Tel no: 02392 699988


Twitter: @infoGiselleInstagram: giselleacademy

Well here we are again in the lead up to Christmas. It seems to come round quicker every year! Again, this has been a really busy term so far – and it is set to get busier with exams, drama production, Christmas displays etc. Please take a few moments to read this newsletter as it will keep you up to date with everything that is happening at Giselle. The newsletter will be loaded onto our website in a few days, so if you lose it, don’t panic!

If you need to contact us concerning anything in this newsletter, or have any other concerns, there are a few ways to contact us (see above)

Firstly, EXAMS. These take place on 10th and 11th December (Ballet), and 15th and 16th December (Modern, Tap and Jazz). We are just waiting for timetables to arrive from HQ. Here are a few important points to remember:

Arrive ONE HOUR before the time stated on the timetable –sometimes exams can run early!

We can do your childs hair – please supply hair brush and comb, hair elastics, bun net, grips and pins, hairspray or gel.

Correct uniform is ESSENTIAL. Please check at reception or in the shop to ensure you have the correct uniform. It’s easy to miss that Primary Taps wear the set turquoise leotard and Primary ballets need ribbons on their shoes (these can be sewn on for you for a mere £2.50)

Please ensure your child is attending extra lessons for their exams. This is vital to ensure your child feels completely prepared.


Our production of Welcome to Wonderland is being performed from 27th to 29th November. Please ensure you have your tickets as they are selling fast. The drama groups have been working flat out for the past few months, and it looks set to being a great show. Tickets from reception.


We are very excited to have been asked to take part in this show at The Guildhall, Portsmouth on 7th February 2016. If you like singing, are between age 8 and 18, and would like to take part in the choir, please put your name down at reception. Rehearsals will be on Saturdays 4.15pm – 6.30pm (£5.90). In January there will be a couple of Sunday rehearsals at the reduced cost of £3.00. Rehearsals commence on Saturday 5th December.


Congratulations to all those pupils who took part in Tapathon for Children in Need on November 15th. You raised £550.00! Well done all! We will let you know soon if the world record attempt has been broken. And one of our young pupils Amelie Evans, has donated her very long hair to The Little Princess Trust, and raised over £600 for the Rowans Hospice at the same time! Well done Amelie, we are all very proud of you.

CHRISTMAS LIGHT SWITCH ON: Commercial Road 19th November (5.50pm) and St Marks Church 27th November (4pm)

Our dancers and singers will be performing in these two events. You are very welcome to come along and support them.



Our main show, involving ALL pupils at Giselle (excluding Twinkle Tots and Adult Classes) takes place on SATURDAY 11TH JUNE 2016. There will be a matinee and evening performance. Dress rehearsal takes place on Sunday 22nd May at Giselle Academy, and full dress and tech run will take place on Friday 10th June at the Kings Theatre. Please save these dates as it is vital all pupils are at these (except pre-school children).Full details concerning the show, costumes, tickets etc will be distributed after Christmas. However, please note, payments are now being taken in the shop towards costumes. Even paying instalments of £2 - £3 per week will build up. We do try and keep the cost of costumes to a minimum, but if your child does ballet, tap and modern, they will require three costumes!


Check out the monthly promotions in our shop! See our facebook page:

The Dance Shop at Giselle

ONESIES AND HOODIES! Get yours now to beat the cold!

PERSONALISED XMAS VOUCHERS are available from reception. These can be purchased for classes, shop dancewear/gifts and Summer Schools.




Put these dates in your diary!


Please ensure your child has the correct uniform for their classes, with their hair in a suitable style for dance, i.e. a neat bun, with plenty of grips and a bun net. Not only is it very important in terms of health and safety (loose hair, pony tails and plaits can swing into eyes and cause injury), children fidget, and are often unable to perform correct use of the head and neck if hair is not held in place securely.

Can I please ask those who bring children to dancing to refrain from allowing them to wear their tap and ballet shoes outside on the street. Not only does this spoil the shoes, but it brings dirt into the studios.

Safety alert! A number of older pupils have been spotted walking down the road in ballet tights and leotard without appropriate clothing over their dance gear. Unfortunately, in this world, not everyone has the same intentions towards children and young people – please cover up.

EVALUATION FORMS: Thank you for taking the time to fill out an evaluation form at reception. We are pleased to announce that 95% of you are very happy with the service you get at Giselle Academy. Only a very few feel we did not meet their needs – we are working on it!

Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter.

Catherine Ingram (Principal)