
Santa Monica Community College District

Budget Planning Committee a Subcommittee of the

District Planning and Advisory Council

January 20, 2010MINUTESMINUTES

A meeting of the Santa Monica Community College Budget Planning Committee, a subcommittee of the District Planning and Advisory Council (DPAC) was held on Wednesday,January 20, 2010 at 2:04 p.m. at Santa MonicaCollege, Library Conference Room (275),1900 Pico Boulevard, Santa Monica, California.

I. Call to Order2:04 p.m.

II. Budget Planning Committee Members

Chris Bonvenuto, Administration

Bob Isomoto, Administration, Co-Chair

Eric Oifer, Academic Senate Representative

Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein, Academic Senate Representative (Absent)

Teresita Rodriguez, Management Association Representative

Erica LeBlanc, Management Association Representative

Mitra Moassessi, Faculty Association Representative

Howard Stahl, Faculty Association Representative, Co-Chair

Bernie Rosenloecher, CSEA Representative

Leroy Lauer, CSEA Representative

Connie Lemke, CSEA Representative (Absent)

Kyle Szesnat, Student Representative

Jennifer Barry, Student Representative(Absent)

Cameron Henton, Student Representative

Reza Ayazi, Student Representative (Absent)

Interested Parties:

Randy Lawson, Administration (Absent)

Maggie Benjamin, Student Representative (Absent)

Mario Martinez, Faculty Association Representative

III. Review of Minutes: Minutes of December 2, 2009approved.

  1. Discussion With Human Resources Concerning The Retirement Incentive Plan Study

VP Wade has confirmed that she will be attending the February 3, 2010 meeting to discuss the incentive plan study.

  1. Discussion Concerning Budgeting For Program Review Needs

Co-Chairs Colavito and Mueller forwarded copies of the 08-09 Program Review Executive Summary for the committee to review. The Co-Chairs will be attending the May 18, 2010 meeting. By that date, the 09-10 Program Review will be completed and be made available for the committee to review and discuss.

  1. Report From Fiscal Services

Chris Bonvenuto shared the Second Quarter Financial Report with the committee and answered numerous questions about the information. The information shared included a review of changes to Revenue and Expenditures from the Adopted Budget to 09-10 Q2, a review of the 5000 series expenditures to date this current budget year, as well as categorical funding levels with the District backfill and Federal ARRA funds, and the current Vacancy List as of January 14, 2010.

Due to a number of different factors including increased lottery funds and other one-time funds, revenues are above the original budgeted amount by $720K. Expenditures have also increased above the original budgeted amount by $1,205K due to a number of different factors including an increase in the DSPS budget and increases in salary and benefits beyond what was originally budgeted.

Based on the analysis of Fiscal Services, year-to-date spending on Contracts and Services, after factoring out timing differences, appears to have decreased by $668K. The backfilling of the Categorical programs from the Unrestricted General Fund totaled $1.410K this current budget year. An additional $356K of Federal ARRA Funds were also used to backfill Categorical programs.

MOTION: “The Budget Committee receives and affirms the 2009-2010 Second Quarter Financial Report.”

Made: Oifer Seconded: RosenloecherVote: 10 For; 0 Against; 0 Abstain


Bob Isomoto provided the committee with further information on the State Budget outlook for the current fiscal year. The $83 Billion state budget appears to protect education, but a number of different issues remain to be resolved including how growth dollars will get distributed to our District, whether categorical programs will receive restored funding and to what extent the state will receive Federal funds to meet the $6.9 Billion amount used to balance the budget.

Adjournment at 4:02p.m.