Welcome back! Each year the PTO provides a Friends Directory to all PTO members. The directory has contact information for each student, listed by classroom, as well as contact information for Pattison staff.
With support from our Pattison families, the PTO is able to enrich the educational experience for all of our students. Some of the programs, resources, and services the PTO has been able to provide include: author visits, museum visits, after school programs (Valley View Nature/Hike Club, Bricks for Kids, Young Rembrandts… just to name a few.). The PTO also helps fund classroom supplies, school programs, and playground equipment. Becoming a PTO member does not sign you up for any further obligations. It does help to keep you in the loop with what is going on around school, volunteer opportunities, and allows you to vote on many of the decisions the PTO makes throughout the year. Be sure to LIKE US on FACEBOOK!
Student/students name – Please clearly print first and last name of each student / Teacher /1.
To become a Pattison PTO member, send this completed form with a $5.00 check(payable to Pattison PTO) or cash into your homeroom or the office, no later than Friday, September 8. $5 for each for additional directory.
Family Information – Please clearly print all information you want in the directory /Household/Parent Name:
Phone #1 Phone #2
Email #1 Email #2
Household/ Parent #2 – If different from above:
Phone #1 Phone #2
Email #1 Email #2
The Family Education Rights &Privacy Act allows for the publication of directory information. Also in compliance with this act, you may decline to be included in the directory. To NOT be included in the directory, please fill out the student information above, and check here ☐