/ Assignment No. 03
Semester: Spring 2013
CS601-Data Communication / Total Marks: 20
Due Date:27/6/2013
Uploading instructions:
  • Your assignment must be in .doc format (Any other formats like scan images, PDF, Zip, rar, bmp, etc will not be accepted).
  • Save your assignment with your ID (e.g. bc020200786.doc).
  • No assignment will be accepted through email.
Rules for Marking:
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
  • The assignment is submitted after due date.
  • The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupted.
  • Your assignment is copied from internet, handouts or from any other student
(Strict disciplinary action will be taken in this case).
Question 1:(5 Marks)
Assume that you are working as an assistant network administrator in a company and assisting your network administrator in creating and maintaining networks for the company. You are assigned a task to analyze three different types of network media i.e. twisted pair cable, coaxial cable and fiber optic cable. You are required to fill the following table on the basis of your analysis.
Cables / Attenuation (Less /High) / Bandwidth (Hz) / Distance (Limited / Long / Very Long )
Twisted pair
Coaxial cable
Fiber optic
Question 2: (5 Marks)
According to the propagation of signals there are two types of signals i.e. Omni directional waves/signals and unidirectional waves/signals. In your opinion what is the difference between unidirectional and Omni directional waves and write at least two examples of unidirectional and Omni directional.
Question 3: (5 Marks)
Consider the following network in which a signal travels from point A to point G. At point A, the signal power is 100 W and at point G, the power is 80 W. You are required to calculate the decibel (dB) and identify whether the signal received at point G is attenuated or amplified?

Question 4: (5 Marks)
Some of the popular transmission applications/devices are given below. You are required to categorize these applications according to their respective wireless transmission waves.
Applications / Radio waves/ Micro waves/ Infrared waves
FM Radio
Satellite networks
Remote control
Cordless phones
NOTE:Submit “.doc” file only.Every student should provide his/her own work, exact copying of the assignment (or some portion of the assignment) from the internetor other students will lead to copy case and zero marks will be awarded. Different softwares will be used to check plagiarism in assignments.Do not put any query on MDB about this assignment, if you have any query then .
Deadline:Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted on or before 27thJune 2013.