WESTAR Spring 2009 Business Meeting

Ozone roundtable discussion questions (3:30-4:45 Tuesday, April 7th)

Arizona Responses

For more information about Arizona’s public and analytical process, see www.azdeq.gov/environ/air/plan/ozone.html

What areas of your state did/will you recommend nonattainment for ozone?

·  Describe the boundaries.

o  The Greater Phoenix Area is the only part of the State violating the new ozone NAAQS. See www.azdeq.gov/environ/air/plan/download/FINAL%20GovBrewer03Desig3-12-09.pdf for details

·  What are the design value(s)?

o  0.081 ppm is the highest design value for the area violating the standard

What are the principle sources contributing to nonattainment?

The usual – mobile sources (largest single source category), power generation, permitted minor sources, area sources (e.g., vehicle refueling), consumer and commercial products

·  What/how much of the contribution is local vs. regional, Mexico/Canada, international shipping?

o  Occasionally transport is evident, primarily from southern CA, but the majority of the ozone pollution is generated by Phoenix area emissions.

Describe your stakeholder process.

Several stakeholder meetings were held, first with affected political subdivisions of the State, potentially affected Indian nations and power generators in three separate meetings. A final general stakeholder meeting was held specifically requesting comments on a strawman boundary and approach to addressing the 9 factors in the EPA guidance. Details are contained in the Web page referenced at the top of this document.

Describe your collaboration with the EPA Regional office.

The Air Quality Division engaged in frequent consultation with EPA, primarily on how to address the 9 factors and meet the requirements of the designation guidance. They were present at the stakeholder meeting with the Indian nations and the general stakeholder meeting. In general, they have been pleased with the rigor and detail of the area designation analyses conducted and justifications for recommended nonattainment area boundaries submitted for ozone in 2003 and for PM2.5 last year.

Have you flagged any exceptional events that have a bearing on your nonattainment recommendation(s)? If so, please describe.

No ozone exceedances have been flagged as exceptional events.