Maxine Curry
Dayjob Limited
The Big Peg
120 Vyse Street
Birmingham B18 6NF
T: 0044 121 638 0026
Maxine has a track record of attaining goals, regardless of obstacles or circumstances. She can be a key contributor and technical leader within any project team, and is and expert at applying advanced engineering techniques and analysis. On a personal level she is someone who uses logic and reasoning to come to the right decision and has a reputation for quality, design and service that is second to none. During her career she has gained significant hands-on engineering experience and is able to ensure that any installation and operation conforms to highest engineering standards and customer requirements. Her key strengths include providing technical support for company personnel and keeping abreast of novel technical concepts. Right now she is looking for a suitable position with a company that is a leader in its field.
MECHANICAL ENGINEER - Start Date - Present
Employers name - Location
Responsible for determining the simplest and most efficient approach to solving any engineering tasks at hand.
  • Coaching and supporting personnel on equipment maintenance.
  • Analysing mechanical engineering documents and plans.
  • Writing status reports.
  • Developing conceptual layouts.
  • Determining the kind of technical tools and equipment needed to do a job properly.
  • Overseeing the installation of new machinery.
  • Coordinating work activities with other teammates.
  • Developing and updating engineering technical procedures.
  • Investigating and resolving problems.
  • Operating computer-assisted engineering software or equipment.
  • Writing up technical quotes.
  • Being the single point of contact for all mechanical engineering issues.
  • Deciding on the allocation of mechanical resources.
  • Leading and motivating junior team members.
  • Making recommendations for noise mitigation.
  • Giving mechanical repair instructions to junior staff.
  • Working with team members to come up with ideas.
  • Helping to determine plant capacity.
  • Assisting in hiring junior technicians and training them up.
  • Checking drawing details.
  • Always displaying and acceptable and professional attitude.
  • Always supporting the decisions of senior managers.
  • Authoring technical reports.

JOB TITLE - Start Date - End Date
Employers name - Location
JOB TITLE - Start Date - End Date
Employers name - Location
Mechanical Engineering
  • Familiar with the engineering processes for operating plant modification projects.
  • Finding solutions to mechanical engineering problems.
  • Supporting operations at manufacturing facilities.
  • Experience in die casting processes and the finishing of die cast materials.
  • Carrying out technical audits.
  • Experience of supporting the design and manufacture of hydraulic control systems.
  • Can handle multiple projects and activities simultaneously.
  • Risk assessment techniques.
  • Minimizing work flow disruptions.

  • Ability to establish own work priorities.
  • Can work effectively within established time frames and priorities.
  • Cooperating with others to meet objectives.

Performance metrics
Stress analysis
Construction specifications
Material procurement
Design testing
Prototype fabrication
Mechanical infrastructure
University name - Degree details Study Dates
College name - Qualifications Study Dates
School name - Subjects / Grades Study Dates