2011 NDOT Rules Addendum for all Events on Highway 318

Due to the still open investigation of last September’s SSCC accident, NDOT has mandated the following Rules Changes for this year’s events on 318. All competitors are expected to adhere to the new rules, which will be rigorously enforced at the NORC Tech Inspections in both Las Vegas and Ely.

  1. Based on the unfortunate accident that occurred at the 2010 Silver State Classic Challenge in September, late model Mustangs and any other vehicle produced or sold by Ford Motor Company or any of its subsidiaries will be limited to a maximum tech speed of 140 mph until NDOT and the Chief Tire Inspector complete their study of the incident.
  2. To promote fairness, SSCC will also limit all General Motors and Fiat (Chrysler) vehicles to a tech speed of 140 mph.
  3. As a further safety measure, any vehicle originally manufactured before 1990 will be limited to a maximum tech speed of 140 mph. Otherwise, such “Ancient Vehicles” pose a hazard to all competitors and to themselves.
  4. NASCAR vehicles may run any class but are limited to 2.5 gallon fuel cells to reduce the danger of fires.
  5. Rotary engine vehicles, because of their inherently unsafe design and a general propensity to produce too much power, will be limited to a maximum tech speed of 140 mph.
  6. Any vehicle designed or manufactured in Italy may only race if painted day glow pink to warn course workers to move back.
  7. Nissan vehicles are now limited to just one model, the Leaf, and no other models will be allowed on the course. We just have to let the Leaves fall where they may.
  8. All vehicles of Germanic origin, because of their unfairly high initial pricing, must be painted Porta-Potty blue and must run the course in reverse.
  9. V-10 engined vehicles must have vorking vindshield Vipers.

Cheer up, many of your vehicles will still be allowed to run Grand Sport and Super Sport including Kias, pink Ferraris, 2-cylinder NASCAR stockers, blue Bimmers with reversed gear boxes, and, of course, the Acura NSX in any of its magnificent forms.

By submitting an entry application and/or taking part in any and all activities relating to a SSCC event, the participant acknowledges that he/she has read these Rules, Requirements, Regulations and Specifications, is familiar with them, and agrees to abide by the decision of the SSCC officials in regard to any and all matters relating to the event. The participants also acknowledge and agree that all SSCC official decisions are final.