The A●B●Cs of Library Literacy Programming


Evaluator: Penny Billman, Ph.D.

Northern Illinois University

Outreach and Regional Development

Lowden Hall 307

DeKalb, IL 60115 815-753-0928 (phone) 815-753-0666 (fax)

815-761-5308 (cell)

School Name:

Librarian: E-mail: Phone:

Literacy Coach: E-mail: Phone:

Technology Coordinator: E-mail: Phone:

1st or 2nd Grade Teacher for Unit:

Telephone Number of School Office:

Address of the School:

Any special directions concerning parking, etc.:

Number of Internet Connected Computers in library Sept. ______End of grant ______

Number of cassette players. Sept. ______End of grant ______

Number of CD players . Sept. ______End of grant ______

Number of headphone sets. Sept. ______End of grant ______

1.  Date and Time of Librarian Interview: ______

2.  Date and Time of Site Visit during Unit 1: ______

3.  Date and Time of Site Visit during Unit 2: ______

4.  Date and Time of Exit Interview with Librarian: ______

5.  Date and Time of Exit Interview with Literacy Coach: ______

6.  Date and Time of Exit Interview with Technology Coordinator: ______

7.  Data and Time of Exit Interview with Teacher: ______

When is your first parent workshop? ______

What will be done at the workshop?

When is your second parent workshop? ______

What will be done at the workshop?

REMEMBER to distribute and collect the parent survey for Dr. Billman. She handed the survey out at the meeting in September. If you need a copy, e-mail her at

Briefly provide information on your two units by providing your completed APACA lesson plan sheets.

When will your school have the 45 extended hours? (Months, days, time of day)

What do you plan to do during the extended hours?

What external professional development did the librarian attend? List the classes taken.

·  BER?

·  Tuition Reimbursement?

Data Checklist and Questions

As the requirement is met, the evaluator will put an X in the box.

X / Data to Collect / Written Answer/Comment /
1 / How did the collection change?
·  Library Breakdown Survey
What was purchased?
·  How many books, number of other media resources, number of computers, other items overall?
·  How many books and other media resources were purchased for each unit? / How did the materials tie to your units?
For these materials, track their circulation during the project. Include data. What did you find?
2 / Does your library have an audio learning center, at least 5 Leap Pads, read-along audio books, interactive eBooks, literacy-enhancing software or subscriptions, and at least 8 Internet connected computer?
1.  Beginning of Year: __ Yes __No
2.  End of Year: __Yes __No
3.  During the site visit, show evaluator the technology in the library. / If you answered “no,” please describe the deficiency at the beginning of the year.
If you answered “no,” please describe the deficiency at the end of the year.
What benefits has the increased technology brought to the students?
3 / Did the circulation increase overall and specifically for 1st and 2nd graders?
·  Circulation reports for Sept. 15- Oct. 14
·  Circulation reports for April 15-May 14 / If circulation did not increase, please explain why not.
4 / Did the use of online resources increase?
·  Report tracking use of online resources by month (begin tracking in Sept.)
5 / Who used the extended hours and what was done each day of extended hours?
·  Log listing each day of extended hours, who attended (teachers, students, parents by name), and activities during that time (Begin Log)
6 / Did the parents attend the workshops and rate them highly?
·  Attendance sheet for each workshop
·  Completed parent surveys returned to Dr. Billman / When did you hold the parent workshops?
Describe what occurred at each one.
7 / Did the collaboration component result in increased numbers of inquiries by teachers?
·  Teacher visit/inquiry log (Begin log)

Penny Billman, , 815-753-0928

Quick List of Evaluator Questions – Review before exit interviews


·  What changed in your collection? What was purchased?

·  How did the technology in your library change?

·  Were the new materials used?

·  Were more online resources used?

·  Did circulation increase?

·  When did you do the extended hours?

·  What happened during that time and who was served?

Best Practice Training

·  Was it of quality?

·  How did you use what you learned?

·  Did the parents find the workshop of quality?


·  Was there increased collaboration among the librarian, literacy expert, and technology coordinator?

·  What was the benefit of this collaboration?

·  Did the units increase use of library materials?

·  Did the units increase student learning?

Sample Logs

Data Tool: Log for Extended Hours—Daily

Date / Who
If student: name, grade, teacher / Parent, Teacher, or Student (P, T, S) / Room # / Purpose of Visit/Activity

Data Tool: Teacher Visits, Inquiries - Monthly

Date / Teacher / Grade / Related to One of Collaborative Units Y or N / Purpose/Nature of Activity
Visit to Library, Inquiry to Librarian, etc.