Training Experimentation Area

The role of ICT in the Training of Teachers and Trainers:

the eTTnet project

Rome, December 17th, 2004

Jolly Hotel Vittorio Veneto, Corso Italia 1

9:30 a.m. Registration

10:00 a.m. Welcome to participants, Sergio Trevisanato - ISFOL President

10:10 a.m. Presentation of the work programme, Claudia Montedoro –


10:20 a.m. eLearning in the new European Education Programmes

for 2007-2013, Brian Holmes - European Commission

10:40 a.m. Lisbon- Copenhagen- Maastricht: milestones for future policy development in VET, Werner Herrmann, European Union expert

11:00 a.m. Cedefop’s strategies in Trainers Training and in eLearning

Mara Brugia - Cedefop

11:20 a.m. An eLearning Italian proposal within the European context:

“The permanent online training system”, Antonio Capone

Ministry of Labour and Social Policies

11:40 a.m. The role of ICT for the innovation of the education system,

Alessandro Musumeci - Ministry of Education, University and Research

12:00 p.m. The online training system for teachers in Italian school,

Giovanni Biondi - Indire

12:20 p.m. Debate

Moderator: Marco Ludovico - Il sole24Ore

1:20 p.m Lunch

3:00 p.m. Towards the transferability of the outcomes of eTTnet project: eTTCampus, Claudia Montedoro - ISFOL; Kristiina Volmari - Finnish Ministry of Education

3:20 p.m. The outputs of the eTTNet project

Round Table of eTTnet partners:

·  Colin Mc Collough, Cedefop

·  Elena Galindo, UniversitataPolitecnica de Catalunya (Spain)

·  Leena Vainio, Hame Politechnic (Finland)

·  Anne de Blignieres, Paris Dauphine (France)

·  Maureen Layte European Insitute fo eLearning (France)

·  Elise Petitdemange, Institut Superieur des Metiers, (France)

·  Andras Szucs, European Distance and eLearning Network (Hungary)

·  Saverio Pescuma, Isfol (Italy)

·  Ken Marsh and Malcom Ryan,University of Greenwich

(United Kingdom)

·  David Gray, University of Surrey (United Kingdom)

Moderator: Claudio Dondi – Scienter (Italy)

4:30 p.m. Debate

5:00 p.m. Conclusions:

Brian Holmes - European Commission

Mara Brugia – Cedefop

Claudia Montedoro – ISFOL Training Experimentation Area

5:30 p.m. End Conference

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