1.1953 Piddington, J.H. and R.D. Davies, Origin of the Solar Corona. Nature, 1953. 171: p. 692-693.

2.1953 Piddington, J.H. and R.D. Davies, Thermal radio emission from the Sun and the source of coronal heating. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1953. 113: p. 582.

3.1953 Davies, R.D., Eruptive Prominence of February 26, 1953, and Associated Radio Noise-Burst: Radio Observations at the Time of an Ascending Solar Prominence. Nature, 1953. 172: p. 447-448.

4.1954 Williams, D.R.W. and R.D. Davies, A Method for the Measurement of the Distance of Radio Stars. Nature, 1954. 173: p. 1182-1183.

5.1954 Davies, R.D., An analysis of bursts of solar radio emission and their association with solar and terrestrial phenomena. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1954. 114: p. 74.

6.1955 Davies, R.D. and D.R.W. Williams, An Alternative Identification of the Radio Source in the Direction of the Galactic Centre. Nature, 1955. 175: p. 1079-1081.

7.1956 Davies, R.D., in Jodrell Bank 1956, The University of Manchester: Manchester.

8.1956 Williams, D.R.W. and R.D. Davies, LXIII. The measurement of the distance of radio sources by interstellar neutral hydrogen absorption. Philosophical Magazine, 1956. 1: p. 622-636.

9.1956 Davies, R.D., The relation between interstellar gas, dust and the emission from neutral hydrogen at 21 cm. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1956. 116: p. 443.

10.1956 Davies, R.D., The nature of the radio source in the direction of the galactic centre. The Observatory, 1956. 76: p. 196-200.

11.1957 Christiansen, W.N., J.A. Warburton, and R.D. Davies, The Distribution of Radio Brightness over the Solar Disk at a Wavelength of 21 Centimetres. IV. The Slowly Varying Component. Australian Journal of Physics, 1957. 10: p. 491.

12.1957 Davies, R.D., On the nature of the Cygnus-X radio source as derived from observations in the continuum and at the hydrogen-line frequency. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1957. 117: p. 663.

13.1957 Davies, R.D. and D.R.W. Williams, The measurement of the distance of the radio sources, in Radio astronomy, H.C. van de Hulst, Editor 1957. p. 71.

14.1958 Davies, R.D., Twenty-one-cm Studies of Some Interstellar Clouds. Reviews of Modern Physics, 1958. 30: p. 931-934.

15.1959 Davies, R.D., Substructure within galactic spiral arms as derived from studies at 21 CM, in URSI Symp. 1: Paris Symposium on Radio Astronomy, R.N. Bracewell, Editor 1959. p. 355.

16.1959 Davies, R.D., H.P. Palmer, and H.P. Palmer, Radio studies of the universe. London, Routledge and Paul [1959], ed. R.D. Davies. 1959.

17.1959 Davies, R.D. and R.C. Jennison, Red-Shift Absorption Spectrum of the Cygnus-A Radio Source. Nature, 1959. 184: p. 803-804.

18.1960 Davies, R.D. and R.C. Jennison, High resolution studies with the 250-ft. radio telescope at Jodrell Bank. The Observatory, 1960. 80: p. 74-77.

19.1960 Davies, R.D., A study of neutral hydrogen in the solar neighbourhood of the Milky Way. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1960. 120: p. 483.

20.1960 Hanbury Brown, R., R.D. Davies, and C. Hazard, A curious feature of the radio sky. The Observatory, 1960. 80: p. 191-198.

21.1960 Davies, R.D., C.H. Slater, W.L.H. Shuter, and P.A.T. Wild, A New Limit to the Galactic Magnetic Field Set by Measurements of the Zeeman Splitting of the Hydrogen Line. Nature, 1960. 187: p. 1088-1089.

22.1962 Palmer, H.P., Davies, R. D., Large, M.I., Radio Astronomy Today. 1962: Manchester University Press.

23.1962 Chivers, H.J.A. and R.D. Davies, A comparison of radio star scintillations at 1390 and 79 Mc/s at low angles of elevation. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 1962. 24: p. 573-584.

24.1962 Davies, R.D. and C. Hazard, A survey of the anticentre region of the Galaxy at 237 Mc/s. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1962. 124: p. 147.

25.1962 Davies, R.D., Amateur Radio Astronomy. Nature, 1962. 196: p. 727.

26.1962 Davies, R.D., G.L. Verschuur, and P.A.T. Wild, Measurement of Magnetic Fields in Interstellar Clouds. Nature, 1962. 196: p. 563.

27.1963 Davies, R.D., The identification of some new shell sources of radio emission. The Observatory, 1963. 83: p. 172-178.

28.1963 Davies, R.D., R. Hanbury Brown, and J.E. Meaburn, A first attempt to photograph the galactic radio spur. The Observatory, 1963. 83: p. 179-181.

29.1963 Davies, R.D., S.T. Gottesman, V.C. Reddish, and G.L. Verschuur, Limits to the neutral hydrogen mass of several galaxies. The Observatory, 1963. 83: p. 245-252.

30.1963 Davies, R.D. and G.L. Verschuur, Polarization and Classification of Radio Sources. Nature, 1963. 197: p. 32-34.

31.1963 Davies, R.D., The magnetic field of the Galaxy. Radiotekhnika, 1963: p. 119-125.

32.1963 Davies, R.D. and W.L.H. Shuter, An experiment to measure the magnetic field of the Galaxy, III. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1963. 126: p. 369.

33.1963 Davies, R.D., W.L.H. Shuter, C.H. Slater, G.L. Verschuur, and P.A.T. Wild, An experiment to measure the magnetic field of the Galaxy, I. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1963. 126: p. 343.

34.1963 Davies, R.D., W.L.H. Shuter, C.H. Slater, and P.A.T. Wild, An experiment to measure the magnetic field of the Galaxy, II. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1963. 126: p. 353.

35.1963 Davies, R.D. and H.M. Tovmassian, Neutral hydrogen in galactic star clusters, II. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1963. 127: p. 61.

36.1963 Davies, R.D. and H.M. Tovmassian, Neutral hydrogen in galactic star clusters, I. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1963. 127: p. 45.

37.1964 Gardner, F.F. and R.D. Davies, A Three-Component Radio Source Containing a Well-Aligned Magnetic Field. Nature, 1964. 201: p. 144-146.

38.1964 Davies, R.D., Measurements of neutral hydrogen in galactic star clusters, in The Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds, F.J. Kerr, Editor 1964. p. 38.

39.1964 Davies, R.D., The magnetic field of the Galaxy determined from the Zeeman splitting of the 21-cm hydrogen line, in The Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds, F.J. Kerr, Editor 1964. p. 134.

40.1964 Davies, R.D., A search for intergalactic neutral hydrogen, II. Data of cosmological significance derived from the observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1964. 128: p. 133.

41.1964 Davies, R.D., The galactic spur. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1964. 128: p. 173.

42.1964 Davies, R.D. and R.C. Fennison, A search for intergalactic neutral hydrogen, I. The observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1964. 128: p. 123.

43.1964 Davies, R.D., M. Beard, and B.F.C. Cooper, Observation of Saturn at 11.3 Centimeters. Physical Review Letters, 1964. 13: p. 328-330.

44.1965 Davies, R.D., Magnetic fields in the Galaxy as deduced from radio measurements. International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1965. 1: p. 35.

45.1966 Davies, R.D. and F.F. Gardner, Linear polarization of the Moon at 6, 11, and 21 cm wavelengths. Australian Journal of Physics, 1966. 19: p. 823.

46.1966 Gardner, F.F. and R.D. Davies, Faraday rotation of the emission from linearly polarized radio sources. Australian Journal of Physics, 1966. 19: p. 129.

47.1966 Davies, R.D. and D. Williams, Observations of the continuum emission from Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn at 21.2 cm wavelength. Planetary and Space Science, 1966. 14: p. 15-32.

48.1966 Davies, R.D., F.F. Gardner, C. Hazard, and M.B. Mackey, The lunar occultation of the Crab nebula observed at Parkes on June 21, 1963. Australian Journal of Physics, 1966. 19: p. 409.

49.1966 Gardner, F.F. and R.D. Davies, The polarization of radio sources. I. Observations of small diameter sources. Australian Journal of Physics, 1966. 19: p. 441.

50.1966 Davies, R.D., G. de Jager, and G.L. Verschuur, Detection of Circular and Linear Polarization in the OH Emission Sources near W3 and W49. Nature, 1966. 209: p. 974-977.

51.1966 Gottesman, S.T., R.D. Davies, and V.C. Reddish, A neutral hydrogen survey of the southern regions of the Andromeda nebula. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1966. 133: p. 359.

52.1967 Davies, R.D., D. Williams, and F.J. Lowes, 21.2 cm observations of the planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, in Magnetism and the Cosmos, W.R. Hindmarsh, Editor 1967. p. 288.

53.1967 Davies, R.D., B. Rowson, R.S. Booth, and A.J. Cooper, Measurements of OH Emission Sources with an Interferometer of High Resolution. Nature, 1967. 213: p. 1109-1110.

54.1967 Davies, R.D., Galactic magnetic-field models derived from Faraday-rotation data. Discussion, in Radio Astronomy and the Galactic System, H. van Woerden, Editor 1967. p. 391.

55.1967 Davies, R.D., Structure in the radiation of the galactic disk, in Radio Astronomy and the Galactic System, H. van Woerden, Editor 1967. p. 355.

56.1967 Davies, R.D., Narrow-band observations of neutral hydrogen in galaxies, in Radio Astronomy and the Galactic System, H. van Woerden, Editor 1967. p. 199.

57.1968 Davies, R.D., R.S. Booth, and A.J. Wilson, Interstellar Magnetic Fields determined from Zeeman Effect Measurements. Nature, 1968. 220: p. 1207-1210.

58.1968 Davies, R.D., Today's Radio Telescopes. Nature, 1968. 217: p. 109.

59.1968 Davies, R.D., Structure of the Galactic Magnetic Field. Nature, 1968. 218: p. 435-437.

60.1968 Williams, D. and R.D. Davies, A radio method for determining the astronomical unit. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1968. 140: p. 537.

61.1969 Davies, R.D., Our Galaxy. Nature, 1969. 222: p. 47.

62.1969 Davies, R.D., Extragalactic Radio Sources in the Infrared. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A, 1969. 264: p. 251-261.

63.1969 Beale, J.S. and R.D. Davies, Neutral Hydrogen Asymmetry in the Galaxy M101 as Evidence for Tidal Effects. Nature, 1969. 221: p. 531-533.

64.1969 Davies, R.D., Distance of Pulsars and the Interstellar Electron Gas. Nature, 1969. 223: p. 355-358.

65.1969 Davies, R.D., J.E.B. Ponsonby, L. Pointon, and G. de Jager, The Jodrell Bank Radio Frequency Digital Autocorrelation Spectrometer. Nature, 1969. 222: p. 933-937.

66.1970 Davies, R.D. and F.F. Gardner, The polarization of radio sources. II. Observations of extended radio sources. Australian Journal of Physics, 1970. 23: p. 59.

67.1970 Hjellming, R.M. and R.D. Davies, Properties of H II Regions Obtained from Non-LTE Analysis of Radio Recombination Lines, in Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society1970. p. 199.

68.1970 Hjellming, R.M. and R.D. Davies, Properties of H II Regions Obtained from Non-LTE Analysis of Radio Recombination Line Data. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1970. 5: p. 53-67.

69.1970 Davies, R.D., Solar Radio Astronomy. Nature, 1970. 226: p. 471.

70.1970 Davies, R.D. and S.T. Gottesman, Neutral hydrogen in M31 - I. The distribution of neutral hydrogen. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1970. 149: p. 237-261.

71.1970 Gottesman, S.T. and R.D. Davies, Neutral hydrogen in M31 - II. The dynamics and kinematics of M31. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1970. 149: p. 263-290.

72.1970 McCutcheon, W.H. and R.D. Davies, Observations of the neutral hydrogen content of distant galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1970. 150: p. 337-357.

73.1971 Davies, R.D., Observations of Radio Recombination Lines with Δn = 1 TO 5. The Astrophysical Journal, 1971. 163: p. 479.

74.1971 Pedlar, A. and R.D. Davies, Stark Broadening in High Quantum Number Recombination Lines of Hydrogen. Nature Physical Science, 1971. 231: p. 49-51.

75.1971 Cooper, A.J., R.D. Davies, and R.S. Booth, Interferometric investigations of sources of OH emission-1. Observations with an interferometer baseline of 7X 05 wavelengths. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1971. 152: p. 383.

76.1971 Davies, R.D., Radioastronomy and microwave spectroscopy. Physics Bulletin, 1971. 22: p. 141-144.

77.1971 Davies, R.D., The Relative Density of H, OH and H2CO in Interstellar Clouds. Highlights of Astronomy, 1971. 2: p. 402.

78.1971 Davies, R.D., R.S. Booth, and A. Pedlar, A search for interstellar 112CS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1971. 152: p. 7P.

79.1971 Davies, R.D., F.G. Smith, and F.G. Smith. Crab nebula. in Proceedings of the 46th International Astronomical Union (IAU) Symposium, held at Jodrell Bank, England, August 5-7, 1970, Dordrecht: Reidel, 1971, edited by Davies, R.D.; Smith, F.G. 1971.

80.1971 de Jager, G. and R.D. Davies, Neutral hydrogen in M33. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1971. 153: p. 9-27.

81.1972 Davies, R.D., H.E. Matthews, and A. Pedlar, Recombination Line Emission from the Galactic Ridge. Nature Physical Science, 1972. 238: p. 101-104.

82.1972 Davies, R.D., A. Pedlar, and H.E. Matthews, Some Comments on ``The Recombination Line Emission from the Galactic Ridge'' (Reply). Nature Physical Science, 1972. 240: p. 161.

83.1972 Davies, R.D., Outer Spiral Structure and High Velocity Clouds in the Galaxy. Nature, 1972. 237: p. 88-91.

84.1972 Davies, R.D., M.R.W. Masheder, and R.S. Booth, Structure of the OH/Infrared Object NML Cygnus. Nature Physical Science, 1972. 237: p. 21-24.

85.1972 Davies, R.D., Observations of the outer spiral structure of the Milky Way andits relation to the high velocity clouds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1972. 160: p. 381.

86.1972 Davies, R.D., Molecules in interstellar clouds, in Les Spectres des Astres dans l'Infrarouge et les Microondes1972. p. 489-496.

87.1972 Davies, R.D. and H.E. Matthews, Physical conditions in interstellar hydroxyland formaldehyde clouds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1972. 156: p. 253.

88.1972 Davies, R.D., D. Wills, and B.J. Wills, The Neutral Hydrogen Distribution in Spiral and Irregular Galaxies, in External Galaxies and Quasi-Stellar Objects, D.S. Evans, Editor 1972. p. 67.

89.1972 Pedlar, A. and R.D. Davies, Observations of recombination lines at decimetrewavelengths. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1972. 159: p. 129.

90.1972 Wilson, A.J., R.D. Davies, and J. Ellder, The variability of the OH source W3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1972. 157: p. 21P.

91.1972 Davies, R.D. and H.P. Palmer, REVIEW ARTICLE: The techniques of present-day radioastronomy. Journal of Physics E Scientific Instruments, 1972. 5: p. 949-957.

92.1973 Davies, R.D., A reassessment of the structure of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1973. 161: p. 25P-30P.

93.1973 Davies, R.D. and B.M. Lewis, Neutral hydrogen in Virgo cluster galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1973. 165: p. 231-244.

94.1973 Davies, R.D. and H.C. van de Hulst, Gas and Dust in Interstellar Clouds, in Interstellar Dust and Related Topics, J.M. Greenberg, Editor 1973. p. 251.

95.1973 Davies, R.D. and H.C. van de Hulst, Interferometric Studies of OH Sources Associated with H II Regions and IR Objects, in Interstellar Dust and Related Topics, J.M. Greenberg, Editor 1973. p. 423.

96.1973 Lewis, B.M. and R.D. Davies, Neutral hydrogen in galaxies of early and other types. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1973. 165: p. 213-229.

97.1973 Matthews, H.E., R.D. Davies, and A. Pedlar, Recombination line emissionfrom the galactic centre. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1973. 165: p. 173.

98.1973 Matthews, H.E., A. Pedlar, and R.D. Davies, Radio recombination line emissionfrom the galactic plane. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1973. 165: p. 149.

99.1974 Harvey, P.J., R.S. Booth, R.D. Davies, W. McLaughlin, and D.C.B. Whittet, Interferometric observations of the structure of main-line OH sources. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1974. 169: p. 545-576.

100.1974 Masheder, M.R.W., R.S. Booth, and R.D. Davies, The structure of four 1612 MHz OH emission sources. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1974. 166: p. 561-583.

101.1974 Davies, R.D., Neutral hydrogen at large distances from parent galaxies, in The Formation and Dynamics of Galaxies, J.R. Shakeshaft, Editor 1974. p. 119-128.

102.1974 Davies, R.D., The Outer Spiral Structure of the Galaxy and the High-Velocity Clouds, in Stars and the Milky Way System, L.N. Mavridis, Editor 1974. p. 169.

103.1974 Davies, R.D., R.J. Cohen, and A.J. Wilson, Molecules in the Widely Distributed Interstellar Clouds, in Stars and the Milky Way System, L.N. Mavridis, Editor 1974. p. 169.

104.1974 Davies, R.D. and S.C. Simonson, Magnetic Fields in OH Maser Clouds, in Galactic Radio Astronomy, F.J. Kerr, Editor 1974. p. 275.

105.1974 Davies, R.D. and S.C. Simonson, High Velocity Neutral Hydrogen Clouds (review), in Galactic Radio Astronomy, F.J. Kerr, Editor 1974. p. 599.

106.1974 Davies, R.D., R.J. Stephenson, and J.D. Hadjidemetriou, Neutral Hydrogen Observations of External Galaxies with the Mark IA Radio Telescope, in Galaxies and Relativistic Astrophysics, B. Barbanis, Editor 1974. p. 61.

107.1975 Cohen, R.J. and R.D. Davies, A possible new segment of the Magellanic Stream in the northern sky. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1975. 170: p. 23P-28P.

108.1975 Davies, R.D., Circular polarisation in the Crab nebula. Nature, 1975. 253: p. 7.

109.1975 Davies, R.D. and E.R. Cummings, 21 CM observations of hot neutral intercloud gas. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1975. 170: p. 95-113.

110.1975 Davies, R.D., A very high velocity H I cloud in the direction of M31. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1975. 170: p. 45P-49P.

111.1975 Dean, J.F. and R.D. Davies, The integrated neutral hydrogen properties of nearby galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1975. 170: p. 503-518.

112.1976 Cohen, R.J. and R.D. Davies, Neutral hydrogen in the galactic region-11. Location of the emission features. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1976. 175: p. 1-24.

113.1976 Davies, R.D., High-density interstellar clouds. The Observatory, 1976. 96: p. 4-5.

114.1976 Davies, R.D., D. Buhl, and J. Jafolla, A high resolution survey of three high velocity cloud complexes. Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 1976. 23: p. 181.

115.1976 Davies, R.D., D. Walsh, I.W.A. Browne, M.R. Edwards, and R.G. Noble, Transient radio source near the galactic centre. Nature, 1976. 261: p. 476-478.

116.1976 Davies, R.D., Gas and stars in the outer regions of galaxies, in Stars and Galaxies from Observational Points of View, E.K. Kharadze, Editor 1976. p. 493-496.

117.1976 Davies, R.D., K.H. Elliott, and J. Meaburn, The nebular complexes of the large and small Magellanic Clouds. Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1976. 81: p. 89-128.

118.1976 Davies, R.D., J.E. Perry, F.G. Smith, and I.R. King, Aspects of the Magellanic Stream, in The Galaxy and the Local Group, R.J. Dickens, Editor 1976. p. 233.

119.1976 Davies, R.D., D. Walsh, and R.S. Booth, The radio source at the galactic nucleus. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1976. 177: p. 319-333.

120.1977 Pedlar, A., R.D. Davies, and L. Hart, 252-alpha recombination-line emission from the direction of the galactic centre. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1977. 178: p. 37P-40P.

121.1977 Davies, R.D. and A.E. Wright, A tidal origin for the Magellanic Stream. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1977. 180: p. 71-88.

122.1977 Davies, R.D., A. Pedlar, and B.E. Westerlund, A Search for Neutral Hydrogen in Primordial Protoclusters, in IAU Colloq. 37: Decalages vers le Rouge et Expansion de L'Univers, C. Balkowski, Editor 1977. p. 283.

123.1977 Davies, R.D., R.S. Booth, and A. Pedlar, Limits on neutral hydrogen in the direction of PHL 957. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1977. 181: p. 1P-3P.

124.1977 Davies, R.D., R.S. Booth, and J.-N. Perbet, Saturation effects in OH maser clouds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1977. 181: p. 83-105.

125.1978 Davies, R.D., K.H. Elliott, C. Goudis, J. Meaburn, and N.J. Tebbutt, The Monoceros Supernova Remnant. Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 1978. 31: p. 271-284.

126.1978 Pedlar, A., R.D. Davies, L. Hart, and P.A. Shaver, Studies of low-frequency recombination lines from the direction of the Galactic Centre and other galactic sources. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1978. 182: p. 473-488.

127.1978 Davies, R.D., A. Pedlar, and I.F. Mirabel, A search for neutral hydrogen in primordial protoclusters at Z = 3.33 and 4.92. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1978. 182: p. 727-733.

128.1978 Davies, R.D., R.J. Cohen, and M. Mayor, Spectral line observations of the galactic centre region, in IAU Colloq. 45: Chemical and Dynamical Evolution of our Galaxy, E. Basinska-Grzesik, Editor 1978. p. 119.

129.1978 Davies, R.D. and J. Einasto, Observational Limits on Neutral Hydrogen in Primordial Protoclusters, in Large Scale Structures in the Universe, M.S. Longair, Editor 1978. p. 447.

130.1978 Davies, R.D. and R. Wielebinski, New Outer HI Arms in M31, in Structure and Properties of Nearby Galaxies, E.M. Berkhuijsen, Editor 1978. p. 188.

131.1978 Davies, R.D. and R. Wielebinski, Distributed HI in Small Groups of Galaxies, in Structure and Properties of Nearby Galaxies, E.M. Berkhuijsen, Editor 1978. p. 274.

132.1978 Davies, R.D., Introduction to the galactic nucleus. The Observatory, 1978. 98: p. 196-197.

133.1978 Davies, R.D. and J. Meaburn, A New Optical Supernova Remnant. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1978. 69: p. 443.

134.1979 Kellermann, K.I. and R.D. Davies, RAS specialist discussion on very-long-baseline interferometry, held 1979 February 9. The Observatory, 1979. 99: p. 116-122.

135.1979 Cohen, R.J. and R.D. Davies, Neutral hydrogen in the galactic centre region. IV - The galactic nucleus. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1979. 186: p. 453-472.

136.1979 Mirabel, I.F., R.J. Cohen, and R.D. Davies, The small-scale structure of the Magellanic Stream. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1979. 186: p. 433-451.

137.1979 Cohen, R.J., R.D. Davies, and I.F. Mirabel, The Magellanic Stream as a Probe of the Galactic Halo, in The Large-Scale Characteristics of the Galaxy, W.B. Burton, Editor 1979. p. 574.

138.1979 Davies, R.D. and R.W. Few, The Distribution of Formaldehyde in the Galaxy, in The Large-Scale Characteristics of the Galaxy, W.B. Burton, Editor 1979. p. 81.

139.1979 Davies, R.D., Jets in radio galaxies. Nature, 1979. 281: p. 630-631.

140.1980 Davies, R.D., G.P. Davidson, and S.C. Johnson, Neutral hydrogen in groups of galaxies. I - The inner M101 group. II - A possible intergalactic H I cloud and the NGC 1023 group. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1980. 191: p. 253-283.

141.1980 Hart, L., R.D. Davies, and S.C. Johnson, Neutral Hydrogen in Groups of Galaxies - Part Two - a Possible Intergalactic HI Cloud and the NGC1023 Group. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1980. 191: p. 269.

142.1980 Davies, R.D., Evidence from the 21 CM line relating to intergalactic gas. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A, 1980. 296: p. 407-414.

143.1980 Pedlar, A. and R.D. Davies, Low frequency recombination lines, in Radio Recombination Lines, P.A. Shaver, Editor 1980. p. 171-183.

144.1980 Pedlar, A. and R.D. Davies, On the electron temperature of extended, low density HII regions, in Radio Recombination Lines, P.A. Shaver, Editor 1980. p. 239-244.

145.1981 Appleton, P.N., R.D. Davies, and R.J. Stephenson, The neutral hydrogen content of the M81/M82 group of galaxies. I - The observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1981. 195: p. 327-352.

146.1981 Davies, R.D., Magnetic fields in dense interstellar clouds. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A, 1981. 303: p. 581-587.

147.1981 Wolfendale, A.W. and R.D. Davies, Magnetic Fields in Dense Interstellar Clouds: Discussion. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A, 1981. 303: p. 587.

148.1981 Davies, R.D., The Solar Motion and Interpretation of 3k Microwave Background. Irish Astronomical Journal, 1981. 15: p. 127.

149.1982 Davies, R.D. and J.P. Phillips, Cool molecular clouds, in Submillimetre Wave Astronomy, J.E. Beckman, Editor. 1982. p. 33-46.

150.1982 Booler, R.V., A. Pedlar, and R.D. Davies, High-resolution 1666-MHz observations of the nucleus of NGC 4151. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1982. 199: p. 229-237.

151.1982 van Woerden, H., W.N. Brouw, H. van de Hulst, and R.D. Davies, Book-Review - Oort and the Universe. Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1982. 92: p. 150.