Minutes from March 8, 2005

American Red Cross

The March 8th, meeting was called to order by club President Ron Stier, W9ICZ. There were a total of 25 members and guests present, answering the roll call.

Devotions and the Pledge of Allegiance were given.

The secretary’s report for February, as printed in the March edition of the club newsletter, was approved.

The treasurer’s report was given and approved.

Announcements that were made during the meeting:

  1. Joe Beltrame, Director of the Wayne/Union Chapter of the American Red Cross, gave a presentation on the work that the American Red Cross does. He talked about the American Red Cross and the White Water Valley Amateur Radio Club working together in time of an emergency. He also spoke about the American Red Cross Disaster Action Team, and hoped that some of our members would volunteer to participate in that program, as well.
  2. Ron Stier, W9ICZ, stated that Wayne Klusman, WA8KAZ, would be in charge of the program during the April meeting, on the 12th. Ron also said that during the May meeting, on the 10th, we would have a “Table Top” Emergency Training exercise.
  3. Ron Stier, W9ICZ, said that equipment is still available from the estate of Silent Key Don Miller, K9WWP.
  4. Mike Chambers, W1IDX, gave a report on the W1IDX Repeater Group. Mike said that the 147.270+ repeater would move to its new location, following the erection of 2 antennas by Richmond Power & Light. The antenna for the repeater would go up, following that, at about 90’. The phone line, for autopatch use, will also be relocated to the new site. The 220 repeater has been repaired and should be back in operation, soon.
  5. Don Honenberger, KA6OSI, told about making an inventory of items in the ham shack, to make it easier for those left behind, to know what’s what. Ken Rueth, WB9NTL, also suggested putting a price down of what the equipment might be worth.
  6. Don Honenberger, KA6OSI, said that the ARRL is providing a CD-ROM on basic electronics, for those who may be interested.
  7. Mike Chambers, W1IDX, said that fellow club member Sam Addleman, N9LBA, would be taking donations to give the Weddle family due to the passing of Jerry Weddle, WD9AHP. This would be in addition to what the club had already donated to our late club member’s family.

Old Business:

  1. Mike Chambers, W1IDX, gave a committee report on Direction and Goals of the White Water Valley Amateur Radio Club. The committee consisted of Mike Chambers, W1IDX, Herb McAdams, N9XC & John Strain, W9MIU. The committee made the following recommendations:
  1. Increase Membership, both regular & associate.
  2. Increase Treasury.
  3. Develop Emergency Plans.
  4. Consolidate Administrative Files.
  5. Projects, not only in community, but also among fellow amateurs.
  6. Involvement with other agencies and organizations.
  7. Radio Net, support the club by checking into the Sunday night net.
  1. Charles Philhower, WA9KZC, stated that the tower is ready to be erected at the American Red Cross,

as soon as the weather breaks.

  1. Jeff Norris, KB9ZJV, reminded members that the March of Dimes has once again requested our assistance with communications with the Walk-A-Thon on Saturday, April 23rd. If you can help, you may contact Jeff.

New Business:

1. Mike Chambers, W1IDX, brought up the subject of providing the most senior member of the club, a

“Lifetime” membership. No motions were made, so subject was dropped.

Drawing was held.

A motion to adjourn was made by Jeff Norris, KB9ZJV and was seconded by Ken Rueth, WB9NTL.

The motion passed with the meeting adjourning at 8:25 PM.