk; charcoal; plasticine; collage; ) from many sources – such as man made and natural objects.
Use a variety of drawing and painting implements.
Use visual elements *with increasing confidence.
Use and develop their fine and gross motor skills.
Use appropriate language to describe everyday images and objects.
Identify textures that feel the same and textures that feel different.
Identify basic shapes and primary and secondary colours. / Suggested Learning Activities
Support children’s engagement in practical experiences using a range of materials and a variety of processes. (E.g. drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics) Where appropriate link to topic work.
Provide childrenwith an element of choice of, for example, colour of paper, crayons and the choice of objects such as shells, seaweed, stones, old trainers, old clocks etc.
Encourage children to talk about their choices E.g. ‘I like the colour of….’ ‘I used straight / curved / thick / thin lines because….’
Make use of the outdoor environment to explore large scale creations and transient art.
Include thick card / broad brushes/ dipping card into paint to make marks / finger painting / felt pens.
Develop understanding of visual elements :
Shape: large / small / curved /geometric / irregular / regular(2D, 3D)
Colour: mixing / lighter / darker(use primary colours - red, yellow , blue – to make other colours)
Texture: smooth / rough (.Add sand to paint to make rough surfaces; stick tissue paper and paint on to paper.)
Line: vertical / horizontal / diagonal/ broken / zig zag / heavy / light.etc.(Use a pencil or paintbrush to explore a variety of lines. In art\work use lines which suggest movement such as fast, slow, soft, forwards, backwards, diagonal.)
Provide examples of sculpture.
Provide light boxes and torches for children to explore tone, texture and pattern and create shadows and images.

Cutting/ tearing / joining / sticking

Encourage children to describe what they see in terms of visual elements. e.g. ‘That line looks as if it is moving’. ‘The light colour stands out.’ ’It looks like a fluffy shape.’ Use work of significant artists, such as Mondrian; story books.

Encourage children to use colours that suggestwarmth (e.g., red, yellow, orange) and coolness(e.g., blue, green, purple).
Primary colours – red, blue, yellow
Secondary colours - purple, orange, green
Art and Design EXA 0-04a
I can create a range of visual information through observing and recording from my experiences across the curriculum.
Learning Intentions
Children will be able to:
Observe and record (e.g. draw / make / photograph) an object from their own environment.
Use their knowledge and understanding of visual elements to visually record objects.
Create a realistic image of the object.
Record the shapes and pattern of the object using lines. / Suggested Learning Activities
(Relate activities to topic work. Include
homework tasks).
Support children to draw, make , photograph objects such as toys; everyday objects related to topic work or from their own experiences or from storybooks
Individually or in groups, children construct models from a collection of observed objects within and beyond the classroom such as houses, people, plants, flowers.
Provide a variety of materials for children to explore and experiment with such as card, paper, wool, straw, wood off – cuts and commercial products.
Provide a variety of media for children to explore and experiment with – indoors and outdoors - such as paint, crayon, fabrics, modelling clay, and natural materials.
Art and Design EXA 0-05a
Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through activities within art and design.
Children will be able to:
Express ideas, thoughts and feelings through picture and 3D form.
Useappropriate words and phrases to describe their art work.
Use a variety of media to express a personal response.
Use the visual elements to express a mood or experience and create images. / Suggested Learning Activities
Encourage children to convey their ideas thoughts and feelings through the use stimulisuch as listening to music; current events; a film;topic work;and familiar sources such as school, family, friends, feelings and outings.
Create an image that expresses their understanding of a character from a book; use different shapes, such as spiky or smooth to convey a character’s personality.
Make images that use colours to express a mood or experience (yellow because that makes them feel happy).
Art and design EXA 0-06a
Working on my own and with others, I use my curiosity and imagination to solve design problems
Children will be able to:
On their own and with others follow a design brief.
Discuss and investigate the best solutions to simple design problems.
Explain the process involved in producing their work. / Suggested Learning Activities
Children could design a logo for their team / a flag for pirates’ ship / a badge or tea shirt design by using digital media or simple drawing techniques.
Allow children to experiment with a variety of materials E.g. which material is most appropriate to fulfill the design function?
Within a topic or theme children could explore design solutions. E.g. what would be the best chair design for Baby Bear - wooden chair / high chair / soft chair?
(Ensure children realisethere can be more than one solution to a design problem.)
Provide opportunities for the children to explain how they approached the task.(What we did first, what worked, why it didn’t work etc.)
Art and Design - EXA 0-07a
I can respond to the work of artists and designers by discussing my thoughts and feelings. I can give and accept constructive comment on my own and others’ work.
Children will be able to:
Discuss their own work, that of their peers and other artists and designers.
Use appropriate art and design terms to describe the work. / Suggested Learning Activities
For example
Mondrian -
Van Gogh –

HenriRousseau -

Through use of AiFL techniques allow children to use given success criteria to say what they think about others’ art work. (e.g. 2 stars and a wish / thumbs up).
Ask questions such as:
‘Are the colours bright?’
‘What colours are used?’
Are the shapes small?’
‘Did they make patterns?
‘Are the shapes jaggy or smooth?’
‘Are the lines thick or thin?’
‘Why do you like the picture?’