Baildon Town Council – Planning Committee

Present - Councillors; Cllr Lesley Brook (Chair), Cllr Peter Ashton,Cllr David Shaw, Cllr Lynne Ware.

Officers –Town Clerk Louanna Winch

Members of the public - Ruth Logan

PC1718/117Chairs remarks

The Chair welcomed all, including Ruth Logan who was observing the meeting prior to her appointment to the Council.

PC1718/118Councillors attending but not a Committee member


PC1718/119Apologies for absence


PC1718/120Disclosures of interest

Cllr Ware declared a conflict on interest in agenda item 9.

PC1718/121Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting of the Planning Committee held on the 8th of March 2018 approved.

Proposed Cllr P Ashton

Seconded Cllr D Shaw

Resolved unanimously

PC1718/122Public Participation

Cllr D Shaw reported a dip in the highway on Langley Lane.

PC1718/123 Response to Public Participation

The Chair requested that Cllr Shaw reported this to Kevin Whittaker at Highways.

PC1718/124Clerks Report

The Clerk reported that she minuting the meeting at short notice due to the illness of the Deputy Clerk. She was unaware of any information to report.

PC1718/125Baildon Design Statement working group

No further meetings had taken place due to the lack of availability of Bradford Council Planning Officers. Cllr Ashton had nothing further to report at this stage.

PC1718/126Planning Committee Budget

126.1Proposed by Cllr P Ashton and seconded by Cllr D Shaw and resolvedwith one abstention to agree to fund the introduction of a TRO and the necessary works to restrict parking on Green Road near its junction with Browgate and to delegate to the Clerk the completion of necessary paperwork with Bradford Council.

126.2Proposed by Cllr P Ashton and seconded by Cllr L Brook and resolvedunanimously to agree to carry forward monies remaining from design statement (£4,000) and the £10,000 from Highways.

PC1718/127To note current applications on CBMDC website and to agree action (

Proposed by Cllr L Brook and seconded by P Ashton and resolved to make comments on the current plans as recorded by the Clerk.

PC1718/128 To identify any applications to be tracked and to receive an update on past applications

Baildon Mill and The Grove to be tracked.

PC1718/129Items for the next agenda

Cllr Shaw requested a TRO for Hallcliffe to be discussed at the next meeting.

PC1718/130Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 10th of May 2018 at 7.30pm, at Baildon Community Link.

Town Clerk Tel. (01274) 593169 Email:

Signed………………. Date…………………Meeting date – 8th March 2018Page 1 of 2