Ignatius Press Catholic Book and Film Fair
This is a list by categories of all products in the catalog as well as new products that have been added. Some products may be listed in more than one place because they are appropriate for more than one category.
*Indicates books that now have quizzes available through the Accelerated Reader program.
†Indicates books that are part of Catechetical series.
This list is subject to change depending on product availability. All prices are subject to change.
Yellow highlighting indicates newly added product.
Available for pre-order
Will be discontinued when stock is gone
P – paperback or softcover book
H – hardcover book
M – movie (DVD)
D – CD
O – product other than a book, CD, or DVD
X – a set of materials
Children’s Bible Stories and Special Stories
M:24CS-H 24 Christmas Stories for Little Ones $14.99
M:CSWJ-H 24 Christmas Stories to Welcome Jesus $14.99
CBV-H A Child’s Book of Virtues $14.95
CTBS-H A Child’s Treasury of Bible Stories $16.95
M:GAC-P A Gospel Advent Calendar $10.99
M:MLO-H A Missal for Little Ones $12.99
M:MTOD-H A Missal for Toddlers (ages 3 and up) $10.99
M:B-H Bernadette: The Little Girl from Lourdes $14.99
M:BTS-P By the Sea $7.99
M:CSFC-P Catholic Saints for Children (ages 3 and up) $16.99
M:CHR-H Christmas! (ages 2 and up) $6.99
M:FPMA-H Francis: The Poor Man of Assisi $14.99
FWJ-H Friendship with Jesus $14.95
M:ISH-H Ishmael: The Shepherd Boy of Bethlehem (5 & up) $14.99
M:JIM-H Jesus in the Manger $8.99
M:JMV-H John Mary Vianney: The Holy Cure of Ars $14.99
M:JP-H John Paul II: The Journey of a Saint (Grades 1 & 2 and up) $16.99
M:LPTR-H Let’s Pray the Rosary (ages 6 and up) $14.99
M:LLJ-H Little Life of Jesus (pre-K and up) $9.99
LOLEK-H LOLEK - The Boy Who Became Pope John Paul II $18.95
MB-H Max and Benedict $17.95
M:MT-H Mother Teresa: The Smile of Calcutta (ages 5 and up) $14.99
M:BP-H My First Bedtime Prayers $6.99
M:FC-H My First Catechism: The Catholic Faith for Little Ones $12.99
M:FPC-H My First Pictures of Christmas $6.99
M:FPJ-H My First Pictures of Jesus $6.99
M:MFPM-H My First Pictures of Mary $6.99
M:PC-H My First Prayers for Christmas $6.99
M:PF-H My First Prayers for My Family $6.99
M:PM-H My First Prayers with Mary $6.99
M:OF-H Our Father (ages 2 and up) $6.99
M:OHFP-H Our Holy Father, the Pope $14.95
M:PAJE-H Peter: Apostle of Jesus $14.99
M:PRAC-H Prayers Around the Crib $9.99
SJP-H Songs of Joy and Praise (St. Joseph Piano Book) $13.95
M:TMCF-H Tell Me About the Catholic Faith $19.99
M:TMSC-H Tell Me About the Catholic Faith for Small Children $16.99
M:AL-P The Adventures of Loupio – Vol. 1 $6.99
M:AL2-P The Adventures of Loupio – Vol. 2 $6.99
M:AL3-P The Adventures of Loupio – Vol. 3 $6.99
BLADY-H The Beautiful Lady: Our Lady of Guadalupe $16.95
M:BSB-H The Beautiful Story of the Bible (ages 3 & up) $19.99
M:BLO-H The Bible for Little Ones $12.99
M:CBS-P The Catholic Bible for Children $14.99
M:CS-H The Christmas Shepherds $8.99
M:CSTA-H The Christmas Star (ages 2 and up) $6.99
M:GLO-H The Gospel for Little Ones $12.99
M:AAC-H The Illustrated Acts of the Apostles for Children $14.99
M:IGC-H The Illustrated Gospel for Children $14.99
M:IMJ-H The Illustrated Miracles of Jesus $14.99
M:IPJ-H The Illustrated Parables of Jesus $14.99
M:LSB-H The Life of Saint Benedict $16.99
SNGS-H The Saving Name of God the Son $9.95
M:WOC-H The Way of the Cross (book – ages 5-up) $9.99
M:TCJ-H Therese: The Little Flower of Lisieux $14.99
M:YFC-H Your First Communion: Meeting Jesus, Your True Joy (5 & up) $16.99
Coloring Books
CB:CA-P Choir of Angels Coloring Book $5.95
CB:CS-P Communion of Saints $5.95
CB:EA-P Eucharistic Adoration $5.95
CB:HF-P Holy Family $5.95
CB:HNJ-P Holy Name of Jesus $5.95
CB:MMH-P Mary Most Holy $5.95
CB:MHR-P Most Holy Rosary Coloring Book $5.95
CB:MG-P Mother of God $5.95
CBP:R-P Rosary: 20 Mysteries $5.95
CB:LJ-P The Life of Jesus $5.95
Communion and Mass Books and DVDs
M:LBC-P A Little Book about Confession for Children $9.99
FL2:S3-P †Faith and Life - Jesus Our Life $10.95
FCOM-M First Communion (DVD) $16.95
IGM2-P †Image of God – We Celebrate the Sacrifice of Love: The Mass 2nd ed. $5.95
IG2:S-P †Image of God – Who Loves Me Always $11.95
IWT-M I Was There: The Holy Mass (DVD) $16.95
M:MFHC-H My First Holy Communion (Grades 1 & 2 and up) $17.95
ELC-M The Eucharist for Little Children (DVD) $14.95
M:YFC-H Your First Communion: Meeting Jesus, Your True Joy $16.99
†Part of Catechetical series
Books marked with an * have quizzes available through the Accelerated Reader program.
BOLL-P *Bernadette: Our Lady’s Little Servant $11.95
ECA-P Edmund Campion $11.95
FDB-P Father Damien $11.95
FMGR -P Father Marquette and the Great Rivers $11.95
FNN-P Florence Nightingale’s Nuns $11.95
FRC-P *Francis and Clare: Saints of Assisi $11.95
KTM-P *Kateri Tekakwitha $11.95
MCMW Mother Cabrini $11.95
MSSC-P Mother Seton and the Sisters of Charity $11.95
OLCF-P Our Lady Came to Fatima $11.95
SHTC-P Saint Helena and the True Cross $11.95
SII-P Saint Isaac and the Indians $11.95
SJGS-P *Saint Joan, Girl Soldier $11.95
SLLC-P Saint Louis and the Last Crusade $11.95
SACC-P St. Anthony and the Christ Child $11.95
SBHH-P *St. Benedict: Hero of the Hills $11.95
SCLM-P St. Catherine Labouré $11.95
SDR-P *St. Dominic and the Rosary $11.95
SET-P St. Elizabeth’s Three Crowns $11.95
SFSS-P St. Francis of the Seven Seas $11.95
SICJ-P *St. Ignatius and the Company of Jesus $11.95
SJB-P *St. John Bosco and St. Dominic Savio $11.95
KDFO-P St. Katharine Drexel $11.95
SPN-P St. Philip of the Joyous Heart $11.95
SPX-P St. Pius X $11.95
STR-P *St. Thérèse and the Roses $11.95
STAPB-P St. Thomas Aquinas $11.95
STML-P St. Thomas More $11.95
VPSC-P St. Vincent De Paul $11.95
CAP-P The Curé of Ars $11.95
Books marked with an * have quizzes available through the Accelerated Reader program.
AOUTS-P Around the Year Once Upon A Time Saints $14.95
BW-P *Beowulf the Warrior $10.95
JTM-P *John Treegate’s Musket $12.95
OUTS-P Once Upon a Time Saints $11.95
STHE-P Saints and Heroes $15.95
SOC-P Son of Charlemagne $14.95
HTOG-P *The Hidden Treasure of Glaston $15.95
KM-H The Kitchen Madonna $14.95
MSN-H *The Miracle of Saint Nicholas $16.95
MPT-P *The Mystery of the Periodic Table $15.95
SRVB-P The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow $15.95
WING-P *The Winged Watchman $14.95
Latsch Valley Farm Series
FFV-P First Farm in the Valley $12.95
WVF-P Winding Valley Farm $12.95
WWF-P Willow Wind Farm $12.95
HABC2-P 100 Activities Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd edition $15.95
Catholic Fiction for Youth 7 and Up
M:EF-P An Extraordinary Friend $7.99
OLW-P Olivia and the Little Way (9 and up) $11.95
OG-P Olivia’s Gift (9 and up) $12.95
GATE-P The Gate $14.95
M:TR-P The Three Roses $7.99
Catholic Non-Fiction for Youth 7 and Up
M:MFC-P A Missal for Children (7 and up) $14.99
BEST-H Be Saints: An Invitation From Pope Benedict XVI $14.95
M:JS-H Junipero Serra (ages 9 and up) $14.99
M:MTC-H Mother Teresa of Calcutta (ages 9 and up) $14.99
M:MCB-H My Catholic Bible (ages 7 and up) $29.99
M:MLC-P My Little Catechism (ages 7 and up) $14.99
CLOT-P Saint Clothilde $9.95
M:TMCF-H Tell Me About the Catholic Faith $19.99
The Jesse Box NEW!
JB:DGJ-O The Jesse Box - 100-piece wooden David & Goliath Puzzle $18.75
JB:EXJ-O The Jesse Box - 100-piece wooden Exodus Puzzle $18.75
JB:PJ-O The Jesse Box - 100-piece wooden Pentecost Puzzle $18.75
JB:CJ-O The Jesse Box - 48-piece wooden Creation Puzzle $18.75
JB:HWJ-O The Jesse Box - 48-piece wooden Holy Week Puzzle $18.75
JB:NATJ-O The Jesse Box - 48-piece wooden Nativity Puzzle $18.75
JB:SS-X The Jesse Box - Family Edition Starter Set with 3 Bible stories $49.95
JB:SD-X The Jesse Box - Family Edition with 7 Bible stories & & activity books $119.00
MANB-P A Man of the Beatitudes $12.95
BGIR-P Because God is Real $14.95
DATJ-P Desiderata $14.95
DID-P Did Adam and Eve Have Belly Buttons? $12.95
DOCAT-P DOCAT: What do do? (Catholic Social Teaching for youth and young adults) $19.95
DOCAT:SG-P DOCAT Study Guide $9.95
IFM-P Issues of Faith and Morals $16.95
LTYC2-P Letters to a Young Catholic $16.95
RL2-P Real Love – 2nd Edition $15.95
LOSLET-P The Loser Letters: A Comic Tale of Life, Death and Atheism $13.95
TWG-P Tweeting With God – questions and answers for youth $21.95
TWGM-P Tweeting With God Manual $7.95
WMG-P We're on a Mission from God $12.95
YN-P Yes or No?: Straight Answers to Tough Questions About Christianity $12.95
YQGA-P Your Questions, God’s Answers $12.95
YOUCAT:CCS-P YOUCAT Student Confirmation Book $12.95
YOUCAT-P YOUCAT - Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church $19.95
YOUCAT:SP-P YOUCAT Espanol – Spanish edition of YOUCAT $19.95
YOUCAT:SG-P YOUCAT Study Guide $7/98
YCAT:PB-P YOUCAT Youth Prayer Book $14.95
ICE:TTC-P A Tale of Two Cities $11.95
ICES:TTC-P A Tale of Two Cities Study Guide $3.95
ICE:D-P Dracula $11.95
ICES:D-P Dracula Study Guide $3.95
ICE:F-P Frankenstein $7.95
ICES:F-P Frankenstein Study Guide $3.95
ICE:GE-P Great Expectations $11.95
ICES:GE-P Great Expectations Study Guide $3.95
ICE:GT-P Gulliver’s Travels $9.95
ICES:GT-P Gulliver’s Travels Study Guide $3.95
ICE:H-P Hamlet $7.95
ICES:H-P Hamlet Study Guide $3.95
ICE:JE-P Jane Eyre $11.95
ICE:JC-P Julius Caesar $5.95
ICES:JC-P Julius Caesar Study Guide $3.95
ICE:KL-P King Lear $7.95
ICES:KL-P King Lear Study Guide $3.95
ICE:LG-P Loss and Gain $9.95
ICES:LG-P Loss and Gain Study Guide $3.95
ICE:M-P MacBeth $5.95
ICES:M-P MacBeth Study Guide $3.95
ICE:MP-P Mansfield Park $11.95
ICES:MP-P Mansfield Park Study Guide $3.95
ICE:MD-P Moby Dick $11.95
ICES:MD-P Moby Dick Study Guide $3.95
ICE:O-P Othello $7.95
ICE:PP-P Pride and Prejudice $9.95
ICES:PP-P Pride and Prejudice Study Guide $3.95
ICE:RJ-P Romeo and Juliet $5.95
ICES:RJ-P Romeo and Juliet Study Guide $3.95
ICE:SS-P Sense and Sensibility $11.95
ICE:HF-P The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn $9.95
ICES:HF-P The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Study Guide $3.95
ICE:C-P The Confessions: St. Augustine of Hippo $14.95
ICES:C-P The Confessions: St. Augustine of Hippo Study Guide $3.95
ICE:CP-P The Consolation of Philosophy $7.95
ICES:CP-P The Consolation of Philosophy Study Guide $3.95
ICE:MV-P The Merchant of Venice $5.95
ICES:MV-P The Merchant of Venice Study Guide $3.95
ICE:PDG-P The Picture of Dorian Gray $7.95
ICES:PDG-P The Picture of Dorian Gray Study Guide $3.95
ICE:RBC-P The Red Badge of Courage $7.95
ICES:RBC-P The Red Badge of Courage Study Guide $3.95
ICE:RP-P The Romantic Poets: Blake, Wordsworth and Coleridge $11.95
ICE:SL-P The Scarlet Letter $7.95
ICES:SL_P The Scarlet Letter Study Guide $3.95
ICE:UTC-P Uncle Tom’s Cabin $11.95
ICES:UTC-P Uncle Tom’s Cabin Study Guide $3.95
ICE:WH-P Wuthering Heights $9.95
ICES:WH-P Wuthering Heights Study Guide $3.95
40M-M 40: The Most Important Human Rights Issue of Our Time $19.95
AHP-M A Hand of Peace: Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust $19.95
MFS-M A Man for All Seasons $19.95
AMI-M About Miracles $19.95
SOA-M Archbishop Fulton Sheen: Servant of All $24.95
BAK-M Bakhita $19.95 – New lower price!
BND-M Beloved: The Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia $19.95
BER2-M Bernadette $19.95
BDS-M Blessed Duns Scotus $19.95
COF-M Champions of Faith: Baseball Edition $19.95
OS-M Changing Sides $14.95
CDM-M Chaplet of Divine Mercy $9.95
CF-M Clare and Francis $19.95 – New lower price!
CHC1-M Classic Holiday Collection Vol. 1 $19.95
CHC2-M Classic Holiday Collection Vol. 2 $19.95
CO-M Cosmic Origins $19.95
COUR-M Courageous $19.95
TCREED-M Credo $19.95
DTD-M Defeating the Devil: Exorcists Tell Their Story $19.95
DJR-M Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead? $19.95
DONB-M Don Bosco – Special Edition $19.95 – New lower price!
EDITH-M Edith Stein: The Seventh Chamber $19.95 – New lower price!
FACL-M Faith Clips $19.95
FM-M Father of Mercy The True Story of Venerable Don Carlo Gnocchi $19.95
EM2-M Extreme Mercy II - The Expanded Fr. Calloway Conversion Story $19.95
FAU2-M Faustina $19.95
FFA-M Finding Fatima $19.95
FIRE-M Fireproof $19.95
FOGA-M Footprints of God: Abraham: Father of Faith and Works $24.95
FOGAF-M Footprints of God: Apostolic Fathers: Handing on the Faith $19.95
FOGDS-M Footprints of God: David & Solomon: Expanding the Kingdom $19.95
FOGJ-M Footprints of God: Jesus: The Word Became Flesh $19.95
FOGMA-M Footprints of God: Mary: The Mother of God $19.95
FOGMO-M Footprints of God: Moses: Signs, Sacraments, Salvation $19.95
FOGPA-M Footprints of God: Paul: Contending for the Faith $19.95
FOGPE-M Footprints of God: Peter: Keeper of the Keys $19.95
FGGLO-M For Greater Glory DVD $14.95
FRPN-M Francis: The Pope from the New World $19.95
GFG-M Gifts from God: The Papacy and Confession $19.95
GSHE-M Gimme Shelter (DVD) $19.95
GDO-M God’s Doorkeeper (St. Andre of Montreal) $19.95
GMS-M God’s Mighty Servant $19.95 – New lower price! HOSTIA-M Hostia: The Power and Presence of the Eucharist $14.95 – New lower price!
IDO-M I Do: Keys to a Happy Marriage $24.95
IHFOOT-M In Her Footsteps: The Story of St. Kateri Tekakwith $19.95
JDA-M Jesus: Desire of Ages $19.95
JATV2-M Joan of Arc $19.95
J23-M John XXIII $19.95 – New lower price!
JNA-M Joseph of Nazareth $19.95
KPM-M Karol: The Pope, The Man $19.95 – New lower price!
LKLI-M Lead Kindly Light: The Life and Message of Blessed Henry John Newman $19.95
LEO-M Leonie! $24.95
LAC-M Liberating a Continent: JPII and the Fall of Communism $19.95
LFL-M Life for Life: Maximilian Kolbe $19.95
LGFG-M Lost Gospels or False Gospels? $14.95
LOU-M Lourdes $19.95
LIC-M Love is a Choice: St. Gianna Molla $19.95
MG-M Maria Goretti $19.95
MONA-M Mary of Nazareth DVD $24.95– New lower price!
MST-M Miracle of St. Therese $14.95
MSFD-M Molokai $19.95
MT2-M Mother Teresa $19.95
NOGL-M No Greater Love $19.95
NDCW-M Nine Days That Changed the World $19.95