CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Anders Nygren called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.

ATTENDANCE: Anders Nygren, Joan Lang, Audra Allen, Chris Allen Iain KInsella and Barry Donaldson. Absent Chris Marino.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the April 1, 2015 meeting were presented for approval> A MOTION WAS MADE BY Audra Allen, seconded by Iain Kinsella to approved said minutes as presented. No discussion on the minutes, MOTION CARIED.

OLD BUSINESSS: Mulching of Perennial Beds: The spreading of the mulch on the perennial beds in the front of the Town Hall was done by Commission members on May 2nd.

North Goshen new Trail Work:Discussed was finding a date that would work for most of the members. It was finally decided that Anders Nygren would set a date to work with Barry Donaldson to flag the trail areas to be cleared and once marked, Chris Allen and Iain Kinsella, with the help of Audra Allen would do the work of cutting out the marked trail.

2014 OPEN SPACE PLAN UPDATE: Audra Allen noted the problems that she was having in the printing out of the documents and would take the Flash Drives provided by the commission members and would, with the help of a Computer Tech get it transferred onto the flash drives or disc. When done, Audra would leave the zip drives in the Town Hall mail box of Commission Clerk Joan Lang who would get them to the other Commission members. The completed document would then be made available to Don Wilkes, Chairman of the Goshen Planning & Zoning Board. Barry Donaldson reported that there was an updated protected property map and would send it to Audra to see if it can used to replace the old one.

Ruben Hart Spring Trail maintenance: Discussed was a date for trail maintenance of theRuben Hart Trail. Set was the date of Sunday, June 7, 2015, 9:00 A.M. starting at the north entrance.

Town Topics: It was decided tosubmit the annual reminder on the Goshen hiking trails. Informing the public of availability of trail maps on the Town website and the permit required to hike the North Goshen Ruben Hart Trail which is available at the Goshen Town Hall. It was decided to again put out a request for a volunteer or volunteers to take on the job of weeding the perennial beds in front of the town hall.

Discussed was the condition of some of the Boxwoods from winter kill. Before cutting them out, it was decided to contact Donna Grenier to see if they will recover or come back if they are cut back. The Boxwood question would be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.




Audra and Chris Allen informed the Commission members that the sale of their house is under impending contract and that ifit sells, they will be moving out of Goshen and unfortunately would not be able to continue to serve on the Goshen Conservation Commission, leaving two vacancies on the Conservation Commission. The Commission members noted that it will be difficult to find new Commission members to fill their shoes.

Commercial Printing of the updated Open space Plan: To give the Commission an idea of what it would cost to have multiple copies of the 2014 updated open space printed; Joan Lang obtained a price quote from Photo Arts of Torrington and it would cost approximately 225.00 to get 24 copies in color.

Discussed was the new updated Goshen Website Anders Nygren would check to be sure that the Goshen Trail maps are posted on the upgraded Goshen Website, before noting so in the Town Topics Article.

There was no other business to come before the meeting. A motion to adjourn was made by Audra Allen seconded by Barry Donaldson. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M.

Respectfully submit ted<


Joan M. Lang, Commission Clerk