Adopted May 25, 2010


Public Gifts/Donations


The purpose of this administrative regulation is to distinguish between different types and levels of donations, establish clear standards for what is acceptable, and establish clear processes for accepting and acknowledging gifts.


Standards of acceptance – Standards of acceptance define what gifts or donations meet technical, safety, or programmatic requirements that allow them to be beneficial to CitySchools and students.

Department head –Central office department executive directors or officers.


A.A school principal or department head is not obligated to accept any gift or donation. Donations presented by an individual or organization from funds raised in a manner that the CEO deems incompatible with the mission of City Schools must be refused. School principals and department heads may consult with the CEO for clarification.

B.Monetary donations may be made by cash, personal check or money order.

C.Donations made to individual schools or central office departments with an estimated value of $250 or less may be accepted by the principal or department head without further approval,but the principal or department head must determine that the gift meets the standards of acceptance. School principals or department heads should acknowledge the giftappropriately and are encouraged to enter the gift into the online database unless, however, the gift is monetary. All monetary donations, regardless of value, must be entered into the online database through the City Schools website (

D.Donations with an estimated value of greater than $250 but less than $2,500 do not require Board approval but the principal or department head must determine that the gift meets the standards of acceptance, accept the gift, and report it on the online database through the City Schools website (

E.Donations that have an estimated value of $2500 or greaterrequire Board approval and acceptance. For donations at this level, the CEO or designee will determine whether the gift meets the standards of acceptance, accept the gift or donation, andpresent it to the Board for approval and acknowledgement at a public meeting. The Office of Partnerships, Communications and Community Engagement will ensure that these gifts are entered into the online database.

F.The information to be entered into the database includes the donor’s name, whether the donor wishes to be kept anonymous for any public acknowledgement, and the amount of the donation. School principals or department heads may request that the CEO and Board make a special acknowledgement of the gift by contacting the Office of Partnerships, Communications, and Community Engagement.

G.Monetary donations accepted by school principals for:

1.a school-wide purpose must be deposited into the school’s general activity fund bank account and accounted for in an account ledger established for that purpose in accordance with policy DMA; or

2.a specific purpose shall be deposited into the school’s special activity fund bank account and accounted for in an account ledger established for that purpose in accordance with policy DMA.

H.The following chart summarizes the steps in the acceptance process and sets forth who is responsible for taking certain actions.

$1 - $250 / Donation meets standards of acceptance
Gift accepted and record kept at school. If monetary in mature, also entered in to online database by principal/department head. If non-monetary, entry into online database is optional.
School or department head responsible for acknowledgement letter
$251 - $2,499 / Donation meets standards of acceptance
Gift accepted and entered in to online database by principal or department head
School or department head responsible for acknowledgement letter
Online database generates a thank you from the CEO and Board Chair with an option to receive thank you by email or US Mail
$2,500 and above / Donation meets standards of acceptance
Gift accepted and entered in to online database by Office of Partnerships, Communications and Community Engagement
CEO/designee reviews gift, accepts gift pending Board approval, and submits to Board for approval
Board accepts donation
CEO and school or department head responsible for acknowledgement letter
Online database generates a thank you from the CEO and Board Chair with an option to receive thank you by email or US Mail

I.The following departments or offices are responsible for updating the attached standards of acceptance for gifts and donations and for answering questions about whether a gift or donation meets the standards of acceptance:

1.textbooks, books, educational supplies, musical instruments, etc;(Chief Academic Officer)

2.computers and technology equipment;(Information Technology )

3.Interscholastic Athletics, Dance and Physical Education (Chief Academic Officer)

4.improvements to buildings and grounds.(Chief Operations Officer)


Related Policies and Administrative Regulations:

DMA; DMA-RA; KCB; KCB-RA; KCD; Board Rule 303.07

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