King Saud University

College of Business Administration

Quantitative Analysis Department (QUA)

Course Syllabus

Instructor: Dr. Emad Ismail


Office Tel: 4674107 Room No. 228

A- Basic Information
Code: QUA 502 / Course Title: BUSINESS STATISTICS
Section: 60963 & 45654 / Academic Degree: Doctorate
Pre-requisites: None / Credits Hours: Theoretical 2
Practical 1
Department offering the course: Quantitative Analysis Department (QUA)
B- Professional Information
Provide students with the concepts and special skills for collecting, classifying, analyzing and presenting the data / 1- Overall aims of course
Subject / Week
Introduction to Statistical Analysis / 1
Descriptive Statistics / 2
Applications_1 using SPSS software / 3
Simple Linear Regression and Correlation / 4
Testing Regression and Correlation Hypotheses / 5
Multiple Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis / 6
Applications_2 using SPSS software / 7
The Normal Distribution / 8
Estimation Theory / 9
Midterm Exam / 10
Statistical Inference (Confidence Intervals) / 11
Testing of Hypotheses / 12
Chi-square Tests / 13
Students presentations / 14
Final Exam / 15
/ 2- Course Structure
- lectures
- exercises
- cases studies / 3- Teaching and Learning Methods
4- Students Assessments
- Exams ( Midterm and Final)
- Assignments and Quizzes
- Project / 4/1- Tools
- Midterm Exam: 11th week and on Monday held on 7/3/1438- 6/12/2016 time 10:00-12:00
-Final Exam: 15th week - Monday / 4/2- Exams Schedule
- Midterm Exam: 30 %
- Final Exam: 40 %
- Assignments, Attendance and Quizzes: 10 %
- Project: 20 % / 4/3- Grading
- Study design and goals : 15 %
- Literature review: 15 %
- Descriptive statistics part: 15%
- Analytical part: 20 %
- Interpretation the results: 20 %
- Goodness of presentation: 15 %
Your project folder should be includes at least the following files:
-  The dataset file in SPSS format
-  The project paper in WORD and PDF format
-  The presentation in POWER POINT format
-  The paper published or acceptance of publication / Project Assessment
5- List of references
By Instructor / 5/1- Text notes
-  Douglas A. Lind and el., Statistical Technique in Business and Economics, McGraw-Hill, USA,2013
-  Marija J Norusis, PASW Statistics 18 Guide to data Analysis, Prentice Hall; ISBN-10: 0321690583
-  Amir D. Aczel and Jayavel Sounderpandian, Complete Business Statistics, McGraw Hill International, Seventh Edition.
-  Richard I Levin., David S Rubin., Statistics For Management, Prentice-Hall, Seventh Edition.
-  Edward Tufte, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Graphics Press, Cheshire, Connecticut.
-  Levine, Krehbiel, Berenson, and Viswanathan, Business Statistics – A First Course, Pearson Education, Fourth Edition. / 5/2- Text books