Burnt Oranges Board Meeting

October 20, 2014

BOI Board Members Present: Patricia “Storm” Shao Dine, Brian Weiner, Melissa “Mo” Mohney, Jen Holley, Charis Gallaty

Need to do for AfterBurn 2014:

Bunkhouse – maybe for Tama, maybe for storage (there is space in the bunkhouse that is used for storage currently)

Port-o-potties – covered

EMT/Paramedic – can be a first responder in Polk county, but cannot be a Paramedic in Polk county

·  Potentially two grand

Contact Richard for second delivery on ice – Jen/Darren to contact Richard

·  Need to find out when ice will be delivered

·  Maybe Friday & Saturday deliveries

·  Consider for next time, pre-ordering – less ice sales at AfterBurn than PreHeat

·  We only pay for what we sell

Garbage – renting a dumpster, pay per bag

·  Potential fundraiser

·  To go to art fund

·  Trash left at camp – will send bill to camp lead

·  Who is going to take money? Who is going to watch?

·  Brian to talk to John McNulty

·  $5 bag

·  Deliver on Sunday – pick up Monday?

Ticket sales coming up 10/23

·  Someone needs to go on website to ensure website can handle ticket in-flux without crashing

·  Hosted on Amazon

·  Brian to have Sully call after 5:15 pm

Town Hall meeting agenda:

·  Send questions & answers to Brian

·  Organizational documents – in by-laws – in Dropbox – need to post to website

o  Stormy to send password for main drop-box

·  Any changes will need to update by-laws

·  Need to look at sub-committees

·  Separate BOI Board from events

·  Currently, Board members discuss and vote on new board members.

·  There are no current term limits for board members

o  Have separate Event Coordinator (independent)

o  Have Board member as co-coordinator

o  Need dedicated Art Coordinator

§  Need earlier approval

§  Formal effigy and temple proposal, vote, & approval

§  Display amounts for each art grant on website

·  Effigy, temple, public art grants, event art grants

Potential topics for Town Hall:

·  Board Member Term Limits

o  Two/three year term limits?

o  May have to change by-laws

·  Art Grant

·  Committees:

o  Art Coordinator

§  Event

§  Public

o  Event Coordinator

o  Communication

§  Website

§  Broadcast to Facebook & Twitter

One-off exceptions for leaving

Medical/Fire staff exception for AB: Brian letting Jeff “Cookie” Jackson know