Name ______

Chapter 5 Anticipation Guide

An anticipation guide is a reading strategy that helps users “front load” the information they will be reading about. It primes the brain for the topics that will be encountered and starts making connections to prior knowledge.

Directions: Read each statement about Chapter 5. In the “Before” column, check the ones you agree with.

Before / After
_____ / I can list the four basic functions an operating system performs. / _____
_____ / I can explain the purpose of the registry. / _____
_____ / I can explain the two types of user interfaces. / _____
_____ / I can define multi-user, multi-tasking, multi-processing and multi-threading. / _____
_____ / I can differentiate between real, protected, virtual real, and compatibility modes. / _____
_____ / I can list at least six DOS commands and can explain what they do. / _____
_____ / I can list three different operating system groups. / _____
_____ / I can list the four most common network operating systems. / _____
_____ / I can identify the three criteria that should be met when recommending an operating system to a customer. / _____
_____ / I can explain the purpose of an HCL. / _____
_____ / I can list three instances when a clean installation may be required. / _____
_____ / I can explain the differences between a primary partition, and active partition and an extended partition. / _____
_____ / I can explain the relationship between an extended partition and logical drives. / _____
_____ / I can define formatting. / _____
_____ / I can define cluster, track and cylinder. / _____
_____ / I can list several differences between FAT32 and NTFS. / _____
_____ / I can list several characteristics of a Windows “Administrator” account. / _____
_____ / I know what warning icons I should look for in Device Manager. / _____
_____ / I can list the tasks NTLDR is responsible for in a Windows boot sequence. / _____
_____ / I can define / _____
_____ / I can explain the purpose of Boot.ini. / _____
_____ / I know when NTBOOTDD.sys is needed. / _____
_____ / I can explain the purpose of Msconfig. / _____
_____ / I can name the program that’s used to change the registry of a Windows computer. / _____
_____ / I know how to start a computer in Safe Mode and can list times when it may be necessary. / _____
_____ / I can list the four most common file attributes. / _____
_____ / I know how to access the Task Manager and some of the things it displays. / _____
_____ / I can list the steps for accessing Event Viewer. / _____
_____ / I can list four tasks that should be performed as preventative maintenance. / _____
_____ / I can explain the purpose of CHKDSK. / _____
_____ / I can define defrag. / _____
_____ / I know how to set a restore point. / _____
_____ / I can list the characteristics of a recovery CD. / _____
_____ / I can distinguish between a normal, copy, differential, incremental, and daily backup. / _____

Directions: Now read and take notes over Chapter 5. Once you have finished, re-read the statements above and place a check in the after column for the statements with which you agree. Add any comments you’d like below each statement or on the back of this sheet.

IT Essentials v.4 S. Bender