Neighbors, Page 1 of 41

Curriculum Vitae

Clayton Neighbors

Personal Data

Address:Department of Psychology

University of Houston

126 Heyne Bldg

Houston, TX 77204-5022

Phone: 713-743-2616

Fax: 713-743-8588




1996-2000Ph.D. Social Psychology; Minor in Quantitative Methods

University of Houston

Houston, TX

1994-1996M.S. Industrial/Organizational Psychology


Beaumont, TX

1989-1994B.S. Psychology, cum laude


Beaumont, TX

Postgraduate Training

2000-2001Postdoctoral Research Associate Trainee, Addictive BehaviorsResearchCenter, Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Faculty Positions Held

2010-presentProfessor, Department of Psychology, Director of Social Psychology Program,

University of Houston, Houston, TX

2010-presentAffiliate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavior Sciences,

University of Washington, Seattle, WA

2007-2010Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavior Sciences,

University of Washington, Seattle, WA

2004-2007Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavior Sciences,

University of Washington, Seattle, WA

2002-2004Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology,

North DakotaStateUniversity, Fargo, ND

2001-2002Acting Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavior Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA


2007Award for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions, American Psychological Association, Division 50 (Addictions)

1998-1999Shell Foundation Merit Scholarship

1994-1996Myrtle Bell Scholarship

1994Certificate of Distinguished Achievement, LamarUniversity

1995-1996Member of Psi Chi, Psychology National Honor Society (Vice President)

Professional Affiliations

2000-PresentAmerican Psychological Association (APA)

2000-PresentAPA Division 8: Society of Personality and Social Psychologists

2002-PresentAPA Division 50: Addictive Behaviors

2002-PresentAPA Division 38: Health Psychology

2002-PresentAssociation for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies

Formerly Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy

2002-PresentResearch Society on Alcoholism

2010-PresentSociety for the Scientific Study of Religion

2002-2005International Society for Self and Identity

2002-2004North Dakota Psychological Association

2001-2002National Council on Problem Gambling

2001-2002Society of Behavior Medicine

Teaching Experience: Courses

University of Houston

Psychology 6337 Social Psychology/Behavioral Medicine (Grantsmanship)

Psychology 6397 Psychology of Addictive Behaviors

Psychology 6338 Foundations of Social Psychology (co-instructor)

Psychology 2380 Introduction to Social Psychology

Psychology 2301 Psychology Methods

Psychology 2301 Psychology Methods Lab – Designing Research Studies

University of Washington, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences:

Alcohol Research Training Grant (T32AA07455) -- Career Development Seminar Lectures

Preparing for the academic job market

Psychology versus psychiatry

Job interviews

Negotiating startup

Time management in academia

Publication tips

Journal selection

Managing coauthors

Tips for serving as a peer reviewer

Writing letters of recommendation

Funding Sources (Mechanisms—R01; R21; R03; F31; F32; K01; K99; K22; K23; ADAI; ABMRF; RRF; Other)

Grant applications: Preliminary studies; Pilot studies; Previous experiences


Small grants management

University of Washington, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences:

Interdisciplinary Clinical Research Skills Training Program -- Grantsmanship seminarLectures

Power analysis

Mediation and moderation

Treatment of missing data

University of Washington, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences:

Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Residency Training series Lectures:

Adolescent substance abuse

North DakotaStateUniversity

Psychology 640/440: Experimental Methods

Psychology 787: Advanced Social Psychology and Health

Psychology 214: Social Interaction

Psychology 350: Research MethodsI

Lamar University

Psychology Methods Lab – Statistical Analysis

Experimental Psychology Lab

Student Advising/Research Mentoring

University of Houston, Department of Psychology

Ph.D. Students (Advisor):

Chun-Han Chen (Social Psychology)

Angelo Dibello (Social Psychology)

Dawn Foster (Social Psychology)

Ph.D. Students (Committee Member):

Terri Barrera (Clinical Psychology)

Liz Ross (Clinical Psychology)

Amanda Matthew(Clinical Psychology)

Helen Lin (Social Psychology, PhD, 2011)

Ahmet Uysal (Social Psychology, PhD, 2011)

M.S. Students (Committee Member):

Keira O’Dell(Clinical Psychology)

Cyrus Mirza (I/O Psychology)

Baruch Williams (Clinical Psychology)

University of Washington, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences;

Department of Psychology

Postdoctoral Fellows in Psychiatry:

Kristen P. Lindgren (Primary Mentor)

Christina M. Hove

Irene M. Geisner

Melissa A. Lewis

Roisin M. O’Connor

Ph.D. Students (Committee Member):

Sarah Bowen (Clinical Psychology, PhD, 2008)

Neharika Chawla (Clinical Psychology, PhD, 2008)

Tiara Dilworth (Clinical Psychology, PhD, 2008)

Irene M. Geisner (Clinical Psychology, PhD, 2007)

Joel Grossbard (Clinical Psychology, 2010)

Christian Hendershot (Clinical Psychology, PhD, 2009)

Ty Lostutter (Clinical Psychology, PhD, 2009)

Eric Pedersen (Clinical Psychology)

Sandra Radin (Clinical Psychology; PhD, 2006)

Ursula Whiteside (Clinical Psychology, PhD, 2009)

Briana Woods (Clinical Psychology, PhD, 2009)

Interns (Research Mentor):

Angela Davis

Practicum Students:

Loreli Thompson (Fielding Graduate University)

Mary Gates Scholars

Teryl Neil

Nicole Olson

Guthrie Prize Winner 2007

Kristyn Funasaki

North DakotaStateUniversity, Department of Psychology

Ph.D. Students (Advisor):

Rochelle Bergstrom (Health/Social Psychology; PhD, 2004)

Melissa Lewis (Health/Social Psychology; PhD, 2004)

Ph.D. Students (Committee Member):

Amanda Dillard (Health/Social Psychology; PhD, 2005)

Scott Engel (Health/Social Psychology; PhD, 2003)

Susan Cordes Green (Health/Social Psychology; PhD, 2005)

Ben Kirkeby (Health/Social Psychology)

Cathy Waters (Health/Social Psychology)

M.S. Students (Committee Member):

Rebecca Barenz

Christopher Flessner

Pamela Kelso

Angela Sailer

Undergraduate Honors Theses (Advisor):

Mark Isaakson: Identifying relapse triggers among methamphetamine abusers

Jodi Iverson: Psychological health as a function of making to-do lists

Jeremy Malheim: Self-determination and sexual risk taking

Elysia Neubert: Rural and urban students’ adjustment to college

Caitlin Schultz: Drinking and social norms among rural and urban students

Advance Undergraduate Research and Science Bound Students (Advisor):

Jenilee Greff (Science Bound Student)

Kristine Kemmit (Science Bound Student)

Casey Speiker (Aura Student)

Other Teaching Activities

2004-Present Interdisciplinary Clinical Research Skills Training Program (R25MH60486)-- Mock Grant Reviewer, Grantsmanship seminar presenter

2004-Present Alcohol Research Training Grant (T32AA07455) -- Career Development Seminar

2006-Present Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Residency Training series-- Providing training in substance use and brief interventions for adolescents



2009- 2012American Psychological Association Division 50 - Addictive Behaviors Member at Large (Science)

2007-PresentAdvisory Board – National Social Norms Institute

2007- 2008National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Rapid Response Publication Subcommittee, Member

2007- PresentAmerican Psychological Association Division 50 - Addictive Behaviors Liaison to Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy

2007-2008 American Psychological Association Division 50 - Addictive Behaviors Program Chair

2007-2008 Research Society on Alcoholism – Program planning committee member

2006-2008Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies- Addictive Behaviors Special Interest Group President


2011-2013CLASS Promotion and Tenure Committee

2011-2013Substance Abuse Prevention Advisory Committee

2011-2014Health Promotions Advisory Committee

2011CLASS Research Assistant Stipend Award Committee

2008-2010Member, University of WashingtonHealth and Wellness Council

2004-2007Member, University of Washington Student Affairs Committee on Alcohol and Substance Awareness (CASA)

2003-2004Member, North DakotaStateUniversityAlcohol Tailgating Advisory Committee

2002-2004Member, North Dakota State University Psychology Department Health-Social Ph.D. Steering Committee

Grant reviewing

2011National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Closed Review Panel, Reviewer

2010-2011Institute for Research on Gambling Disorders, Grant Reviewer

2010 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Clinical Treatment and Health Services (AA-3), Grant Reviewer

2009-2010 National Institutes of Health. ZRG1 RPHB-A (58) RRFA OD-09-003: Challenge Grants Panel 4

2009-2010 National Institutes of Health. ZRG1 RPHB-E (58) RRFA OD-09-003: Challenge Grants Panel 27

2009National Institute of Mental Health, Special Emphasis Panel (ZMH1), Reviewer

2008National Institute on Drug Abuse. Special Emphasis Panel (RFA DA-08-021), Reviewer

2008Cancer Research UK; Prevention and Public Health Policy Advisory Group, Reviewer

2008Netherlands Organisation of Health, Research and Development (ZonMw); External Reviewer

2007National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Special Emphasis Panel (ZAA1-EE91), Reviewer

2006National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Special Emphasis Panel (ZAA1-CC70), Reviewer

2005National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Health Services Research Review Subcommittee (AA-2), Reviewer

2005UW Center for AIDS and STD, grant reviewer

2005, 2006Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research - External grant reviewer for the Health Research Fund

External Promotion Reviewer (year completed in parentheses)

Auburn University (2011)

Old Dominion University (2010)

University of Memphis (2009)

Universityof South Dakota (2010)

York University (2003)

Editorial Consultation

Consulting editor for Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (2009-2011)

Consulting editor for Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (2008-present)

Guest Editor Addictive Behaviors (Special issue: Alcohol Consequences in University Students, November, 2007)

Ad hoc reviewer for the following journals:

Addiction; Addiction, Research and Theory; Aggressive Behavior; Alcohol and Alcoholism; Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research; American Journal of Community Psychology; American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse; Annals of Behavioral Medicine; American Journal of Preventive Medicine; Behavior Therapy; Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science;Cognitive Behavior and Therapy; Drug and Alcohol Dependence; Drug and Alcohol Review; Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology; European Journal of Psychiatry; Group Processes & Intergroup Relations; Harm Reduction; Health Psychology; International Journal of Psychology; International Gambling Studies; Journal of Adolescent Health; Journal of Applied Social Psychology; Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology; Journal of Children and Poverty;Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology; Journal of Contemporary Ethnography; Journal of Gambling Issues; Journal of Gambling Studies; Journal of Personality; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; Journal of Research in Personality; Journal of Studies on Alcohol ; Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs; Journal of Urban Health; Motivation and Emotion; Personal Relationships; Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin; Preventive Medicine; Psychiatry Research; Psychology of Addictive Behaviors; Psychological Bulletin; Psychological Science; Sex Roles; Social Behavior and Personality; Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy;The Sport Psychologist

Research Grants

2011-2015Principal Investigator, “Social Norms and Alcohol Prevention (SNAP),” National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R01AA014576-07-12: $2,142,908 Total direct costs).

2011-2013Principal Investigator, “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Personalized Normative Feedback for ProblemGambling College Students,” National Center for Responsible Gaming ($149,183 Total direct costs).

2007-2012Principal Investigator, “Event Specific Prevention (ESP),” (PI: C. Neighbors, co-PI: C. Lee; Years 1-2; PI: C. Lee, co-PI C. Neighbors, Years 3-5) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R01AA016099: $1,847,649Total direct costs).

2004-2010Principal Investigator, “Social Norms and Alcohol Prevention (SNAP),” National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R01AA014576-01-06: $900,650 Total direct costs).

2005-2007Principal Investigator, “21st Birthday Card Intervention Project,” Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute (UW 65-0933, $15,580 Total direct costs).

2003-2004Principal Investigator, “Computer Based Normative Feedback Intervention for Higher Risk Drinking: Evaluating Duration of Efficacy NDSU-Grant in Aid,” North Dakota State University Grant in Aid (NDSU 1111-3390, $2,750 Total direct costs).

2001-2002Principal Investigator, “Normative Feedback Intervention,” Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute, (UW 65-4895, $17,549 Total direct costs).

2008-2012Primary Mentor, “Retraining Automatic Biases Related to Problem Drinking in College Students,” (PI: Kristen P. Lindgren, University of Richmond) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (K99/R00: $686,130 Total direct costs).

2011-2014Primary Sponsor, “Alcohol Use and Relationship Distress in Married Couples,” (PI: Lindsey M. Rodriguez, University of Houston) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (F31AA020442: $92,700 Total direct costs).

2009-2014Co-Investigator, “Motivating Treatment Seeking and Behavior Change by Untreated Military Personnel Abusing Alcohol or Drugs,” (PI: Denise Walker, University of Washington) Department of Defense (DR081215: $2,620,916 Total direct costs).

2009-2011Co-Investigator, “Motivating Substance Abusing Batterers to Seek Treatment,” (PI: Lyungai Mbilinyi, University of Washington) National Institute on Drug Abuse (R01DA017873: $1,499,469 Total direct costs).

2009-2011Co- Investigator, “Indicated Prevention Using Personalized Feedback for At-Risk Marijuana Users,” (PI: Christine Lee, University of Washington) National Institute on Drug Abuse (R21AD025833: $275,000 Total direct costs).

2007-2012Co-Investigator, “Social norms and skills-training: Motivating campus change,” (PI: Mary Larimer, University of Washington) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R01AA12547: $2,094,595 Total direct costs).

2008-2012Co-Investigator, “Ultra-Brief Intervention for Problem Drinkers,” (PI: John Cunningham, Center for Addiction and Mental Health) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R01AA015680: $392,691 Total direct costs)

2008-2010Co-Investigator, “Personalized Alcohol and Related Risky Sexual Behavior Feedback Intervention Project,” (PI: Melissa Lewis, University of Washington) Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation: $43,478 Total direct costs)

2007-2008Co-Investigator, “UW BASICS Project,” (PI: Christine Lee, University of Washington. Office of the UW Vice Provost for Student Life. Total Direct Costs: $28,371.

2003-2009Co-Investigator, “Alcohol Research Collaborative: Peer Programs,” (PI: Mary Larimer, University of Washington) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (U01AA014742: $1,200,000 Total direct costs).

2005-2008Co-Investigator, “Motivating Substance Abusing Batterers to Seek Treatment,” (PI: Roger Roffman, University of Washington) National Institute on Drug Abuse (R01DA017873: $1,157,443 Total direct costs).

2006-2008Co-Investigator, “Alcohol and Gambling Types: Motivation and Cue Reactivity,” (PI: Edward Gottheil, University of Washington) The Institute for Research on Pathological Gambling and Related Disorders ($150,000 Total direct costs).

2003-2006Co-Investigator, “Indicated Prevention with At-Risk Gamblers,” (PI: Mary Larimer, University of Washington) National Institute of Mental Health (R21MH067026: $337,500 Total direct costs).

2003-2005Co-Investigator, “Innovative Approaches to Modeling Alcohol Relapse,” (PI: G. Alan Marlatt, University of Washington) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R21AA13942: $150,000 Total direct costs).

2004-2009Core faculty, “Psychology Training in Alcohol Research,” (PI: Mary Larimer, University of Washington) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (T32AA07455: $2,203,733 Total direct costs).

2007-2009Consultant, “Dismantling Motivational Interviewing and Feedback Among College Drinkers,” (PI: Scott Walters, University of Texas) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R01AA016005: $650,000 Total direct costs).

2007-2009Consultant, “A Computer-Based Brief Intervention for College Drinkers,” (PI: Reid Hester, Behavior Therapy Associates, LLP) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R43AA014766: $809,912 Total direct costs).

Peer Reviewed Publications

1.Cunningham, J. A., Neighbors, C., Wild, T. C., & Humphreys, K. (in press). Normative misperceptions about alcohol use in a general population sample of problem drinkers from a large metropolitan city.Alcohol & Alcoholism.

2.LaBrie, J. W., Atkins, D. C., Neighbors, C., Mirza, T., & Larimer, M. E. (in press). Ethnicity specific norms and alcohol consumption among Hispanic/Latino/a and Caucasian students. Addictive Behaviors.

3.Lewis, M. A., Logan, D. E., & Neighbors, C. (in press). Condom-related protective behavioral strategies: Scale development and association with alcohol-related sexual behavior among college students. Sex Roles.

4.Lewis, M. A., Patrick, M. E., Lee, C. M., Kaysen, D. L., Mittman, A., & Neighbors, C. (in press). Use of protective behavioral strategies and their association to 21st birthday alcohol consumption and related negative consequences: A between- and within-person evaluation. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.

5.Lindgren, K. P., Hendershot, C. S., Neighbors, C., Blayney, J. A., & Otto, J. M. (in press). Implicit alcohol motives predict unique variance in drinking in Asian American college students. Motivation and Emotion.

6.Lindgren, K. P., Neighbors, C., Blayney, J. A., Mullins, P. M., & Kaysen, D. (in press). Coping but not enhancement motives mediate the association between sexual assault and problem drinking. Addictive Behaviors.

7.Lostutter, T. W., Larimer, M. E., Neighbors, C. & Kaljee, L. M. (in press). Perceived stress and avoidant coping moderates disordered gambling among emerging adult Vietnamese in Vietnam. Youth & Society.

8.Mbilinyi, L., Logan-Greene, P., Walker, D., Neighbors, C., Roffman, R. & Zegree, J. (In Press). Childhood Domestic Violence Exposure Among A Community Sample Of Adult Perpetrators: What Mediates The Connection? Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma.

9.Neighbors, C.,Pedersen, E. R., Kaysen, D., Kulesza, M., & Walter, T. (in press). What should we do when participants report dangerous drinking? The impact of personalized letters versus general pamphlets as a function of sex and controlled orientation. Ethics and Behavior.

10.Neighbors, C., Walker, D. D., Mbilinyi, L. F., Zegree, J., Foster, D., & Roffman, R. A. (in press). A self-determination model of childhood exposure, perceived prevalence, justification, and perpetration of intimate partner violence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.

11.Patrick, M. E., Neighbors, C., & Lee, C. M. (in press). A hierarchy of 21st birthday drinking norms. Journal of American College Health.

12.Pedersen, E. R., Grow, J. Duncan, S., Neighbors, C., & Larimer, M. E. (in press). Concurrent validity of an online version of the Timeline Followback assessment. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.

13.Pedersen, E. R., Neighbors, C., & Larimer, M. E. (in press). Differential alcohol expectancies based on type of alcoholic beverage consumed.Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 71, 925-929.

14.Pedersen, E. R., Neighbors, C., Larimer, M. E., & Lee, C. M. (in press). Measuring Sojourner Adjustment among American students studying abroad. International Journal of Intercultural Relations.

15.Fossos, N., Kaysen, D., Neighbors, C., Lindgren, K. P., & Hove, M. C. (2011). Coping motives as a mediator of the relationship between sexual coercion and problem drinking in college students. Addictive Behaviors, 26, 1001-1007.

16.Grossbard, J. R., Neighbors, C., and Larimer, M. E. (2011). Perceived norms for thinness and muscularity among college students: What do men and women really want? Eating Behaviors, 123, 192-199.

17.Larimer, M. E., Neighbors, C., LaBrie, J. W., Atkins, A. C., Lewis, M. A., Lee, C. M., Kilmer, J. R., Kaysen, D. L., Pedersen, E. R., Montoya, H., Hodge, K., Desai, S., Hummer, J. F., & Walter, T. (2011). Descriptive drinking norms: For whom does reference group matter? Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 72, 833-843.

18.Lee, C. M., Maggs, J. L., Neighbors, C.,Patrick, M. E. (2011). Positive and negative alcohol-related consequences: Associations with past and planned drinking. Journal of Adolescence, 34, 87-94.

19.Mbilinyi, L., Neighbors, C., Walker, D., Roffman, R., Zegree, J., Edleson, J., & O’Rourke, A. (2011). A telephone intervention for substance-using adult male perpetrators of intimate partner violence. Research on Social Work Practice, 21, 43-56.

20.Neighbors, C., Atkins, D. C., Lewis, M. A., Lee, C. M., Kaysen, D., Mittmann, A., Fossos, N., & Rodriguez, L. M. (2011). Event specific drinking among college students. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 25, 702-707.

21.Neighbors, C., Jensen, M., Tidwell, J., Walter, T., Fossos, N., & Lewis, M. A. (2011). Social norms interventions for light and non-drinking students. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 14, 651-669.

22.Neighbors, C., Lindgren, K. P., Knee, C. R., Fossos, N., & DiBello, A. (2011). The influence of confidence on associations among personal attitudes, perceived injunctive norms and alcohol consumption. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 25, 714-720.

23.Pedersen, E. R., Neighbors, C.,Tidwell, J., & Lostutter, T. W. (2011). Do research participants read consent forms? Examining memory effects, condition effects, and individual differences associated with recalling and recognizing information in psychological research consent forms. Ethics and Behavior, 21, 332-350.

24.Walker, D. D., Neighbors, C., Rodriguez, L., Stephens, R. S., & Roffman, R. A. (2011). Social norms and self-efficacy among heavy using adolescent marijuana smokers. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 25, 727-732.

25.Walters, S. T., & Neighbors, C. (2011). College prevention: A view of present (and future) web-based approaches. Alcohol Research & Health, 34, 222-224.

26.Wells, S., Neighbors, C., Tremblay, P. F., & Graham, K. (2011). Defending girlfriends, buddies, and oneself: Injunctive norms and male barroom aggression. Addictive Behaviors, 36, 416-420.PMID: 21216108.

27.Collins, S. E., Logan, D. E., Neighbors, C. (2010). Which comes first: The readiness of the change? Longitudinal relationships among readiness to change and drinking outcomes.Addiction, 105, 1899-1909.PMID: 20854333.

28.Hove, M.C., Parkhill, M. R., Neighbors, C., McConchie, J. M., & Fossos, N. (2010). Alcohol consumption and intimate partner violence perpetration among college students: The role of self-determination. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 71, 78-85.PMID: 20105417.

29.LaBrie, J. W., Hummer, J. F., Neighbors, C. & Larimer, M. E. (2010). Whose opinion matters? The relationship between injunctive norms and alcohol consequences in college students. Addictive Behaviors. 35, 343-349.PMID: 20045262.