JohnW. Stewart Middle School

7th, and 8thGrade Reading Course Syllabus

Mr. Donald L. Williams

School Phone: (770) 651-5400

Course Name: ELA

Required Text: Scholars in Training (S.I.T.) will be issued an Agenda. This is a daily requirement for all classes. Replacement of the agenda will cost a fee.

Required Materials: S.I.T. will be using class sets of novels throughout the school year. Each day, S.I.T. must have writing utensils, paper, notebook, and an independent reading book that should be brought to class daily. Discipline procedures will be followed for those S.I.T. who do not have agenda’s or who do not have a parent signature every day. Other required materials include index cards, one composition notebook or spiral notebook.

Course Description: This course will help develop S.I.T. mastery in:

Analyzing sensory details and figurative language

Analyzing the author’s use of dialogue

Identifying literary elements, such as setting, plot and conflicts

Comparing and contrasting

Comprehension and Inference skills

Writing Skills

Understanding Informational Text

Course Objectives: In this course, S.I.T. will engage in reading activities that will improve their reading skills, including comprehension, vocabulary, and detailed analysis of conflicts, settings, character motives, purpose and reasoning. S.I.T. will be engaged in class novels and also expected to complete independent reading assignments and projects on time. S.I.T. are required to read AR books from the media center and pass the test for a grade in the classroom. In order to do this, S.I.T. must read every night for at least thirty minutes without interruption. Consistent and continuous reading throughout the year will prepare S.I.T. for Georgia Milestone Assessment(GMAS) and aid in their overall academic success.

Weighting Scale:

Reports/Project - 10%Classwork - 50%

Assessment - 30%Participation - 10%

Homework - 10%

Grading Scale: The new grading system for Douglas County Schools:

A = 90 - 100

B = 80 – 89

C = 71 – 79

D = 70

F = Below 70

Role of the Parent: As your child’s teacher, I ask that you remain an active and involved part of your child’s education. Please contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have about your child’s academic and social progress. Please view your child’s agenda daily, as I will use it to communicate with you. I will also contact you via phone calls, progress reports and notes. Together, we can make this a great year for you and your child!

I have read the course syllabus, and have discussed the expectations and course requirements that you have set forth for your class.

Parent/Guardian’s Signature:______

S.I.T. Signature:______

Contact NumbersDay:______Evening:______

Class Period: ______

Student Name: ______Parent Email:______

Looking Forward to a Wonderful Year!

♥ Mr. Williams

Class Expectations

Expectation #1 - S.I.T. will come prepared to learn EVERYDAY!!!!!!!

Expectation #2 - S.I.T. will remain in their assigned seat and/or assigned working station (area) at all times

Expectation #3 - S.I.T. will use appropriate language and demonstrate appropriate behavior

Expectation #4 - S.I.T. will treat their peers, teachers, administrators, faculty, staff, DCSS personnel, and visitors with respect at all times.

Expectation #5 - S.I.T. will follow all directions, guidelines, and procedures of DCSS, Stewart Middle School, and the Community

Consequences for NOT meeting Expectation(S)

1. Warning and documentation

2. Parental Contact

3. After School Detention

4. Parent – Student Conference

5. Office Referral

Please bring in the following items by August 22nd, 2014:

  • 1 pack of COLORED copy paper (preferably Astro-bright or colored Cardstock paper
  • 1 pack of COLORED index cards
  • 1 Pack of WHITE index cards
  • 1 Large EMPTY cereal box

NOTE: S.I.T who bring in a signed Course Syllabus and Reading Contract will receive an option of receiving an extra 100 or dropping their lowest grade during the semester.

Please send the entire Signed Course Syllabus and Reading Contract back with your S.I.T. and I will make a copy to send home with them so you may have for your records.