Capacity Plan Template Version: Error! Unknown document property name. Error! Unknown document property name.

Database Hosting Service

Capacity Plan

Version 1.0

Effective Date: 10/01/2012

Expiry Date: 09/30/2013

Revision Date: Error! Unknown document property name. Page 2 of 7

Capacity Plan Lite - Template v1_2.docx


Version / Implemented
By / Revision
Date / Approved
By / Approval
Date / Reason
1.0 / Rob Kennedy / 10/18/2012 / <name> / <mm/dd/yy / Draft based on v1.5 Lite Template and capacity questionnaire responses


1 Introduction 4

1.1 Purpose of Capacity Plan 4

1.2 Service Overview 4

1.3 Assumptions/Constraints 4

2 Plan Summary 5

2.1 Capacity Management Summary 5

2.2 Risks 5

2.3 Recommendations 5

2.4 Decisions 5

2.5 Next Review Date 5

3 Capacity Analysis 6

3.1 Capacity Metrics and Processes 6

3.2 Capacity and Performance Requirements 6

3.3 Trending and Predictive Analysis 6

3.4 Impact of New Technology/Techniques/Upgrades 6

3.5 Thresholds and Responses 6

3.6 Externally Driven Mandates 6

3.7 Cost and Budget 6

3.8 Planning Integration 6

3.9 Monitoring and Reporting 7

Appendix A: Capacity Plan Approval 8

Appendix B: Capacity Reports 8

1  Introduction

1.1  Purpose of Capacity Plan

This capacity plan provides an analysis of existing service capabilities and best-estimate funding requirements for the year. The analysis is based on trends of the existing support resources, current and expected SLA requirements, and currently understood plans for improvement from the service owners and Service Level Management.

In the initial stages however, this capacity plan will provide metrics and near-term (3-6 month) funding requirements until the enough data is available to understand and be able to predict consumption of service resources.

1.2  Service Overview

This document describes the capacity plan for the Oracle, Postgres, MySQL and SQL Server Database Hosting services. Postgres and MySQL databases can be hosted on our shared server environment while Oracle and SQL Server databases require dedicated servers. We require three categories of databases for each offering: development, integration and production instances. In some cases, a replication server, for failover support, is added or replaces the integration server. This allows the production applications to be isolated from development work. There is no license charge for the use of Postgres and MySQL on our shared servers. However, as part of the Oracle and SQL Server Services, customers provide annual funding for database software license and maintenance costs.

The Database Hosting Service is described in detail by the Service Level Agreement for Database Hosting, available at:

1.3  Assumptions/Constraints

This Capacity Plan assumes that the service will be implemented and operate as is for the coming year. Unless otherwise stated, this plan assumes no significant changes in service implementation, no significant changes in user demand, over this period of time.

This Capacity Plan assumes there are sufficient infrastructure resources, such as Facilities.

This Capacity Plan treats marginal costs, the costs to add or remove capacity to an existing service, unless otherwise noted. Neither maintenance and operations costs for the service, nor the costs to research potential changes to the service, are considered in this plan.

2  Plan Summary

2.1  Capacity Management Summary

This service does not have its own technical capacity metrics. This is explained in Section 3 Capacity Analysis.

2.2  Risks

1.  Trending tools are lacking and are mostly manual.

2.3  Recommendations

1.  Investigate automated trending tools for the various areas listed in the capacity plan. Implement these tools if financially feasible.

2.4  Decisions

1.  Engage vendors to understand if commercially available tools are financially feasible. If so, proceed with purchase and implementation.

2.5  Next Review Date


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3  Capacity Analysis

3.1  Capacity Metrics and Processes

This service relies solely on technical infrastructure delivered by other Fermilab services. Therefore, this service relies on the capacity management processes and plans of the following services:

·  Networked Storage


·  IT Server Hosting


In addition, staffing resources need to be considered for the capacity planning for this service. Staffing levels will be reviewed, reported, and updated yearly in the Database Hosting Tactical Plan available at

3.2  Capacity and Performance Requirements

Since this service lacks its own distinct technical infrastructure, Section 3.1 lists the appropriate references for this topic.

3.3  Trending and Predictive Analysis

Since this service lacks its own distinct technical infrastructure, Section 3.1 lists the appropriate references for this topic. Staff resources for this service will be reviewed, reported, and updated yearly in the tactical plan.

3.4  Impact of New Technology/Techniques/Upgrades

Since this service lacks its own distinct technical infrastructure, Section 3.1 lists the appropriate references for this topic.

3.5  Thresholds and Responses

Since this service lacks its own distinct technical infrastructure, Section 3.1 lists the appropriate references for this topic.

3.6  Externally Driven Mandates

There are no externally driven mandates for this service at this time.

3.7  Cost and Budget

Budget to address the risks and perform the recommendations for this service are reflected in the tactical plans of this service and any of those services listed in Section 3.1.

3.8  Planning Integration

Since this service lacks its own distinct technical infrastructure, Section 3.1 lists the appropriate references for this topic. Staff resources for this service will be reviewed, reported, and updated yearly in the tactical plan.

3.9  Monitoring and Reporting

Since this service lacks its own distinct technical infrastructure, Section 3.1 lists the appropriate references for this topic. Staff resources for this service will be reviewed, reported, and updated yearly in the tactical plan.

Appendix A: Capacity Plan Approval

The undersigned acknowledge they have reviewed the Fermilab Capacity Plan and agree with the approach it presents. Changes to this Capacity Plan will be coordinated with and approved by the undersigned or their designated representatives.

Signature: / Date:
Print Name:
Signature: / Date:
Print Name:
Signature: / Date:
Print Name:

Appendix B: Capacity Reports

Since this service lacks its own distinct technical infrastructure, Section 3.1 lists the appropriate references for this topic. Staff resources for this service will be reviewed, reported, and updated yearly in the tactical plan.

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