2018 Application

I am applying for (pick only one):

____ MSIG Full Grant – for Full-time, 10-week unpaid internship, no housing provided

_____ MSIG Half Grant – for Full-time, 10-week unpaid internship, housing provided (at home or through internship)

_____ MSIG Half Grant – for Half-time, 10-week unpaid internship (minimum of 20 hours/week)

Student Information

Name: / ID:
Phone: / Email:
Home City, State: / Home Country: (if not USA)
Grad Year: ______GPA: ______
Are you financial aid eligible? / Yes / No
Housing needs for the summer:
Living at Home / Free/Provided Housing / Renting
Are you receiving funding or compensation for your summer 2018 internship from ANY other source?
(Students may only receive one substantial award from Macalester each summer.)
Yes / No / If yes, source/amount:
Have you previously received Macalester funding for a summer educational activity?
(e.g. research, Chuck Green Fellowship, MacNest, MacStart-ups, Bonner, Amy Ostermeier, etc.)
Yes / No / If yes, when/what:
Are you in good academic standing? / Yes / No
Are you in good disciplinary standing? / Yes / No
Faculty submitting an Internship Validation form on your behalf?

Internship Details

Organization Name:
Location: (City, State)
Internship Title:
Is this internship confirmed? / Yes / No
If not, where are you at in the process?
Faculty Sponsor (anticipated):
In what industry is your internship?
(Government, Nonprofit, Education, Arts, Business)
Number of weeks for your internship:
Number of hours per week anticipated:
Start Date: / End Date:
Contact information for Internship Site Supervisor(if known)
Name: / Title:
Phone Number: / Email:

Essay Questions

Describe your host organization (or intended host) and its mission. (100 word limit)
Describe your internship role and anticipated responsibilities as you understand them now. (100 word limit)
How does this summer internship relate to your academic interests, and what do you hope to learn that will enhance your education? (200 word limit)
How does this internship fit with what you have already done, and what you hope to do in the future?How will this internship facilitate your exploration of a career/vocation? (200 word limit)
Why should you be selected for funding? Is there anything else the Selection Committee should know about your candidacy? (100 word limit)

If you are not selected for funding, what are your back-up plans for the summer? (100 word limit)

If this is an international internship, describe your plans for travel, housing, and general safety/support.International internships may not be in countries on the U.S. State Dept. Restricted Travel Warning list. (150 word limit)

Financial Aid Authorization

Consent to Release Financial Need Information:

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Schools must have written permission to release student record information.

If you wish to authorize the Macalester College Financial Aid Office to disclose information to the Internship Program for the purpose of consideration for the Macalester Summer Internship Grant, you must check the “I Agree” box below. For the purposes of this grant process, Financial Aid will only release information about your level of demonstrated need for financial aid. Details of your financial aid application will not be shared.

By consenting to this release, you the student, certify that you are granting the Financial Aid Office permission to release your financial need information for the purpose of being considered for the Macalester Summer Internship Grant being administered by the Internship Program.

I Agree


Participant Expectations: Applicants selected to receive funding will be expected to register the internship for one academic credit (tuition cost to be waived), and submit a signed learning contract, position description, and MSIG Student Agreement form. Grantees will also:

  • Attend a mandatory pre-summer orientation on Thursday, April 5 from 11:45am-1:00 pm, Davis Court, Markim Hall (Early Decision students) OR Thursday, April 19 from 11:45am-1:00 pm, Davis Court, Markim Hall (Final Deadline students.)
  • Ensure that all program required evaluation forms and academic assignments will be handed in to the Internship Program and faculty sponsor.
  • Produce and submit photographic documentation of internship experience.
  • Create a summary reflection poster of their internship experience and share this at a Poster Presentation event scheduled in the fall.

How to Apply

Completed applications must have all three components submitted to be considered:

  1. 2018 MSIG Application (upload in Handshake)

  1. Resume (upload in Handshake)

  1. Faculty Internship Validation Form(Google form)

This is not a letter of recommendation, but instead a brief form seeking the faculty’s input in support of your internship. Make sure you talk to them about your plans. It is your responsibility to forward this form to your faculty – the professor must submit this Google form by 11:59 pm on the deadline you are submitting to - February 28 or March 28.

To apply:

  1. Login to Handshake with your Macalester username and password.
  2. Click on “Jobs”
  3. In the search bar - enter Macalester Summer Internship Grant
  4. Click on the posting
  5. Click “Apply”
  6. You will need to upload a resume and a completed MSIG Application. See below for instructions on how to upload the documents and the required format.

To Upload Documents into Handshake for applying:

  1. Login to Handshake with your Macalester username and password.
  2. On the top right side of page, click on your name, then click “Documents.”
  3. To upload documents, Drag and drop a PDF or Word doc or click on “Select from Computer.”
  4. Upload your Application and Resume into the Handshake posting. Label the documents in your application as <LastNameApplication> and <LastNameResume>.

**Only complete applications received by the deadline will be considered**

Early DecisionDeadline:11:59 pm onWednesday, February 28, 2018

Final Deadline: 11:59 pm on Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Questions about this process?

Contact the Internship Program at 651-696-6128

Email: Michael Porter () or Kerri Roesner ()