504 Procedures and Forms List

Initial Evaluation - Parent is notified of 504 meeting – Notice of Conference. Send Parents’ Rights in Brief with notice. A meeting is held to discuss and determine need for additional evaluation. Review Parents’ Rights in Brief and have the parents sign the Receipt of Parents’ Rights in Brief. If further evaluation is needed, the parent is asked to give permission by signing at the bottom of the Parent/Guardian Consent for Evaluation. If no evaluation is needed(sufficient evaluation information is already available), the team may move directly to Eligibility.

□Form ANotice of Conference

□Form BParent/Guardian Consent for Evaluation(if necessary)

□Form CParents’ Rights in Brief

□Form DReceipt of Parents’ Rights in Brief

Initial 504 Eligibility – A meeting is scheduled (if new evaluations have been received)- Notice of Conference, or meeting is continued from initial evaluation meeting (if no new evaluation is needed). Following review of all evaluation information, the determination of 504 eligibility is made and documented on the Eligibility Conference Summary. If the student is eligible, the Section 504 Plan is developed at the meeting and the Parent/Guardian Consent for Initial Provision of Section 504 Services is signed.If the student requires accommodations to the state testing (GSA), complete Form F Attachment. The team may use the Considerations for 504 Accommodations Document to assist with the development of the 504 Plan. Implementation of the Section 504 Plan begins immediately. A copy is kept in the student’s school folder. Copies of the all forms are given to the parent and sent to the District 504 Coordinator, (Kim Kehrer).

□Form ANotice of Conference

□Form EEligibility Conference Summary

□Form F504 Plan

□Form F AttachmentAssessment Accommodations (if appropriate)

□Form GConsent for Initial 504 Services

Annual 504 Review – The Section 504 Plan is reviewed at least annually; a Notice of Conference is sent to parents. The plan is either revised, or a new plan is developed. The parent is given a copy of the Parents’ Rights in Brief and they sign the Receipt of Parents’ Rights in Brief. A copy of all forms and the plan are given to the parent and a copy is sent to the District 504 Coordinator.

□Form ANotice of Conference

□Form CParents’ Rights in Brief

□Form DReceipt of Parents’ Rights in Brief

□Form F504 Plan

□Form F AttachmentAssessment Accommodations (if appropriate)

**Adapted from CASE Student Access/Section 50; 2006 Edition – Updated 2016.

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