- Sports Medicine website:
- Can access it from Klein Collins Website:
- under ATHLETICS go to Sports Medicine
- TEACHER/ CLASS web Pages- Athletics is the first category and MRS. CATHERINE MARR
- ALL pertinent information is on the website under the pageATHLETE INFO
- MD RULE/ Paperwork:
- PLATINUM RULE: any athlete that sees any physician for ANY reason (illness or injury etc,) MUST HAVE A NOTE from that physician BEFORE being able to resume participation- NO EXCEPTIONS.
- MUST include information on it (not an attendance note!)- KISD HAS A MD NOTE ON THE WEBSITE
- what the diagnosis
- what they can and cannot do
- *Come and see the Athletic Trainers prior to going to the MD
- We can tell you if it is a significant injury from our evaluations & can initiate the rehab process (save money on MD visit!)
- We can help you get into the correct physician in a timely manner- including Saturday Clinic at Willowbrook Methodist
- We will fill out the proper paperwork for your visit (MD Referral & School insurance form if appropriate)
- We will properly document & communicate with the coaches and any other school personnel
- High School: 6:45 AM morning Treatments
- All injured or sick athletes must sign into the training room each school morning at 6:45 am for treatment, evaluation and turn in any MD notes (so we can communicate effectively)
- No athlete will be treated during a class other than their athletic period and only during their athletic period if they attended AM treatments
- No athlete will get taped without first completing their rehab exercises during morning treatment
- Every athlete should wear rigid ankle braces for athletic participation(Active Ankle braces are recommended)
- Tape is a short term fix while muscle strengthening is a long term cure!
- Medication forms
- Can be found on the Sports Med website as well
- Forms to be able to carry inhalers and take medications etc
- The ATs need a back up of all medications especially asthma inhalers & allergy/ epi pens in the training room, NOT the Nurses’ Office.
- Concussion Law
- It’s the Law
- must be evaluated by a MD skilled in Concussion Management- not any MD
- Our procedures haven’t changed but the documentation has
- Lots of paperwork that require Parent/guardian signature
- Must go through the return to play which is part of the LAW…
- Contact the Staff AT- ASAP; we will handle it and the reporting
- The Athletic Trainers are here for the safety and health of all student athletes (like the Nurses’ office for athletes!)
- Please help us- help you and your student athlete
- We will hold each athlete accountable
- Contact Mrs. Marr/ KC Athletic Training Room (ATR) with any questions, comments or concerns