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Brussels, 25 March 2014 (23h00)




Brussels, 26 March 2014

(JL building)



Advance visits

8:15 Arrival of the US advance teams - Protocol, Press, Secret Service, Communications, Presidential Food service

Welcome by Council Protocol, Press and Security Service

Final walk through

Lifts "C" side

As from 11:45

1 lift on the "C" side is reserved on level 00 (arrival EEAS/COM) 00 - 80

1 lift on the "C" side is reserved on level 02 (arrival EEAS/COM) 02 - 80

1 lift on the "C" side is reserved on level 50 for President Van Rompuy 50 - 80

As from 12:30

In total - 5 lifts on the "C" side reserved:

4 lifts on the "C" side are reserved on level 02 02 - 80

1 lift on the "C" side is reserved on level 80 to take down 80 - 02

President Van Rompuy and President Barroso,

after which the lift remains on level 02 (C1-2)

At 12:43

In total - 5 lifts on the "C" side reserved 00 - 80

Throughout the summit, 1 lift on the "C" side remains on standby 80 - 00/02

Signs on every floor to use the lift on the "D" side


EU press pool and US press pool (20+20) use service elevator on the D side

3 official US press Blue P badges and official EU press use C elevators

Arrival of EU participants

11:40 - 11:55 Arrivals of EU participants

Main entrance

Mirsini Anastasiou coordinates arrivals and invites participants towards "C" elevators

11:50 Arrival of Ambassador Vale De Almeida

Main entrance

Welcome and accompanying to 80.4.4 by Maurice Basso

11:50 Arrival of Commissioner De Gucht

Main entrance

Welcome and accompanying to 80.4.4 by Karin Leroy

11:53 Arrival of High Representative Ashton

VIP entrance

Welcome and accompanying to 80.4.4 by Martin Toplišek

11:55 Arrival of President Barroso

VIP entrance

Welcome and accompanying to 80.4.4 by Thérèse Hellström

12:00 EU Coordination meeting

Room 80.4.4

One rectangular table with 24 seats (12+12)

Table plan

Middle-sized nameplates (names only, no titles)

Coffee/tea/water served


1.  Herman VAN ROMPUY, President of the European Council

2.  José Manuel BARROSO, President of the European Commission

3.  Catherine ASHTON, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

4.  Karel DE GUCHT, Commissioner for Trade

5.  João VALE DE ALMEIDA, Ambassador, Head of EU Delegation to the United States

6.  Pierre VIMONT, Executive Secretary General, EEAS

7.  Didier SEEUWS, Head of Cabinet of President Van Rompuy

8.  Jean-Luc DEMARTY, Director General, DG TRADE

9.  Jos DELBEKE, Director General, DG CLIMA

10.  Helga SCHMID, Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs, EEAS

11.  Christian LEFFLER, Managing Director, Americas Department, EEAS

12.  Pedro SERRANO, Principal Advisor of President Van Rompuy for External Affairs

13.  Hugo SOBRAL, Deputy chief of cabinet and Diplomatic advisor to President Barroso

14.  Marc VANHEUKELEN, Chief of Cabinet of Commissioner De Gucht

15.  Pia AHRENKILDE HANSEN, Spokesperson to the Commission

16.  Charlotte SAMMELIN, Member of Cabinet of President Van Rompuy

17.  Michael KARNITSCHNIG, Adviser to President Barroso

18.  Fernando ANDRESEN GUIMARÃES, Head of Division, US and Canada Division, EEAS

19.  Preben AAMANN, Deputy Spokesperson of President Van Rompuy

20.  Christophe PARISOT, Member of Cabinet of High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

21.  Vivian LOONELA, Team Leader, DG JUST

22.  Heike BUSS, Policy Officer, General secretariat of the European Commission

23.  Anne-Charlotte BOURNOVILLE, Assistant to the Director General, DG ENER

24.  Evelina SCHULZ, Note taker, Desk Officer, US and Canada Division, EEAS


VRT TV present at the beginning of the meeting to film

12:41 President Van Rompuy and President Barroso go to the VIP entrance

EU participants go to the working lunch room / listening room

Lifts : as from 12:30 1 lift on "C" side reserved (C1-2) 80 -02

Arrival of US delegation

12:43 Arrival of President Obama

Welcome at the car by Mr Marro, Head of Protocol

Welcome by President Van Rompuy and President Barroso inside

PRESS outside the VIP entrance

►Host Broadcast / Official press only


►Photo opportunity during handshake at the arrival inside

►Photo opportunity at the podium

Pres. Barroso Pres. Obama Pres. Van Rompuy

VIP entrance

Setup : EU + US flags and backdrop

- Presidents are accompanied by the Head of Protocol Mr Dominique Marro to the "C" lifts and take the last lift on the right (C1-6)

- US principals and official press take the last lift on the left (C1-5)

- Accompanying US delegation takes the remaining three lifts

Total 5 lifts on the "C" side are reserved on level 02 02 - 80

All EU principals with the exception of the Presidents Van Rompuy and Barroso stand in the room near the entrance to the room in protocol order and informally greet US delegation on their arrival to the room before taking up their places

Official photographers 1 EU + 1 US are in the room to take pictures of the greetings

Presence of 1 EU +1 US official cameramen TBC

12:45 - 14:00 Working lunch

Room: 80.4.1 and 80.4.2

Presidents and participants enter the room via 80.4.2

Format/setup: 9 EU + 9 US - rectangular table



1.  Herman VAN ROMPUY, President of the European Council

2.  José Manuel BARROSO, President of the European Commission

3.  Catherine ASHTON, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

4.  Karel DE GUCHT, Commissioner for Trade

5.  João VALE DE ALMEIDA, Ambassador, Head of EU Delegation to the United States

6.  Pierre VIMONT, Executive Secretary General, EEAS

7.  Didier SEEUWS, Head of Cabinet of President Van Rompuy

8.  Helga SCHMID, Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs, EEAS

9.  Hugo SOBRAL, Deputy chief of cabinet and Diplomatic advisor to President Barroso

United States

1.  Barack OBAMA, President of the United States

2.  Michael FROMAN, Ambassador, United States Trade Representative

3.  Susan RICE, Ambassador, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs

4.  James CARNEY. Assistant to the President and Press Secretary

5.  Anthony GARDNER, Ambassador to the European Union

6.  Victoria NULAND, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs

7.  Caroline ATKINSON, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics

8.  Karen DONFRIED, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for European Affairs

9.  Michael SESSUMS, NSA Director for EU and European Economic affairs


► Press waits in front of the D elevators until Presidents enter the room (when Presidents finish their photo opportunity at the VIP entrance and go towards the elevators, double fire doors are temporarily closed to delimit the press, the double doors are reopened when President Obama enters 80.4.2)

► Press enters room via entrance of 80.4.1 when sign is given by the US and EU Heads of Protocol

► Photo opportunity and "Tour de table"

► No opening remarks

► Departure of the press via entrance of 80.4.1

Press leaves using the service elevators on the D side

Setup of the room:

5 sets of EU + US flags

1 double-sided rollup in front of the entrance to the room against the wall

1 rollup behind each delegation

Two-step podium installed against the wall on the right entering room 80.4.1 for the press

Protocol cordons separate press from the leaders' table

Floral decoration along the centre of the table

1 microphone per participant:

- 4 microphones remain permanently open, participants do not push the microphone to speak - pushing microphone button would switch off the button (EU: President van Rompuy, President Barroso; US: President Obama, Ambassador Froman)

- Remaining 14 participants push microphones to speak

Middle-sized double-sided nameplates with names only, President's nameplates as follows: President Van Rompuy, President Barroso, President Obama

Notepads, pens, cutlery, napkin, small plate for the bread and glasses for water already set on the table

Wine glasses added only after the departure of the press

Audio and video connection to the listening room

Listening room: 80.2

Format: 15 EU + 15 US

Lunch is served

Free seating

Nameplates indicating sides "EUROPEAN UNION" and "UNITED STATES"

EU delegation seated on the left side

US delegation seated on the right side

EU participants:

1.  Jean-Luc DEMARTY, Director General, DG TRADE

2.  Jos DELBEKE, Director General, DG Clima

3.  Christian LEFFLER, Managing Director, Americas Department, EEAS

4.  Pedro SERRANO, Principal Advisor of President Van Rompuy for External Affairs

5.  Marc VANHEUKELEN, Chief of Cabinet of Commissioner De Gucht

6.  Pia AHRENKILDE HANSEN, Spokesperson to the Commission

7.  Charlotte SAMMELIN, Member of Cabinet of President Van Rompuy

8.  Michael KARNITSCHNIG, Adviser to President Barroso

9.  Fernando ANDRESEN GUIMARÃES, Head of Division, US and Canada Division, EEAS

10.  Preben AAMANN, Deputy Spokesperson of President Van Rompuy

11.  Christope PARISOT, Member of Cabinet of High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

12.  Vivian LOONELA, Team Leader, DG JUST

13.  Heike BUSS, Policy Officer, General secretariat of the European Commission

14.  Anne-Charlotte BOURNOVILLE, Assistant to the Director General, DG ENER

15.  Evelina SCHULZ, Note taker, Desk Officer, US and Canada Division, EEAS

US participants:


13:55 End of working lunch

End of audio and video transmission to the listening room

13:55 Possible break TBC

President Obama goes to Salon 80.1

Presidents Van Rompuy and Barroso remain in 80.4.1-2

(or Presidents continue directly to the Press Room)

Accompanying delegations are accompanied by protocol officers Mirsini Anastasiou, Patricia Fanega Alarcón, Thérèse Hellström and Martin Toplišek to the Press Room in advance to take their seats / to the VIP entrance to the cars

- Presidents are accompanied by the Head of Protocol Mr Dominique Marro to the "C" lifts and take the last lift on the left (C1-2)

- Presidents are followed by the official press EU and US


As from 13:45 - lifts reserved on the C side :

1 lift remains reserved for the three leaders (C1-6) 80 - 00

4 lifts are reserved for the accompanying delegations 80 - 00

Presidents pass around the 00 visitors accreditation desk and before press accreditation desk turn left and walk alongside the Atrium to enter the Press Room via entrance leading directly to the podium

(Glass walls are covered to create visual separation, barriers are installed between the passage and the Atrium)

14:00 Press Conference

Press Room

Set up :

2 sets of EU and US flags


3 lecterns provided by the Council (branded with EU-US summit logo)

Spectra shield provided by the US (branded with EU-US summit logo)

1 lectern on the side of the podium for Dirk De Backer, Spokesperson of President Van Rompuy who will monitor the question time

The White House Spokesperson James Carney sits in the first row

Order of speeches : President Van Rompuy, President Barroso and President Obama

Speeches last approximately 5 minutes each

Questions : 1 question for EU

1 question for US

Interpretation : EN EU (SCIC)





2 front rows on the left when looking at the podium are reserved for the US delegation

3 front rows on the right when looking at the podium are reserved for the EU delegation

+/- 14:25 End of Press Conference

- Presidents leave the Press Room via the route used for the arrival, they are followed by the US delegates


As from 14:20 - 5 lifts on "C" side reserved 00 - 02

- Presidents are accompanied by the Head of Protocol Mr Dominique Marro to the "C" lifts and take the last lift on the right (C1-6)

- Accompanying delegation uses the remaining four lifts, accompanied by Council protocol officers

14:30 Departure of President Obama and his delegation

President Obama will be accompanied to the VIP entrance by President Van Rompuy and President Barroso


As from 14:30 - 1 lift on "C" side reserved for President Van Rompuy 02-50



Holding rooms (JL):

80.1 Salon for President Obama

Secure internet connection installed by US

Secure phone installed by US


80.4.5 Delegation office

Equipment installed by US


80.6 Protocol table lunch

Format 5EU + 5 US

01 CD 01 Radio teams


Level 02 Drivers' room

Reserved for US drivers and security


01 BD 07 Room reserved for White House official press (20 persons)


Agency room Room reserved for US press (50 persons)

