Phrases and Clauses Quiz Review-

Quiz on Wednesday

I. Definitions- Know the definition of the following terms. Write it in the space provided.

Phrase- a group of words that’s missing a subject, verb or both

Dependent/Subordinate Clause- a group of words that has a subject and a verb, but can’t stand alone- not a complete thought

Independent Clause/Simple Sentence-a group of words that has a subject and a verb and can stand alone- a simple sentence

II. Distinguish between a phrase (P), subordinate clause (SC) and independent clause (IC)

1.  Under the clear blue sky____P

2.  While I sat under the clear blue sky____SC

3.  The clear blue sky darkened_____IC

4.  Since we studied_____SC

5.  Going to the beach_____P

6.  No one went____IC

7.  Before I left for school ____SC

8.  After the game ____P

9.  If you forget your money ___SC

10. She left it ___IC

III. In each sentence below, underline the independent clause once and the dependent clause twice. Circle the word that makes it a dependent clause.

1.  Since you left your coat at home, you will be cold at the bus stop.

2.  I don’t have any homework because I finished it in class.

3.  I’m going to listen to my iPod while I write my reading letter.

4.  Before I turn in my paper, I need to check it for mistakes.

5.  If you pass me the book, I can help you.

IV. Application

Write sentences following the directions for each. (Answers may vary and must be original on the quiz)

1.  A concise simple sentence

Today is Monday.

2.  A sentence that begins with dependent clause

After I finish, I’m going to read my book.

3.  A sentence that begins with a prepositional phrase

Before school, I brushed my teeth.

4.  A sentence with an independent clause, a dependent clause and a prepositional phrase

After school, I watched TV while I finished my homework.

VI. Be able to combine two independent clauses/simple sentences into one compound sentence.

1. Amy can play the guitar. She can play the piano. ______

2. Andrea likes soccer. Her brother prefers swimming. ______

3. It was storming. The game was cancelled. ______

4. The temperature rose above freezing. The snow finally began to melt. ______

5. No one wants to study. We want to pass the class. ______

VII. Writing sentences

Write a simple sentence with a compound subject. ______

Write a simple sentence with a compound verb. ______

Write a compound sentence connected with a semi-colon. ______

Write a compound sentence connected with a comma and conjunction. ______