November 5, 2011

Honoring Bill Sapp and Ron Murray


8:15 Ass’t. Rabban John Bull Jr. is to direct Candidates to register (Lower Level card room) upon first arrival for their information packets, and correct Fez size. Coffee and Donuts will be available during this period

8:30 HP&P Scott Lipps and O.G. Kevin Sweeney are responsible for providing updated lists of Masonic dignitaries and Past Potentates to Ceremonial Master (Dave Heizer - CM)

8:30 Potentate addresses Candidates

8:30 - 9:00 OG Kevin Sweeney is to seat Masonic dignitaries, Past Potentates and Emeritus Officers. They will be announced later.

Divan waits in outside lobby for introductions.

Ceremonial HonoreesTyler Murray for Ron Murray and Bill Sapp III for Bill Sapp.Shall wait outside for introduction with their escorts.

9:00 C/M Nobles, Candidates and Guests welcome to the 270th Ceremonial Session of Antioch Shrine Temple

C/MNoble Director Ronnie England, is the Temple properly Tiled for this Ceremonial?

RonnieThe Temple is properly tiled by members of the Temple Guard for this Ceremonial.

C/MNoble Director Jim Aerhart, are the novices in attendance properly prepared for this ceremonial and properly seated?


C/MI hereby declare Antioch Shrine Temple open for the work of the 270th Ceremonial.

This Ceremonial is in honor of NoblesBill Sapp and Ron Murray of Antioch Temple. Noble Tyler Murray and Bill Sapp III are standing in for them.

C/MI will now explain the use of the gavel. It is similar to that used in the Blue Lodge. Please remain seated as I explain. Two raps of the gavel (Rap 2 times), The Officers rise; Three raps of the gavel, (Raps 3 times) all rise; and 1 Rap of the gavel (Rap 1 time) everyone is seated.

C/M We will now have the invocation by Antioch’s Chaplin NobleRichard Poore 33rd Degree.

C/M(3 Raps) Please rise and uncover

Richard(Gives Invocation.)

C/M(1Rap) Please be seated

Before we present the colors, I will explain the Shrine Pledge of Allegiance. The Shriners' InternationalPledge is slightly different. We begin our pledge as follows;

I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the country for which it stands…the remainder of the pledge is the same, as you know it.

The pledge is recited with the Fez remaining on the head and the Military Salute is given. Our procedure today is as follows:

A Noble wearing the Fez will execute the Military Salute as the colors approach and will hold the Salute until the colors are posted and the Shrine Pledge of Allegiance is given, follow by our Nations Anthem. If a Noble is wearing any other headgear, Please remove it and place your right hand over your heart.

Noble Director Charles Hagedorn, of the Legion of Honor, please come forward with your assistant and demonstrate the proper commands and hand salute.

Charles:(Salute and the commands are demonstrated.)

C/MThank you Director Charles

C/MWe will now present the colors and recite the Shrine Pledge of Allegiance. The National Anthem will be played by the Brass Band, Noble David Lightcap, Director and Ills Sir Ed Molen, P.P. Musical Director. Please take your orders from Noble Director Charles Hagedorn of the Legion of Honor.

C/M(3 Raps) Please rise.

Charles(Gives command to present the colors. Turn and hold Honor Guard center front for Pledge and National Anthem).

C/MPlease join together in the Shrine Pledge of Allegiance.

Charles(Order Arms)

Brass(Playing of the National Anthem.)


CharlesPresent Arms. (Post the colors and retire the Honor Guard.)

C/M(1 Rap) Thank you Legion of Honor and the Brass Band


C/MI would like to introduce the following distinguished Masons with us today. Please stand and be recognized. Please hold your applause until they have all been introduced.

___ Worshipful Bro Roy Livesay, 33rd degree Elect A.A.S.R. Valley of Dayton

___Worshipful Bro Steve Moore, 33rd degree A.A.S.R. Valley of Dayton, Member Champaign County Shrine Club and Funsters

___Ill Bro. John H. Smith, 33° Past Executive Secretary A.A.S.R.

Valley of Dayton.

___Ill Bro Keith G., Knight 33° Past Thrice Potent Master, Lodge

of Perfection, A.A.S.R. Valley of Dayton.

___Ill Bro Dr. John E. Rhodes 33° Past Thrice Potent Master, Lodge

of Perfection, A.A.S.R. Valley of Dayton.

___Ill. Bro Robert W. Kopp 33° Past Sovereign Prince of Miami

Council, Prince of Jerusalem, A.A.S.R. Valley of Dayton.

___Right Worshipful Brother Paul Alexander, Past District Deputy
Grand Master.

___Right Worshipful Brother Martin R. Trent, Past District Deputy
Grand Master 9th District.

___Ill. and Right Worshipful Bro. Richard W. Poore, 33˚

Past District Deputy Grand Master.

___Ill. and Right Worshipful Bro. William P. Mayberry Jr., 33°

Past Thrice Potent Master, Lodge of Perfection, A.A.S.R. Valley of Dayton, and Past District Deputy Grand Master.

___Ill and Right Worshipful Bro. J. Roger Caplinger 33° Past

Sovereign Prince, A.A.S.R. Valley of Dayton and Past District

Deputy Grand Master.

___Ill. and Right Worshipful Bro. Larry R. Atchison 33° Past Most

Wise Master, Dayton Chapter of Rose Croix, A.A.S.R, Valley of

Dayton, and Past District Deputy Grand Master.

___Ill and Right Worshipful Bro. Richard L. Coy, 33°,

Past Commander-in-Chief, Dayton Consistory, AASR Valley of

Dayton, and Past District Deputy Grand Master.

___Ill. And Right Worshipful Bro. H. Jeffery Shaw, 33˚KYCH,

Past Thrice Potent Master, Lodge of Perfection, A.A.S.R., Past

District Deputy Grand Master, Past District Deputy Grand High

Priest and Past Executive Officer Ohio DeMolay.

___ Right Worshipful Bro. Paul Wegledge, District Deputy Grand Master.

___Ill. And Right Worshipful Bro. Steven A. Argast, 33° Past

Sovereign Prince, A.A.S.R. and Past District Deputy Grand Master, Past Grand Marshal Grand Lodge Ohio, Grand Aide to Grand Master

___Right Worshipful Bro Gary L. Nicholson, Past District Deputy GrandMaster 2nd District.

___Right Worshipful Bro Scott Sowders, District Deputy Grand Master 2nd District.

___Ill Bro Howard E. Laudermilk, 33°, Past Sovereign Prince

A.A.S.R. Valley of Dayton, and Past Grand Chaplain Grand

Lodge Ohio and Past District Deputy Grand Master 8th District.

___Right Worshipful Bro Clifford P. Koss, Past District Deputy

Grand and Past Grand Tyler Grand Lodge of Ohio.

___Ill and Right Worshipful Bro. Nathan H. Pelfrey 33° Past

Sovereign Prince of Miami Council, Prince of Jerusalem, A.A.S.R. Valley of Dayton Past District Deputy Grand Master and Past Grand Chaplain Grand Lodge Ohio.

___Ill Bro. Ronald Connelly, 33° Past Thrice Potent Master, Lodge

of Perfection, A.A.S.R. Valley of Dayton, Past District Deputy Grand Master, and Grand Treasurer Grand Lodge of Ohio.

___Most Excellent Steven A. Duncan, 33°KYGCH, Past Grand

High Priest, Ohio Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons.

___ Most Illustrious Companion Beecher Vaughn, 33°KYGCH,

Past Grand Master of the Grand Council, Royal and Select Masons of Ohio.

___Most Illustrious Companion Bobbie G. Campbell, 33°KYGCH,

Past Grand Master andGrand Recorder Grand Council, Royal and Select Masons of Ohio.

___Ill. Bro. Burch E. Zehner, 33°KYGCH, Past Sovereign Prince,

A.A.S.R. Valley of Dayton and Past Grand Commander, Knights Templar of Ohio.

___Ill Bro. E.C. Pelfrey 33° KYCH, Past Eminent Prior of Ohio

Priory, Past Sovereign Prince of Jerusalem, A.A.S.R. Valley of Dayton

___Ill. Bro. & Most Worshipful William P. Mayberry Sr. 33°

Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted

Masons of Ohio.

___Ill. And Most Worshipful Bro. Neil M. Smalley, 33°

Past Active member and Past Deputy for Ohio of the Supreme Council in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite Masons.

Also, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio.

___Ill. and Most Worshipful Bro. Terry W. Posey, 33°Past Grand

Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio.



Have I over looked anyone??

(1 Rap) Please be seated


___Jimmie G. Mitchell-- Emeritus Recorder 1989-1994.

Emeritus Treasurer 2001-2004.

___Dale Biddle--Emeritus Recorder 2003 -2007

___Dwayne JonesEmeritus Treasurer 2000-2009

C/MIt is now my pleasure to introduce the Past Potentates of Antioch Shrine. Please remain standing and hold your applause until all are introduced.

___1972---Robert W. Beechler

___1974---L. Thomas Wilson, 33˚

___1977---Frank S. Klugh

___1979---J. Douglas Elliott

___1980---John W. Shimer, 33°Antioch Foundation Member

___1987---E.C. Pelfrey, 33°KYCH, & Past Eminent Prior of Ohio Priory

___1988---Ben G. Hardin, 33˚Past Imperial Chaplain 2002-2003.

___1989---Richard C. Church, 33° Mayor, City of Miamisburg, Past

President GLSA

___1990---Charles A Claypool, 33° Imperial Potentate of the Shrine of North America, 2002-2003, and Current Member

of the Board of Trustees Shriners Hospitals.

___1991---William T. Harris, Past Public Relations Chairman

___1992---Robert E. “Gene” Walls, Emeritus Board of Governors,

Lexington Hospital, and current Chairman of the Applications Committee

___1993---Dwayne C. Jones, 33°Past Circus Chairman for 17 years. Past Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Ohio.

___1996---Hank Gladney Emeritus Membership Chairman,

Past President SPANA(Shrine Patrol Assoc. of North America)

___1997---Robert L. Wagner Past Director Pipers, Past Director Parade Escort

___1998---Edward A Molen

Past Horse Show Chairman, and Member of the Board of Governors, Lexington Hospital.

___1999---Douglas R. Boyd

Past Pilgrimage Chairman and Emeritus Member of the Board of Governors, Cincinnati Burns Hospital.

___2000---Douglas Sorrell

Past Director of the Mounted Patrol and Emeritus Member of the Board of Governors, Cincinnati Burns

Hospital and 2nd V.P. GLSA

___2002---Gary L. Blackford- Assoc. Member Board of Governors

Lexington Hospital and Past Director of the Motor Corp.

___2004---Steve Maynard

Past Director of the Marching Patrol and Current Pilgrimage Chairman, PresidentOhio Shrine 2007-2008

___2006---Jim Brewer

Past Rabban of the Clan.

___2007---Roland W Williams 33˚,

Past Director Rovers

___2008---Ray Combs Past Director & Commander Legion of Honor,

and 8th Commander of The International Association Legions

of Honor.

___2009---Bob Deam Past Pres Quetzalcoatl.

___2010---Tom Schoff Ills Sir Tom Schoff, Antioch Shrine Foundation Member 33 Elect, Past Master of Mechanicsburg Lodge # 113, Candidate Councilor, Scottish Rite Valley Of Dayton,


C/MOn behalf of the Nobility of Antioch, I say “Thank You” for your past contributions to this great Temple and Fraternity and foryourcontinued support and dedication.

(Rap) You may be seated.

C/MThe next group to be introduced will be the Divan of this great Temple, with the exception of the Potentate, who will be introduced later. Please hold your applause until they have all been introduced.

I am Dave Heizer, 1st Ceremonial Master

Richard Poore, 33°Chaplain

Jerry Jamieson, Recorder, PastDirector, Pipes and Drums

Rob Fickert, Treasurer of Antioch Shrine, Past Director Motor Corps.

Kevin Sweeney, Oriental Guide

Scott Lipps High Priest & Prophet

John Bull Jr., Assistant Rabban. Past Director Indy Cars.

H.Jeffery Shaw 33rd,Chief Rabban. Past District Deputy Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter, Knight York Cross of Honor

C/M(1 Rap) Please be seated.

Noble Director Charles Hagedorn, Director of the Legion of Honor, Please form the Honor Guard for our Ill. Potentate and our Honorees.

Nobles and Candidates, Please join me in welcoming for the year 2011, Potentate of Antioch Temple William Garlow, Imperial Captain of the Guard Aide, Past Master Mystic Lodge # 405,Past Antioch Crier Editor & Antioch Public Relations Chairman.

(3 Raps) All Rise.

C/M“Salaam”, Ill. Sir Bill

May I present you with the gavel so that you may preside over the 270th Ceremonial.

(1 Rap) Thank you Ceremonial Master Dave

(If Imp. Sir is present, Continue).

C/M Chief Rabban Jeff prepare to present the Imp. Potentate of the Shrine of North America, 2002-2003, Imp Sir Charles A. “Tad”Claypool, 33° .

C/M Brass Band would you prepare for the entrance of the Imp. Potentate of the Shrine of North America, 2002-2003.

(3 Raps) All rise.

(Brass Band plays “Ruffles and Flourishes” four times and then “Hail to the Chief”)


(Do not release the Imp. Sir to enter until “Hail to the Chief “ has started).


PoteNobles and Candidates, I have the honor to present and introduce to you, Imp. Sir Charles A. “Tad” Claypool, 33˚, Past Imperial Potentate of the Shrine of North America, 2002-2003 and currently serving as Imperial Trustee.

Welcome Imp. Sir Tad. It is a real pleasure to have you with us today. Please accept the gavel and preside over the Ceremonial.


Imp. Sir(Remarks)

PoteIf it meets with your approval, I will ask you to speak again, after our Honorees have been presented. Please remain at the Podium.

PoteIt is with great pleasure and honor that I present to you Noble Tyler Murray and Bill Sapp, III

(3 Raps)

Noble Director Hagedorn, you may dismiss the Honor Guard.

Thank You.

(1 Rap) Please be seated.

Bill Sapp, Jr

SAPP Jr., William D. (Bill) 65, of Dayton, passed away Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at Miami Valley Hospital. He is survived by his loving wife of 45 years, Nancy Sapp. His sons and daughters-in-law William III and wife April Sapp of Springfield, Mark and Erin Sapp of Edwards AFB in CA., David and Sarah Sapp of Urbana, OH., He was employed at D & M Welding for 35 years, was retired from the US Air Force as a Master Sargeant, a member of Minerva Lodge # 98 F & AM, member of the Scottish Rite, Valley of Dayton, the Antioch Shrine for 23 years and director of Director’s Staff.

Ron Murray bio

PoteImperial Sir Tad, would you please address our ceremonial.

Imp Sir(Remarks) (Returns the Gavel to Pote).

PoteThank you Imp. Sir Tad and Tyler and Bill. Please take your seats.

Noble Ceremonial Master Dave, I return the gavel to you. Please proceed with the Ceremonial.

C/MThe Heart and soul of the Shrine is our network of 22 Hospitals that serve the children in need of orthopedic, burn or spinal cord care. The medical care the child receives is provided at no charge to the family.

We provide expert medical care “regardless of the patients’ ability to pay.”

Doctors at Shriners Hospitals will determine when a child is to be released, not any government agency. This superior medical care is provided to children up to 18 years of age. The budget this year 820 Million Dollars. We are fortunate to have 2 of these Hospitals near us. The Cincinnati Burns Unit and the Lexington Orthopedic Hospital. It is my great pleasure to introduce to you the Antioch Representatives to the Board of Governors of each of these hospitals. As I call your name, would you please stand and be recognized. Please hold your applause until they have all been introduced.

Jerry Jamieson & Stan Brookins

Member, Board of Governors, Cincinnati Burns Hospital

Ill Sir Ray Combs

Member, Board of Governors, Lexington, Hospital

Ill Sir Gary Blackford.

Associate Member, Board of Governors, Lexington, Hospital

C/M(1Rap) Please be seated

C/M Ass't Rabban John Bull Jr. will now present a short video on Shriner's Hospitals

C/M Thank you John for that presentation.

C/M Circus Director Stan Brookins will now speak about our upcoming Shrine Circus.

C/M Thank you Stan.

9:30C/M The Ladies will now retire to the Past Potentate's Room for a Special Program

AR John Bull escorts the ladies to their room


9:30C/M We are now at the point where we begin the ritualistic work. This is performed by our ritualistic cast, Roy Livesay 33rd Degree, Director of the Past Masters.

You will also be entertained by the BRASS BAND

C/M Richard Poore, 33rd Degree, will do the prolog, Richard

Cast(Performs work).

When finished Shiners' Creed by Potentate Signal from Roy Livesay

C/M Fez lecture

C/MThis concludes the ritualistic section of the ceremonial. Special thanks to the Cast, Ron Livesay would you please introduce the Cast of the Ceremonial.

At this time OG Kevin Sweeney brings the ladies back to the Ceremonial.

10:45The Ladies will now return from their program in the past Potentates' room to participate in the Fezzing of our new Nobles – OG Kevin Sweeney will bring the Ladies upstairs.

C/M 11:00Chief RabbanH. Jeffrey Shaw, 33rd Degree, will present “The Badge of a Shriner”

Jeff(Recites “The Badge of a Shriner”).


Nobles, this section of the ceremonial is reserved for the Fezzing and Pinning of our new Nobles. Candidates, would you look inside your envelopes and remove the Fez and Shrine Pin. Bring only those two items with you. Candidates please come forward and form a line facing the Nobility. Sponsors, assistants or Ladies please come forward and face your candidate.

Sponsors, assistants or Ladies you may now Fez your candidate. Also place the Shrine Pin on the left lapel of your candidate. Divan members will Fez anyone that does not have a sponsor.Congratulations to you new Nobles on joining the world’s greatest Fraternity. I sincerely hope that each of you will seek out and join one of the many Units or Clubs that we have to offer to you. I know that you and your family will enjoy being a member of the world’s greatest fraternity and philanthropy.