/ Ekonomická fakulta Univerzity Mateja Bela
vBanskej Bystrici
Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University,
Banská Bystrica
Dean’s Office
975 90 Banská Bystrica, Tajovského 10 /


Name of University / Faculty / Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica -
Faculty of Economics
University Erasmus+ Code/
PIC CODE MBU / SK BANSKA01 / 998462517
University International Relations Office / Rectorate – International Relations Office
University Institutional Coordinator
Doc. PhDr. Katarína Chovancová, PhD.

University web site
Faculty of Economics web site / https://www.umb.sk/en/
University International Relations Office / https://www.umb.sk/en/


Head of International Relations Office / Doc. Ing. Vanda Maráková, PhD.
International Relations Office at Faculty of Economics MBU,
Tajovského 10,
975 90 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
Telephone/Fax / +421 48446 2178
E-mail /
Contact Person for Incoming and Outgoing Students / Mgr. Jana Prašovská
Telephone / Fax / +421 48446 2197
E-mail /
Contact Person for Incoming and Outgoing Teachers and Staff / Ing. Alena Dobrotová
Telephone / Fax / +421 48446 2155
E-mail /


Courses for incoming students taught in foreign languages / http://www.ef.umb.sk/indexe.asp?uid=998
First Instruction and Welcome meeting / YES – before the start of each semester


Nomination / Application deadlines for Exchange Students / For Winter semester
every year
July 15/August 15 / For Summer semester
every year
November 15/December 1
Semesters – Academic calendar
- both semesters open to exchanges
http://www.ef.umb.sk/indexe.asp?uid=1060 / Winter semester:
20.9.2016 – 17.12.2016
Examination period WS: 02.1.2017 – 28.1.2017 / Summer semester:
6.2.2017 – 6.5.2017
Examination period SS:
9.5.2017 – 10.6.2017
Accommodation arrangement / http://www.ef.umb.sk/indexe.asp?uid=822
What kind of accommodation is offered to the students?
Dormitory accommodation
How do they need to apply?
By sending Accommodation form within application procedure documents by August 15th or December 1st every year
What is the cost?
From 54 to 61 EUR / monthly
Accommodation costs are to be paid in advance for the whole period of your stay, in cash during first days of mobility. For the single room it is 61 EUR / month, for three-bed room it is 54 EUR / month. For the registration it is necessary to have a passport or ID card + 2 photos..
Costs of living / Housing, books, transport, etc.
Apr. 200,- EUR monthly, without special extras
Visas, permits, insurance / Detailed information can be found at: http://www.ef.umb.sk/indexe.asp?uid=812
(no VISA and Permits for EU students)
International Student Guide / Provided to each student via e mail within other instructions
or find attached at the bottom of the page

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