1. Sports Medicine website:
  2. Can access it from Klein Collins Website:
  3. under ATHLETICS go to Sports Medicine
  4. TEACHER/ CLASS web Pages- Athletics is the first category and MRS. CATHERINE MARR
  5. ALL pertinent information is on the website under the pageATHLETE INFO
  6. MD RULE/ Paperwork:
  7. PLATINUM RULE: any athlete that sees any physician for ANY reason (illness or injury etc,) MUST HAVE A NOTE from that physician BEFORE being able to resume participation- NO EXCEPTIONS.
  9. MUST include information on it (not an attendance note!)- KISD HAS A MD NOTE ON THE WEBSITE
  10. what the diagnosis
  11. what they can and cannot do
  12. *Come and see the Athletic Trainers prior to going to the MD
  13. We can tell you if it is a significant injury from our evaluations & can initiate the rehab process (save money on MD visit!)
  14. We can help you get into the correct physician in a timely manner- including Saturday Clinic at Willowbrook Methodist
  15. We will fill out the proper paperwork for your visit (MD Referral & School insurance form if appropriate)
  16. We will properly document & communicate with the coaches and any other school personnel
  17. High School: 6:45 AM morning Treatments
  18. All injured or sick athletes must sign into the training room each school morning at 6:45 am for treatment, evaluation and turn in any MD notes (so we can communicate effectively)
  19. No athlete will be treated during a class other than their athletic period and only during their athletic period if they attended AM treatments
  20. No athlete will get taped without first completing their rehab exercises during morning treatment
  21. Every athlete should wear rigid ankle braces for athletic participation(Active Ankle braces are recommended)
  22. Tape is a short term fix while muscle strengthening is a long term cure!
  24. Medication forms
  25. Can be found on the Sports Med website as well
  26. Forms to be able to carry inhalers and take medications etc
  27. The ATs need a back up of all medications especially asthma inhalers & allergy/ epi pens in the training room, NOT the Nurses’ Office.
  28. Concussion Law
  29. It’s the Law
  30. must be evaluated by a MD skilled in Concussion Management- not any MD
  31. Our procedures haven’t changed but the documentation has
  32. Lots of paperwork that require Parent/guardian signature
  33. Must go through the return to play which is part of the LAW…
  34. Contact the Staff AT- ASAP; we will handle it and the reporting 
  1. The Athletic Trainers are here for the safety and health of all student athletes (like the Nurses’ office for athletes!)
  2. Please help us- help you and your student athlete
  3. We will hold each athlete accountable
  4. Contact Mrs. Marr/ KC Athletic Training Room (ATR) with any questions, comments or concerns