Engineering Computational Methods

ME 318 - Unique No. 15675

Course Descriptor

Spring 2000

Time MWF 8:00-9:00

Room ETC 2.136

Instructor Dr. Suman Das


Permanent Office ETC 5.142 (phone: 232-5916)

Office Hours MWF 9:00-10:00

Teaching Graders and Computer Laboratory:

Assistants Yeong-Jun Choi – e-mail:

Aniket Murarka – e-mail:

Sapan Shah – e-mail:

Computer ETC 2.144 HP Lab (PC) – PRIMARY LAB (Schedule Posted on Website)

Labs ETC 3.128 Undergraduate Lab (Mac and PC)

ETC 3.130 Undergraduate Lab (Mac and PC)

Student Microcomputer Facility (SMF) at the Undergraduate Library (Mac and PC) - You may obtain an account on the SMF at the service desk by presenting your UT student ID.

Textbook Applied Numerical Analysis Using MATLABâ

Author: Laurene V. Fausett

Prentice Hall, Inc., 1999.

Supplemental MATLABâ for Engineering Applications

Author: William J. Palm III

WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1999.

Suggested S. C. Chapra and R. P. Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers

References W. Cheney and D. Kincaid, Numerical Mathematics and Computing

F. Scheild, Numerical Analysis, Schaum's Outline Series

Software MATLABâ

Homework Typically assigned once a week and due the following week. Absolutely no late homework will be accepted.

Grades Computer & Written Assignments 35%

Exams 45% (15% each)

Final 20%

Prerequisites ME 202, ME 210, M 408C, and M 408D with a grade of at least C in each and credit or registration for M 427K. Unless you have taken M 427 (or an equivalent course) or you are currently enrolled in such a course, I strongly recommend that you drop ME 318.

Additional See Course Policy Supplement for additional rules and grading policy.


Course Common University Evaluation Form.


Absences Although attendance will not be taken during class, if you miss a class you are still responsible for any material covered or assignments made. No make-ups for missed exams and no late homework assignments will be accepted. Failure to attend class regularly will almost always result in a poor performance on your part.

Dropping Courses An undergraduate student may not drop a course after the fourth day except for good cause (health or serious personal problems, or a demonstrated need to work more hours).

Students With The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic

Disabilities adjustments for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4241 TDD or the College of Engineering Director of Students with Disabilities at 471-4382.

Scholastic Scholastic dishonesty will not be tolerated and incidents of scholastic dishonesty

Dishonesty will be reported. Scholastic dishonesty is any act designed to give an unfair academic advantage to a student, or the attempt to commit such an act.

For More Consult the Course Schedule, General Information Bulletin and the

Information Undergraduate Catalog.

Last Class Friday, May 5, 2000.

ME 318 Course Outline

1. Introduction (Chapter 1)

1.1. Course Organization

1.2. Numerical Methods in Engineering

1.3.  Overview of Modern Computational Tools


Signing-on, Environment, Editor

2. Linear Algebra and Matrices

2.1.  Introduction to Matrix Theory

2.2.  Matrix Properties

2.3.  Matrix Computations


Basic Operations, Arrays, Matrix Operations

3. Systems of Linear Equations (Chapters 2, 3)

3.1. Direct Elimination

3.2 Gaussian Elimination

3.3 Gauss-Jordan Reduction

3.4. Matrix Inverse


Files, Functions

4. Iterative Methods (Chapter 4)

4.1  Jacobi Method

4.2  Gauss-Seidel Method


Data Structures

Exam 1 (Friday, February 18)

5. Roots of Nonlinear Equations (Chapter 5)

5.1. Bisection Method

5.2. Newton's Method

5.3. Successive Substitution


Relational Operators, Conditional Statements, Loops

6. Curve Fitting and Polynomial Interpolation (Chapter 8)

6.1. Line Fitting and Nonlinear Fitting

6.2. Polynomial Interpolation with Power Series

6.3.  Lagrange Interpolation Polynomials

6.4. Newton Interpolation Polynomials


Loops, Program Flow

Exam 2 (Friday, March 10)

7. Numerical Integration (Chapter 11)

7.1. Newton-Cotes Formulae

7.2 Trapezoidal Rule

7.2. Simpson's Rule



8. Numerical Differentiation (Chapters 11,12)

8.1. Difference Approximations

8.2. Taylor Expansion Method


Numerical Integration, Numerical Differentiation

9. Initial Value Problems (Chapter 12,13)

9.1. Order Reduction

9.2. Euler Method

9.3  Runge-Kutta Methods


ODE Solvers, Extensions to Higher-Order Equations

Exam 3 (Friday, April 28)

10. Boundary Value Problems (Chapter 14)

10.1. Finite Difference Method

11. Review

Final Exam (Tuesday, May 16, 2-5 PM)